Match Point - Chapter 832

Chapter 832

"Please make an appointment with me, please?"

It was a plain sentence, but it seemed as if one could feel the spread of **** breath between the lines, a murderous aura quietly approaching the back of the neck like this.

Koginakis was taken aback, and he did not expect Gao Wen's response at all. Gao Wen, who is always joking and cheerful in front of the media, is like a devil.

The understatement concealed the lawlessness in his bones. In an instant, the presumptuousness and publicity of his friend Kyrgios became insignificant.

How do you say that sentence: There are people beyond people, and mountains beyond mountains?

Because he was so surprised that he stepped back involuntarily, opened the distance, looked at Gao Wen in a daze, took one step, another step, the staggering steps seemed a little weak, almost unable to stand, and then panicked Averted his eyes, but couldn't control himself, he kept looking at Gao Wen furtively from the corner of his eye.

Heart, beating wildly.

Koginakis knew that he was very embarrassed and useless now, but he was really frightened by Gawain just now.

On the contrary, Gao Wen remained unmoved and simply warmed up step by step to prepare for the upcoming competition.

The third game is over.

In the end, Tomic defeated his opponent in four sets and advanced to the next round. He slouched and lazily carried a tennis bag, and staggered all the way in the player tunnel.

Boom boom boom!

The Hisense Stadium was full of voices, and the heat wave came rushing like this.

As expected by the tournament organizing committee, today's Hisense Stadium has almost become a special event for Australia, and Tomic ushered in a good start for the local players, and ignited the passion even more. open.

Tomic, who appeared on the stage with a wave of heat, was expressionless, with a kind of indifference and casualness all over his body, just like a Terminator.

Tomic glanced at Gao Wen, didn't say anything, just went straight to Koginakis, patted his friend on the shoulder, and raised his voice to say something.

"Win the game!"

He didn't try to hide the volume of his voice, and it was clear that it wasn't just for Kogginakis.

In competitive sports, there is no hatred or grievance that cannot be resolved on the field, and there is no problem that cannot be resolved in a game. It only takes one victory to resolve all conflicts, resentments, and anger

At least, that's true for the victors.

Koginakis raised his head, but saw Gawain raised his right hand again, raised his little finger, and did not make any threatening gestures, just mouthing the words with a smile on his face.


The sun was shining brightly, but Kojinakis seemed to be able to feel the smell of blood.

Tomic noticed that Kojinakis's eyes were not quite right, and turned his head to look at Kojinakis' eyes, and then saw Gawain's movements.

Tomic didn't know why, so he thought Gawain was provoking Kojinakis, so he turned his head and patted Kojinakis on the cheek.

"wide awake!"

"Keep awake! This is our territory, we have the final say here, you can, believe in yourself, you can!"

Koginakis recovered slightly.

The last time in the Imperial Capital, it was an away game, but Koginakis did not back down, trying to provoke Gao Wen, and destroying the opponent's prestige at Gao Wen's home court, that was the real joy.

Regrettably, the trip did not take place in the end, and he lost to Faye Lopez in the first round. After going around, the opportunity came again.

Moreover, this time is still in Melbourne, the home court of Koginakis. Is there anything more perfect than this opportunity for revenge?

Thinking of this, Koginakis regained his concentration and courage, clenched his fists, and looked at Gao Wen without giving an inch, his blood couldn't help but boil.

He has waited too long for this day. It was for Kyrgios before, but now it is for himself, to wash away his shame, and for his revenge!

"Come on! Tennessee, come on!"

Tomic: "Come on!"

Koginakis: "Come on!"

Together, "Come on, come on, come on, hey hey! Hey!"

A good friend is a good friend. After making strange cheers together, Koginakis finally regained his youthful vigor.

Perhaps, as long as Gao Wen can be defeated, the shame can be washed away.

Perhaps, as long as Gao Wen can be defeated, the misunderstanding can be resolved.

Perhaps, as long as Gao Wen can be defeated, the friendship can be restored.

Everything can be achieved as long as you defeat Gao Wen. Thinking of this, confidence and belief returned to his body. Koginakis kept jumping on the spot, clenched his fists and shouted, cheering for himself without words , you can deeply feel the boiling blood.

He can do it! he can!


Koginakis' confidence lasted less than twenty-five minutes.

To be precise, after deducting the pre-match ceremonies, coin toss, formal warm-up, etc., 193 seconds after the official start of the game, his confidence suffered a heavy blow head-on to the wall, staring at the stars and dizzy .


As soon as Koginakis' serve came up, he lost three points in a row and encountered three consecutive break points, which really caught Kojinakis by surprise.

In fact, objectively speaking, the game has just started, and it is a bit slow, and the hand feeling is not good, which makes me fall into trouble. I need to face the test of break point at the beginning. This is very normal in tennis games, and there is no need to make a fuss. From the overall situation Look, tennis is a sport with a relatively high fault tolerance rate.

What really struck Kogginakis was this:

Is the player in front of him really Gao Wen?

Yes, Koginakis knew that Gao Wen had grown rapidly in the past six months, won two heavyweight championships successively, and his world ranking had also soared all the way, which is not what it used to be.

These are the facts before our eyes, but we haven't actually played against each other, so the feeling brought by those data is still not real, that is to say, the sense of oppression is not real.

For Koginakis, his impression still stays in the challenge match exactly six months ago. At that time, he beat Gawain in a panic, and also got the match point, only one point away from beating Gawain. , Just one point, even though he suffered a reversal in the end, he still has the upper hand.

That defeat was tragic; but at the same time, Koginakis also firmly remembered that he could beat Gao Wen all over the place, and he had such an ability.

Therefore, the only thing he needs to do is to be vigilant, not to relax at the last moment, and then go all out, the victory belongs to him.

It was Koginakis's memory, very real and very specific, and it was just six months ago, not so long ago.

Of course, after that, Gawain grew rapidly, but at the same time, Koginakis himself also grew rapidly, and he believed that his improvement was not inferior to Gawain at all.

In all respects, Koginakis was not afraid of Gawain. To be more precise, he came here to defeat Gawain.

But But!

Is this monster in front of him really Gao Wen?

Not only strength can form a confrontation, but also the layout of the batting line, the choice of tactical timing, comprehensive... crushing, the entire content of the game is completely different.

And all this in just six months?

is it possible?

Kojinakis was a little confused.

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