Match Point - Chapter 830

Chapter 830


Everything is quiet and there is no sound.

A second ago, the locker room was bustling and noisy, and everyone was busy with their own affairs.

In the next second, all eyes were focused, and one or two stared at the scene in front of them dumbfounded.

Kyrgios couldn't believe his ears, he glared at Wawrinka fiercely with wide eyes, his heart was full of anger, and his words were about to burst out.

But Wawrinka didn't care at all. He straightened his chest, advanced instead of retreating, and took a small half step forward, as if he rolled up his sleeves and was about to punch.


Another voice broke the silence, and before Kyrgios could speak, he cut off the atmosphere just right, and the eyes of the audience were focused on it.

It's Federer.

Federer did not step forward, but stood in the middle of the aisle, calling out loudly.

"Stan? Gawain?"

"everything fine?"

Wawrinka did not answer Federer immediately, but shifted his gaze, ignoring the angry Kyrgios, looked at Gawain, and asked with his eyes:

How are you?

Gao Wen's heart warmed slightly, and he smiled at Wawrinka, expressing that he was fine.

Wawrinka was still a little worried, and confirmed it again with his eyes. Looking at the corners of Gawain's mouth, he felt relieved.

"Roger, it's okay, it's just too noisy."

Wawrinka turned his head and looked around, speaking loudly to the players in the locker room.

"Sorry for scaring everyone."

A simple sentence, a little dry, did not explain the ins and outs to excuse himself, did not resolve the embarrassment in a humorous way, but just nodded.

That's all.

Then, Wawrinka looked at Kyrgios again, and straightly met those burning eyes. He didn't care at all, so he looked back and patted Gawain on the shoulder.

"I'm going to practice for a while, warm-up batting before the game, shall we go together?"

In order to prepare for an official game, warm-up training should be gradual.

First of all, they will conduct pre-match batting training on the training ground, which is equivalent to a simple practice game.

Secondly, they will arrive at the arena to warm up the muscles of various parts of the body. The whole training set is very detailed.

Finally, they will go to the gymnasium on the field to perform aerobic training and maintain muscle vitality through equipment such as cycling, rowing or treadmills.

Everything is programmed.

It is precisely because of this that once an unexpected situation occurs, such as the time of the previous game is longer than expected, such as the delay of the game due to weather, then the warm-up must start from the beginning, meticulously, not only to find the state of the game, but also to avoid accidents injury.

For Gao Wen's game in the afternoon, he had to wait patiently for the first three games to end before he could make his debut.

Wawrinka's game is tomorrow.

Now, Wawrinka offered to help Gawain warm up, that is to say, pre-match batting training, but it was actually a warning to Kyrgios and others, and conveyed to Gawain that he would wait outside to avoid any unexpected situations. .

In a short sentence, there are details in the rough, which once again made Gao Wen feel warm.

Gawain smiled at Wawrinka, "Okay, see you later."

Wawrinka didn't say anything more, turned around and walked towards Federer not far away.

The sight of the surrounding crowd receded like a tide, and the turbulent heat wave in the air slowly settled, only the rustling sound continued to surge.

Gao Wen thought, very good, now it's their turn to settle accounts.

But this time, Kyrgios took another step forward again, with a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, clenched his fists, and his joints made noises:

"What to do? Your protector has left?"


Kyrgios obviously had no intention of calming down the situation. Taking advantage of the gap when Gawain turned his head, he took a sneak attack, closing the distance very suddenly and unexpectedly.

Fist, blowing towards the face.

What about Gao Wen?


A sidestep dodges, like a boxer, using flexible steps to complete the dodge defense in a palm-sized space, and then punches.


One walked straight up, almost brushing Kyrgios' right fist and passing by, and then pushed away Kyrgios's fancy fist and leg with his right hand. Jargios' cheek swung across like a hammer.


Kyrgios put his hands on his head and made a defensive posture, but before he realized it, he had already retreated and dodged the chaotic footsteps.

But... the heavy punch he imagined did not fall.

Kyrgios opened his eyes and took a look, only to find that Gawain's fist braked suddenly at the last moment, and with a retraction, he controlled himself.

What about him?

At this moment, Kyrgios realized his wretched and wretched posture.

In an instant, shame turned into anger, and the anger directly burned all reason.

The cursing and swearing could no longer be controlled, and they continued to erupt.

"You ****, **** xxx, beep beep beep...I beep beep..."

The unsavory words burst into crackling one after another.

Kyrgios struggles to move forward, yelling "don't stop me / I'm going to kill you", but takes a step and realizes that no one is stopping him.

Now, it's embarrassing.

Fortunately, Gross reacted in time and immediately grabbed Kyrgios' left hand, which saved the scolding scene that was almost becoming a comedy.

Gawain exhausted his prehistoric strength but still couldn't hold back the corners of his mouth that raised slightly. Seeing that Koginakis was half a beat behind before joining Gross, he held Kyrgios together and stopped a fight that was not going to happen at all. A fight would ensue, and then sit back and wait for Kyrgios to vent.

In fact, the time is much shorter than expected, many, many, many, Kyrgios... a little "fast".

Gao Wen showed a very serious and regretful expression, and shook his head slightly.

"Is your vocabulary too small? It's just those few words you keep turning over and over again. Why don't you update your own vocabulary? It's also easier to swear."


It is tolerable or unbearable.

This time, Kyrgios really lost control, released Gross and Koginakis' restraints, and rushed towards Gawain with a big stride.

But it never occurred to him that Gao Wen did not retreat but advanced.


One step!

Gawain also came to meet him head-on, seeing that his right shoulder and the opponent's left shoulder were about to collide violently, but Gawain would not take the risk of being injured head-on.

One step back, one four or two shifts, the right shoulder stepped aside, the right hand bypassed Kyrgios' back, and pushed forward, Kyrgios immediately rushed out staggeringly along with the force of his forward rush.


Seeing that Kyrgios was about to hit the wall, Koginakis and Gross both exclaimed, but Gawain grabbed Kyrgios' left hand to complete the brake A back-shearing movement knocked Kyrgios back. Jargios' arm twisted around.

At the same time, Gawain stepped up and approached Kyrgios' ear, using a moderate voice, as if the secret he was speaking to Kyrgios alone could be heard by everyone.

"Nick, why are you so angry? Is it because you slept with Tennessee's girlfriend and worried about being discovered by him?"

"Don't worry, I'll keep it a secret."




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