Match Point - Chapter 73

Chapter 73


In Harris' second serve, Gawain began to try to pin Harris' backhand, just as Harris pinned Gawain's backhand in the opening game.

All along, the instability of the one-handed backhand is well known, even the one-handed backhand of the "king of heaven" Roger Federer is no exception. When facing Rafael Nadal, the backhand The backhand has repeatedly become a weakness for Federer to be broken through. It was not until after improving the backhand technique that Federer reversed the embarrassing situation.

Now, Gawain is trying to disrupt the feeling of Harris' backhand.

More importantly, it can be clearly felt that Harris' concentration is a little bit out of focus. The situation and situation of the game have completely exceeded his expectations. The intensity and impact are beyond imagination. The power is also somewhat scattered.

The serving link is the most intuitive embodiment.

In this round, Harris succeeded in a first serve, and all the others were second serves.

The second serve meant that Gao Wen could free up his hands to make more attempts, starting from receiving the serve first.

As a result, the position was reversed, and Gao Wen began to become the attacking side. The distribution of the return points showed that Gao Wen's head was constantly turning, and at the critical moment, the powerful kills began to target Harris' backhand. , Regardless of whether it can directly form a score, this can effectively limit Harris.





At the third point, Harris scored the first point since the start of the game with a forehand attack, breaking the embarrassment of zero points.

But immediately, Harris still lost another point and faced the crisis of two break points. The comparison of advantages and disadvantages between the two players completely broke people's expectations, so that the home audience were all stunned and couldn't believe it. The trend of the game actually showed such a situation.

Originally thought that Harris would have an absolute advantage. Even if it wasn't, Gawain would become a surprise soldier, but Harris is not a casual rookie. At least the two sides could usher in a bayonet contest, but it turned out that it would be Gao Wen was far ahead.

Could it be...Arcorta is going to stage it again in the face of Thompson's tragedy?

No... no way?

However, that's what negative thoughts are all about. It's fine if you don't open your mouth. Once the thoughts come out, they will fill your head endlessly like seaweed, and you can't stop it.

The air is burning.



Harris has no room to breathe. The only thing he can do now is to grit his teeth and go into battle.

Facing the break point, Harris still didn't serve, but finally made a slight change in the second serve. Instead of blindly pursuing speed, he used a close serve to squeeze Gao Wen's position

This is also one of the basic routines of serving.

Although Harris's rotation was insufficient and he didn't completely squeeze Gao Wen's stance, Gao Wen's forehand return still couldn't swing the racket completely, and the quality of the return was mediocre, not bad but not outstanding either. Giving Harris some breathing room, he slapped a forehand and hit a repeat.

This time, the ball was deep and heavy, and it almost landed on Gao Wen's feet. He managed to slice it back with a backhand, but the swing was still not complete, and the rotation of the slice was not enough, so it became an offensive opportunity for Harris. .

Harris didn't miss it.

Standing firmly with both legs, striding forward, the strength erupted from the heels. The movements of kicking the ground, turning and swinging the arms were very complete. He directly hit a straight line, aiming at the gap of Gao Wen's forehand, ready to directly Take the winning point to end the contest for that point.



The flying speed of the tennis ball is light and fast, forming a momentum of breaking through the air.


Another figure appeared in the empty area of the bottom line, wearing a white jersey and shorts, with the hem fluttering in the wind, running wildly like a boy chasing the wind.



The tennis is fast, but the teenager's lateral movement is also unrelenting.

Harris' heart couldn't help but tighten.

In the next second, the wind-chasing boy had already appeared on the flight path of the tennis ball, and the wind was hunting, and he completed a big split, and stretched his body as far as possible in the extreme state.

But because the limbs have reached the extreme state, there is no way to complete the racket while running at full speed, so I can only lift the racket high, cut with a large arc, and use the instantaneous burst of racket head speed to complete the ball control and cut the ball. A moon ball that pierces the clouds and fog emerges, and penetrates into the red clouds in the sky.


Gawain's eyes were fixed on the tennis ball, his feet quickly tried to brake and control his body, but the forward force was too fierce, his right foot could not kick the ground, and the continuous forward force of his upper body unreasonably led his body to the ground. Rolling forward, the center of gravity is out of balance, and the whole person is thrown into the dryer.


The whole world was spinning, and Gao Wen's first reaction was to drop the racket to avoid more accidents caused by the collision of the racket, but his body was completely out of control.



All the colors and all the sounds were entwined into a gorgeous halo, rushing towards him from all directions, rolling forward two or three times in a row before alleviating the violent forward force, lying on the ground in a state of embarrassment.



Gao Wen was panting heavily, his chest heaving violently, a little absurd, a little scared, a little panicked, his first reaction was to bend his knees, hug his knees tightly, UU reading Hold the knee of the left leg with all the strength of the whole body, and curl up into a ball like a hedgehog.

At a certain moment, I cut off my breath, and my mind went blank, as if the electrocardiogram no longer fluctuated, and there was a white noise of "beep". It was prolonged, and then prolonged, all the noises disappeared, and the world seemed to press the pause button.

Repeat the same mistakes?

Second chance, did he stumble in the same place?

Knees were pressed tightly against the chest, and there was a slight fever. The nerves in the calves were beating wildly, and the nerves in the whole body were tensed up, and then the burning pain stabbed the head slightly, and the chaotic thoughts gradually became clear, and they moved a little Left knee, carefully explore the state of the knee.

left knee. right knee.

left knee. right knee.

Gao Wen made a leg kick on a bicycle. Once or twice, the knee was intact, without any pain, but the muscles were slightly tense; three times or four times, it proved again that the knee was healthy, everything was normal and free, and there was no injury. Every nerve and every muscle is working normally, and he can even clearly feel the elasticity of the muscle stretch, which is transmitted from the knee to the toe.



The sound of the beating heart became clear again, those nervousness, fear, and panic all calmed down, and then the smile on the corner of the mouth also rose and bloomed

This time, everything is different. He will not be timid or scrupled, he will not shrink back and will not give up, even if he tries again, the end will still be a grand failure, he will not leave any regrets, and truly make this life like a summer flower Gorgeous bloom.

Gently but heavily clenched his fist, and then, Gawain stood up.