Match Point - Chapter 633

Chapter 633

"Match Point(

Squeak, the sharp sound of the sole rubbing against the ground exploded like a thunder in the indoor court. With the emergency brake of the left foot, the hot sweat was pulled by the centrifugal force and flew out, dragging from a circle to an oval. Then it hits the ground and a splash blooms.


The muscle strength of the left calf exploded and released in an instant, and he rushed out in another direction with a big stride. The light and nimble footsteps disappeared in the gust of wind in an instant, leaving only an afterimage that slowly dissipated in the air.

"Steps, watch your steps."

"Rhythm, don't disturb the rhythm, cross step! cross step! cross step!"

Accompanied by Sampras' voice, he simply beat the beat with both hands, matched his own password, and controlled Gawain's moving rhythm like a metronome practicing on the piano. The light of the eye does not miss any detail.

"Keep on your toes and stay light."

"Toes! Watch your toes!"

Right now, Gawain's footsteps were obviously tired, but Sampras still didn't relax at all. To be precise, it was precisely because Gawain had reached the limit of his physical fitness. Deformation, so more attention is needed.

After all, only by digging out the details bit by bit during training can we ensure that the conditioned reflex actions can achieve the best results during the game.

But at this time, it was very, very difficult for Gao Wen

Because, he needs one against two.

On the opposite side of the court, Pelt and Russell stood side by side, one on the left and one on the right, each guarding half of the court, and then taking turns to complete the shot.

Above the court, there were two tennis **** flying, Russell's first, waiting for Gawain to hit Russell's ball back; followed by Pelt's ball flying over.

This is a very demanding and very difficult foot training, movement training and physical training.

Of course, neither Pelt nor Russell will hit the ball with all their strength. They mainly feed the ball, with topspin accounting for the majority. The purpose is not to let Gao Wen enter the rhythm of hitting the ball; Wen went into a constant cycle of moving, hitting, moving, hitting.

Then, intersperse variation balls.

To put it simply, Pelt suddenly hits a flat ball and will not attack with all his strength, but the flight arc of the tennis ball will indeed be flattened, disrupting Gawain's movement inertia with sudden changes; at the same time, Russell The next shot returned will pull super topspin, slow down the rhythm, and give Gao Wen time to adjust his position.

Back and forth. Back and forth.

This is how the cycle continues, and the only requirement is:

Can't drop the ball.

You can't hit the ball after two jumps, you can't go out of bounds, and you can't get off the net.

In addition, Sampras stood behind Gawain, paying attention to Gawain's footstep rhythm and breathing adjustment, constantly paying attention to details, and giving Gawain reminders.

Such training can be called abnormal

From Gawain himself.

To be precise, it should be from the system, but now the "credit" belongs to Gao Wen. Facing the perverted eyes of Sampras, Gao Wen can only slap his face swollen to pretend to be fat.

In the first two days of training, Gao Wen was easily in a hurry, because the time for predicting, moving, making decisions, and hitting the ball was compressed, and the rhythm was easily disrupted. Ball, the effect of such training is hardly satisfactory.

But today, Gao Wen has gradually started to get used to it, and there is no problem with thirty rounds or forty rounds; moreover, Gao Wen will start to fight back

Occasionally, he will make a surprise shot.

For example, the cooperation between Pelt and Russell is a little bit slack, the batting rhythm is not so closely connected, and the topspin is also pulled a little too high, giving Gawain a little breathing space, and Gawain will seize the opportunity to reverse the situation , Turn from defense to offense.

Just like this time.

Tread Tread.

Kick off! brake! Turn! hit the ball!

Before Gao Wen made a shot, Russell had already realized that the situation was not good, because he still couldn't control the spin and return of the ball, and was caught by Gao Wen.


Russell let out a wail, but Gawain was relentless, grabbed half a beat with his forehand, and quickly pressed down to release the ball, and the tennis ball pierced through like an arrow in an instant.

Russell, embarrassed.

Fortunately, Gao Wen couldn't open the angle and could only aim at Russell's half. Russell's defense was easier, but he was still in place quickly.

However, Gawain didn't relax, and his footsteps immediately moved sideways. Because Pelt also noticed Gawain's surprise attack, he immediately hit a flat shot in coordination, disrupting Gawain's rhythm once again.


This time it was Gao Wen who exclaimed, it was still too difficult to fight one against two, he tried his best to rush forward, blocked a shot with his backhand, and pulled a moon back almost dangerously; he stopped and turned suddenly again , rushed towards the other side to deal with Russell's incoming ball.

However, after all, the footsteps were still a little messy, the hitting point was not found correctly, and the forehand pulled a topspin. As a result, the length control was a little bit off, and the bottom line was pulled out.


Gao Wen looked up to the sky and sighed, hugging his head, very, very dissatisfied. Although he didn't speak, his voice conveyed enough information:

Almost, just a little bit, forehand control shouldn't be so greedy.

clap clap.

Behind him came the sound of Sampras applauding.

"There is no need to be so upset, this time the performance is already very good."

"This time, it lasted a full seventy-one rounds. Gao Wen broke through seventy rounds for the first time~ broke the record, good job."

There was a hint of satisfaction in Sampras' eyes.

Looking towards the other side of the court, Russell and Pelt were already very tired. Although they joined forces to take care of half of the court, they could always feel the impact brought by Gawain.

Moreover, after a stalemate of more than 60 shots, Gao Wen was able to launch a counterattack, and even almost turned the situation around. If Pelter hadn't been keen to seize the opportunity, I am afraid that this ultrlong tug-of-war would have taken more shots. Really turned the tables.

But Gao Wen was completely unable to respond at this moment, his chest heaved violently like a bellows, and his knees felt weak for a while.

"Take your breath, Gawain, catch your breath, inhale, exhale...inhale, exhale..."

Pelt was also panting, but the voice came from the opposite side immediately.

The more overdrawn the moment, the more you need to grit your teeth and persevere, slowly adjust and recover slowly, let the body adapt to this intensity, and relax slowly, otherwise the heart may really explode.

Gawain didn't speak, just raised his racket, gestured to Pelt, and then started walking back and forth along the baseline, slowly adjusting his breathing.


Stomach rolled, and the tip of the tongue seemed to be able to taste the taste of Kung Pao Chicken last night.

After being physically exhausted, his mind went blank, he couldn't think at all, and he didn't know how he persisted.

But what is more important now is to keep firmly in mind the feeling of such a moment, and re-start your brain to think about the reason why you failed to defend and counterattack just now

Apart from the objective factor of using one against two, is there any reason?

One hundred percent, Gao Wen said that he would put in one hundred percent of his energy, and he would do what he said.