Match Point - Chapter 631

Chapter 631

"Match Point(


The girl asked curiously. Gao Wen followed her gaze and turned over the cover of the book:

"Idiot" comes from the works of the legendary writer Fyodor Mikhailovich Dostoyevsky.

Gawain smiled at the girl, opened his eyes and said nonsense.

"No, it's actually 'Harry Potter'. This cover is just a prop specially used to deceive Parisians."

The girl's smile paused for a moment, and the next second she realized that Gao Wen was joking, and then she burst out laughing.

Gao Wen continued to explain.

"To be honest, I didn't pay much attention to it. I just searched for a book from the bookshelf, hoping to read some books not related to my major to pass the time."

The apartment that Tobias rented for Gao Wen obviously belonged to a Frenchman. Traditional paper books filled the entire bookshelf, which is rare now that everything is digitized.

The girl could feel Gao Wen's honesty, he didn't deliberately pretend to be profound and literary, and there was some sincerity in his straightforwardness, which made her smile lighter.

"If Dostoevsky knew, he would be very sad."

"That's a pity, I'm just a really heartbreaking bad guy."


The smile in the girl's eyes overflowed lightly. At this time, Gao Wen was able to see her facial features clearly. There was a faint hint of stubbornness between the gentle brows. The deep and clear blue eyes were like the Aegean Sea in midsummer and June. Glittering on the blue.

The lips with a light cherry-colored halo slightly lifted up, and then the girl asked curiously,

"You know, not many people read physical books anymore, and actually, if you're playing games on a tablet, I don't think it's too different."

"Maybe in America, but not in France. I'm so worried about being treated like an outlier here, just yesterday I tried to ask a gentleman how to get to the metro station, and he gave me a blank stare, I thought I I said something wrong, only to find out later that from the moment I spoke in English, I was already blacklisted."

Gao Wen was not joking, he was talking about the facts, 100% real experience, and later asked Tobias to find out that if he spoke English on the streets of Paris, his eyes might really be rolled.

Just look at Nadal -

Even though the "King of Clay" has written countless legends and myths in Paris, he is still not the most popular player at the French Open. The main reason is that his French is very, very bad, and Federer is the favorite that the French can never give up .

The girl laughed happily, and her entire eyebrows and eyes stretched out like the clear sunshine breaking through the clouds and mist.

"Although this is very rude, I have to admit that what you said is true; moreover, I have no way to apologize to the Parisians."

"I swear, I'm going to start learning French, from this moment on."

"It's a perfect fit to start with 'Hello.' So, what's your major? I mean, if it's far from 'Harry Potter'?"


The girl followed Gawain's line of sight, and saw Gawain's tennis equipment bag at a glance, "Ah, yes, of course, everything makes sense."

"And you? The Sorbonne?"

"Oh, how do you know?"

Gawain raised his chin, gestured to the overflowing books in the girl's carry-on backpack, and said, "That pile of academic books betrayed you. It's hard for me to imagine that besides the librarian, there are Who would walk in and out of a coffee shop like that."

"Okay, good guess." The girl lowered her eyelids, hiding her light and blooming smile, and then turned her head to look at Gao Wen helplessly, "I'm preparing a group project, so, you know, I have to Submerge yourself in the sea of books, praying that you will not drown before the end of the project."

Gao Wen raised his hands, put his index finger on top of his middle finger, and made a praying gesture, as if he was helping the girl to pray, which made the girl giggle.

Just when Gao Wen was about to speak, another figure appeared beside him, speaking a lot of French cracklingly, interrupting their conversation.

Gawain raised his head, and saw a man standing in front of his tennis equipment bag, who seemed to be complaining, it seemed that he was dissatisfied with Gao Wen's equipment bag blocking his way.

Without waiting for Gao Wen to speak, the girl directly refuted back, also a series of French, and spoke back confidently.

The man seemed to be overwhelmed by the girl's aura. It is estimated that French is also part of the reason. He muttered and complained, but he didn't stop and walked on.

Gao Wen was left alone from the beginning to the end, watching the man walk over, and politely said "Sorry", but the man obviously had no intention of responding.

The girl waved her hand at Gao Wen.

"no need to say sorry."

"He just complained that your kit bag was in the way, but I told him, all the cafes in Paris are like this, the problem is not with the kit, but with the Parisians themselves."

"If he claims to be a Parisian, then he should swallow these complaints and enjoy the cafes here, this is our culture."

"What's more, your equipment bag has been stuffed under the table. UU Reading try to avoid inconvenience as much as possible. You really don't need to apologize."

The girl was very forthright, chatting quickly, and rolled her big eyes, making no secret of her complaints.

"Let me tell you what the Parisians are good at, complaining, what they are good at is complaining."

"God, every day I want to yell at those people in the cafe: shut up."

The girl's crackling words made Gao Wen laugh happily, and his mood brightened. Now that he was talking about this, he also became curious.

"By the way, I have always been very curious, why are all the cafes here like this? I mean, the space is already so narrow, and they have to put small round tables together, so crowded, even strangers had to stick together."

"Oh, that's Parisian romance, and we've always thought that if we sit awkwardly together, knees touch knees, feel the warmth of each other's skin, look into each other's eyes, and communicate sincerely, then we can Touching each other's souls. So these seats are designed to be that way."

"Even strangers? I mean, strangers at the next table? There's hardly any space between tables here."

"Yes, even if it's strangers, interrupting each other and complaining, that's part of the cafe culture."

Gao Wen suddenly realized, and was amazed. If he hadn't experienced it himself, it would be really hard for him to imagine that this is real. Then the first thought in his mind was,

"If the Nordics came here, I think they would suffocate."

The girl was slightly stunned, and then immediately realized the complaints in the words, her smile tore through the cloud like a ray of sunshine, and sprinkled on the clear and translucent blue sea.