Match Point - Chapter 418

Chapter 418

Lift it up high and put it down gently.

The moment he was about to touch the ball, Gao Wen changed the way he hit the ball, and with a slice, unconventionally, he cut the lob from the baseline into a small ball in front of the net.


In fact, the quality of Gao Wen's small ball was not satisfactory. In order to fool Kei Nishikori with fake moves, it was very difficult to control the bottom line golf, which was difficult to control. Moreover, Gao Wen's small ball The ability is really mediocre, but the arc of the ball in front of the net is not well controlled

If it is too long, the landing point will be in the deep part of the service area; if it is too high, the power will not be removed at all, and there will still be room for the height after landing and rebounding.


Very very unexpected!

Nishikori completely deceived Kei Nishikori with false moves. Kei Nishikori, who was concentrating on running to defend, was shaken by a shot, and the pace of shifting the focus and restarting was obviously slower. Although he changed the running route immediately, Gao Wen's The ball missed a return carbine, forcing Kei Nishikori to take a sharp turn and come back as if drifting, his footsteps were obviously a little confused.

After all, it was still a little slow.

Landing, two jumps, Kei Nishikori was powerless, looked up at the bouncing tennis ball and sighed.


The anti-break was successful!

In this quarter-final match, the two sides exchanged a serve each in the opening stage, but... wait! How did Gao Wen succeed in breaking serve?

Judging from the shot selection and route layout, Gao Wen's game is really a bit sloppy, and Kei Nishikori is the one who takes the initiative. What's going on?

The layman was watching the excitement, while the expert was watching the doorway. Agassi immediately reacted and leaned forward involuntarily. He felt that Gawain's match was interesting.

If someone asks Kei Nishikori, among the Big Four, which player does he least like to face?

The answer is probably a little bit unexpected. From the data point of view, it should be Andy Murray.

As of 2021, Kei Nishikori is facing the Big Four in an all-round way, just like most players. This is not unusual. It is worth noting the specific record

Against Federer, it has three wins and eight losses, against Nadal, it has two wins and twelve losses, against Djokovic, it has two wins and eighteen losses, and against Murray, it has two wins and nine losses. Zhigui lost the most to Djokovic and won the most to Federer.

But if you adjust the time point, as of 2014, the data is slightly different

He has two wins and two losses against Federer and Djokovic, seven consecutive losses against Nadal, and three consecutive losses against Murray. Federer and Djokovic.

Among them, Nadal lost the most, and a victory is hard to come by, but as mentioned above, Kei Nishikori's style of grabbing points can always make Nadal very uncomfortable, and the scores are often very close.

However, it was a different situation facing Murray. A total of seven sets were played in the three-game losing streak. Kei Nishikori not only failed to win a single set, but also only won 14 sets in the number of games, including two sweets. A circle and a deep-fried dough stick are simply in a state of being crushed. Even at the peak of his competitive state, Murray was Kei Nishikori's bitter hand.

Looking at Kei Nishikori's matches against the Big Four, most of the sets lost by "0:6" or "1:6" came from Murray.


In fact, it is not complicated. Kei Nishikori is a player with a very good feel on the ball. Facing the hitting style of Federer and Djokovic, he can wrap the ball on both ends of the offense and defense, and not only can make opponents make mistakes. , and can often hit a fairy ball that shocks everyone.

Moreover, under the training of Zhang Depei, Kei Nishikori began to learn to make use of his strengths and avoid weaknesses. In order to make up for his own shortcomings, he often needed to use his brain to complete the layout of the circuit, creating one trap after another, forcing the opponent into his own routine, and then he completed it. The winning shot.

The key here is that Murray is a master tactician. His game is minesweeping. How to mine mines and how to dismantle mines are always running at high speed in his brain. Purely in terms of tactical layout, Murray in the Big Four can also Dominating the championship, coupled with his ability to balance both offense and defense, this also makes Murray's game very rich and complicated.

Kei Nishikori, it is very difficult to break through Murray's tactical blockade

To put it simply, like a game of chess, Kei Nishikori is no match for Murray.

Now, facing Gao Wen, Kei Nishikori also felt the same way:

Calculating and counter-calculating, suppressing and counter-pressing, the batting layout of the two players, Gao Wen always seems to be a little bit faster than Kei Nishikori.

The break point in Kei Nishikori's serve was like this, both sides were "counting", but in the end it was Gao Wen who counted the last shot, so he broke serve.

Agassi finally understood the reason why Sampras was so stable. Gao Wen's temptation was not out of character, everything was planned, whether it was an attempt, a disturbance or a shock. stage, the fault tolerance rate is relatively high, so Gao Wen is bolder and more adventurous, and continues to test.

Kei Nishikori doesn't like this feeling very much, not only because the initiative is out of his control, but also because his rhythm has been disrupted; One, it seems that there is a feeling of how to fight.

It is precisely because of this that the game between the two players is not like a straight-forward punch to the flesh on the boxing ring, but more like a side attack in the shadow of swords and swords. Both of them are trying to seize the initiative and control the rhythm of the game. Drag into the routines you are familiar with, and it depends on whose calculation ability is more advanced

No, that's a little bit inaccurate.

Now it can be seen that Gao Wen's calculations are ahead of Nishikori Kei, and Nishikori Kei sees his tricks, but because Nishikori Kei's hand is really good, he not only resolves many of Gao Wen's traps, but also hits out. The incredible return of the ball made Gao Wen's calculations come to nothing.

Is the east wind overwhelming the west wind, or the west wind overwhelming the east wind?

"1:1", "2:2", "3:3", after exchanging a serve in the opening game, the two players each kept two serve games and still maintained a balance of power.

But it can be seen that Gao Wen's serve still has a slight advantage. He established an offensive opportunity through a changeable serve combination, and then made a strong point. After the first game, he never sent a break point, while Kei Nishikori's serve As always, under the huge firepower, Gawain was able to score at least two points.

Then, after Gao Wen saved another serve and took a "4:3" lead The situation changed subtly, this time Gao Wen got another break in Kei Nishikori's serve point.

So far, Kei Nishikori has broken serve in three of his four serve games; the previous two times, one was broken and the other was saved, so what about this time?

District 2, outer corner.

Kei Nishikori chose to overpower Gawain's backhand, but the serve was only 103 mph (166 kph)

This is a shot!

It can be clearly seen that Kei Nishikori's serve at the critical moment was not only not strong, but also obviously weak, and more priority was given to ensuring the scoring rate of the first serve.

At this speed...

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