Match Point - Chapter 384

Chapter 384

Assuming that Kei Nishikori has gone further than Kowain at the US Open this year, will brands give up Kowain? The answer is absolutely no, after all, the Chinese market is different.

However, will the brand's market value assessment of Gao Wen be affected? The answer is absolutely yes, the effect of publicity is still different after all.

If Kei Nishikori and Gao Wen have the same record in the end, or if Gao Wen is better, then "the right time, place and people" can achieve the most perfect state of harmony.

It is precisely because of this that Tobias desperately hopes that Raonic will work hard

Tonight, Raonic will face Kei Nishikori in the night game at Arthur Ashe Stadium.

The U.S. Open has continued the theme of this year's youth storm in terms of event arrangement. With Murray and Djokovic both playing today, the center court still chose two youth duels to enter the night, regardless of the quality of the game In any case, they are all firm in their strategy of promoting young people to the big stage.

Raonic naturally didn't understand Tobias' little Jiujiu, so he couldn't help scratching his head. After expressing his thanks, he looked at Gawain and asked very politely.

"Just right, I also want to ask you, how do you feel about the night game?"

Night game, this is another brand new experience, because currently all tour games are scheduled for matinees, the night game is a unique option for the US Open, just to boost ratings, but for the players, physical and competitive conditions are different After getting used to the day court, including sunlight, wind direction, court environment, etc., it needs to be readjusted after entering the night court.

Everything is strange.

Although it is said that asking about other people's experience is effective, after all, you still need to experience it yourself to be correct, but it is always better to have a little bit of mental state.

This is also the difference between having Grand Slam championship experience on the coaching team and not having it.

Gao Wen didn't begrudge his own experience at all.

"First of all, the whole ball will be heavier, and the night wind is very strong. I feel that the weight of the shot is heavier, and the ball doesn't go forward very much, so we need to pay more attention to the wind direction."

"Secondly, the muscles of the body will be a little tighter, which should be affected by the temperature. I played three sets in the previous game and warmed up many times before I got used to the temperature. You can check the time yourself tonight and ask Coach, add some warm-up time."

"In addition, the time for energy replenishment is earlier, and pay attention to wiping sweat to keep warm. After the game that day, I had some calf cramps. Pete said that my energy replenishment time was too late to keep up with the physical exertion."

Just a few words, but all of them are dry goods.

It's not because Gao Wen wants Raonic to beat Kei Nishikori-Tobias's twisted ideas, he really has no idea at all; it is purely to share his own game experience, anyway, these things are not secrets, if you can A little help would be great.

Raonic was a little moved. He just asked with a glimmer of hope. If Gao Wen said a few words politely, he would feel that there was no problem; With a smile, he said sincerely, "Thank you, brother."

"No, it's over tonight anyway, these are no longer secrets, I just told you earlier." Gao Wen waved his hand nonchalantly.

Raonic shook his head, "One size fits all, I still need to thank you."

"Ah, why are you so Canadian, oh, sorry, I forgot that you are Canadian." Gawain patted his head, and the way he held his forehead made both Raonic and Tim laugh

Canadians are polite, very polite, too polite, with three sentences of "thank you" and five sentences of "sorry". It has become a label for them, so that when Gao Wen was studying in high school and university, Gao Wen heard others Joking, "You are not a Canadian, where do you get so polite".

As a result, I actually met a Canadian today.

Diagonally opposite, another Canadian turned around again and gave this corner a hard look.

However, because Raonic's tall and thick figure blocked the line of sight like a wall, the signal transmission was not completed; in fact, both Tim and Raonic controlled the volume this time, and the low laughter was not exaggerated , It just falls into the ears of caring people, but they always feel that they are speaking ill of themselves.

Unfortunately there is no evidence.

In the end, his scorching gaze landed on Raonic's dull and stiff back, but he didn't get any response. Instead, he laughed very happily, and his posture of leaning forward and backward seemed to hear the funniest joke in the world , she still turned back angrily, without saying anything.

Quietly, Tobias watched all this from the side.

From inviting Tim to practice in the player restaurant, to teasing Raonic with ease, to the brief interaction and communication with other players just now, Gao Wen showed a rare affinity and sociability, which is the same as him in San Francisco. The humor and calmness displayed in front of older people like Plath and himself is slightly different.

It can be seen that Gao Wen is completely comfortable among his peers, and he can tell at a glance that he should be the type who makes friends all over the world.

This is a good thing.

Relaxed, cheerful, natural, and cheerful atmosphere soaked in the golden sunshine of late summer in New York, surging in the air, completely unaffected by the episode just now. In an instant, he even forgot the fact that today is another brand new match day.

Looking at the young people in front of him Tobias suddenly had an idea, maybe among this group of young people, there are leading players of the next generation, even after the US Open, they will Grow into a young force in the tour, participate and compete together and urge each other to make progress.

Why is the "Federer VS Nadal" matchup regarded as a legend by countless fans?

Not only because they are constantly making history, competing with each other and risking each other to create countless classic duels; but also because every time they play against each other, they are urging each other to become a better player.

Who knows?

Among this group of young people, there may also be such opponents. They will grow and progress hand in hand, and create a new era together.

Thinking of this, Tobias became a little excited, and just caught a glimpse of a figure out of the corner of his eye, and immediately raised his hand to say hello.


Dimitrov, who had just entered the players' restaurant, looked over, and the corners of his mouth immediately raised, like a golden boy.

Two months ago, Raonic and Dimitrov both reached the semi-finals at Wimbledon, becoming the first players born after 1990 to make a breakthrough, and they are still the hottest leaders of the younger generation .

If you add Gao Wen and Tim, then this year's US Open men's singles four "post-90s" gathered together, which is also a rare sight.

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