Match Point - Chapter 369

Chapter 369

Latest URL: "Aww!"

Wang Dalei was the first to follow suit, waving the five-star red flag in his hands vigorously amidst the roaring heat of cheers and shouts, releasing energy as much as he could, as if the dark blue figure in the center of the field was the wolf king, and they responded to the wolf king. The king's call was echoed.

Then, all the other Huaxia fans around Wang Dalei stood up one after another, unable to control their emotions anymore, they howled together.


Such a naive and simple way of cheering, placed at this moment, placed on the Arthur Ashe Stadium, does not violate the harmony at all, not only does not, but also bursts out an incredible passion, sweeping across the open.

The sound, just twisted into a rope.

Other local fans in New York also gradually discovered this wave of sound, and they also howled along with the wolves one by one. In a blink of an eye, there was a roar at Arthur Ashe Stadium, and the overwhelming energy continued to rotate like a hurricane, shouting Shouting, my heart surged along with me.

And then?

Qiao Wangsheng couldn't control his emotions, and typed "Aww" in the barrage dialog box, and sent it.

Soon, Qiao Wangsheng realized that he was not the only one. The entire bullet screen was covered by a dense "" so that he couldn't even see the screen.

Even if they are not at the Arthur Ashe Stadium, every audience who is watching the live broadcast of the game can connect together and deeply feel the surging heat wave.

tough! Strong! Wonderful! Domineering! excellent!

Gao Wen used his performance to conquer the audience and win the fans. Who can refuse such a rising star?




The audience roared!

Although the Australian fans were still cheering for Kyrgios hoarsely, they were overwhelmed by the cheers of the Arthur Ashe Stadium in a blink of an eye. No one noticed the existence of the yellow, but they were drowned in the boundless roar. Among them, let yourself wander in it.

In the third set, after a full 63 minutes of hard fighting, Gao Wen saved three sets in a row, won five points in a row in the final stage, and won the comeback!

Big score, "2:1", Gao Wen took the lead!

Kyrgios, who lost the third set, didn't seem to have any special reaction. He ignored the celebrating Gawain and the crazy fans. He just asked the referee for a bathroom time, left the court with two rackets, and went to the bathroom.

The staff guided Kyrgios to the bathroom, supervised by tournament staff along the way.

However, after Kyrgios entered the room through the player tunnel, before the corridor door closed, he raised his racket high and slammed it down on the corridor floor.

one time! Twice! Three times! Go around! Five!

The staff who followed were taken aback by the sudden situation, retreated hastily, and watched Kyrgios' behavior from outside the door.

In a blink of an eye, the racket was smashed to pieces, completely torn to pieces.

But this is still not the end.

Kyrgios then picked up the second racket and continued to smash.

one time! Twice! Three times!

The racket was distorted again into a twisted appearance, Kyrgios was sweating profusely, and white foam could even be seen splashing from the corner of his mouth, he was panting like a cow, and his gloomy expression seemed to have finally eased a little

Lost five points in a row?

He actually lost five points in a row again?

It was crazy enough for such a shameful thing to happen once, and now it happened for the second time?

How can it be!

How could this be!

He clearly had an absolute advantage, but in the end he lost five points in a row. Just like this, he handed over the victory in the third set?

Damn it! Damn dammit dammit dammit dammit!

Kyrgios looked at the two rackets that had been completely scrapped, and there was a murderous look in his eyes

The game is not over, of course the game is not over, he still has endless anger to vent, how can the game end?

Later, many people knew that Kyrgios had a lot of bad records, and it was not once or twice that he was negative in the game. It is common for him to lose a "0:6" or "1:6" when he obviously has the ability. Gauss's ability to resist pressure is too weak.

This is a fact.

But there's another side to Kyrgios, and if that's what he wants to win, he'll be able to clench his teeth all the way to the bottom of the fifth set -- one of the best five-set wins in his career. Not a lot.

Therefore, the point is never whether he can do it, but whether he is interested and in the mood.

Kyrgios was clearly in that mood tonight.

It's one thing to have his head shaved by a little-known college player in a charity exhibition match, a shame he knows himself; but it's quite another to be beaten by a little-known wild card in a night match at the US Open-Arthur Ashe Stadium

The whole world is watching, and he lost five points in a row again. If this game is lost like this, I am afraid that guy will look at people with his nostrils for the rest of his life.

He can't lose. He refuses to lose.

Grand Slam matches, best of five sets, the game is not over yet, everything is possible.

A very important small detail can show Kyrgios' determination: If it's just throwing a racket, why did he apply for a bathroom timeout?

Because according to the rules of the tennis game, if there is violence on the court, it will be warned.

To put it simply, smashing rackets or smashing facilities on the court is expressly prohibited, but why are so many players throwing rackets without receiving warnings?

In the final analysis, the penalty scale is in the hands of the referee, and the referee can also understand that the players have negative emotions that need to be vented. After all, they are ordinary people, so the referee has a ruler in his heart. Need to take control of the situation.

Kyrgios knew that today's referee would have trouble with him. If he continued to beat the racket, the second warning would be unavoidable.

And Kyrgios is full of anger and needs to vent, and he doesn't know how extreme he will be, so he avoids the public eye in advance.

From this point, it can be seen that Kyrgios maintained a trace of sanity, and he was ready for the fourth set and the fifth set.

Kyrgios was like a **** of war, turned around and returned to the court

Both Gao Wen and the referee were very surprised, because Kyrgios came back in less than 20 seconds during the bathroom break? It takes more than twenty seconds to walk from the court to the bathroom, right? Did Kyrgios waste a bathroom timeout? Or did he solve his physical needs at the door of the corridor?

Although unclear, Kyrgios' behavior was within the rules, so it didn't attract more attention, and the fourth set began quickly.

This time, it was Gao Wen who served first.

But the fourth set had just begun, and Gao Wen could already feel the abnormality rushing towards his face.
