Match Point - Chapter 312

Chapter 312

The latest website: Huhu...

Hoo hoo...

Because it is a super-large stadium, the air flow can easily form the wind sound, and the gentle sound of the wind sound can be caught in the ear from time to time.

Gao Wen's mood was slowly settling down.


There is no essential difference between Isner and the powerful cannons of the NCAA. Domyan, Kerbert, Thompson, etc., were the players that Gawain was most afraid of facing, but this is no longer the case. He knows how to Facing powerful players, he also knows how to open up the situation.

"Just stick to your strategy."

Gawain took another deep breath and returned to the bottom line.

Tiptoe, shake.

Shake, jump.

Left, right, left, right.

Attention is highly concentrated again.

Isner on the opposite side of the court obviously didn't have any influence. He looked up at Gao Wen, and then he slapped the ball twice again, and made his own habitual movement, wrapping his left hand behind his back and bouncing the tennis ball from between his legs. Then use the racket to catch the rebounding tennis ball and prepare to serve.

Kick the ground, throw the ball, turn, swing the racket.

One shot, still online.

inner corner.

Gao Wen didn't have time to look at the speed of the serve, the strength of the calf muscles exploded, and he pushed his body laterally to the right immediately.

Stretch, leap, soar into the air.

Gawain rushed out with light footsteps, touched the ball with his forehand, and the strength of his flexible wrist wrapped the power of the tennis ball, but Isner's serve was too heavy and too fast, and there was no room for Gawain to wrap it too much. It has already rebounded and flew out.

However, Gao Wen's swing still didn't end. He quickly pulled and turned towards the top of his head, trying his best to increase friction and attach as much topspin as possible, so as to prevent the tennis ball from entering the sky like an anti-aircraft gun, but to use the rotation to land. In bounds.


The tennis ball flew high, drew a full parabola, and then fell towards the other half of the court like a rainbow.

go in!

Isner's follow-up reaction was very fast, and he followed up with a series of small steps.

Gao Wen knew the danger, but the problem was that it was difficult to control the landing point of his return ball, and the tennis ball still fell towards the blank area between the serving line and the baseline.

This area is also known as the midfield ball, and it is considered to be the most suitable area for attacking in tennis.

However, Isner is not taking things lightly.

As he stepped forward, he raised his head to observe the rotation and landing point of the tennis ball, and immediately realized the topspin of the rapid rotation. Tennis **** fly like anti-aircraft guns.


Isner continued to adjust his footsteps, but gave up the plan to hit the ball. Instead, he turned sideways and used a one-handed backhand to cut a shot, removing all the power and rotation, and hit Gawain's backhand with a changing line.

Very smart choice.

After Gawain barely finished catching the ball, his footsteps were still cruising in the middle area, ready to defend, but when he realized Isner's way of hitting the ball, his footsteps immediately started

The ingenuity of Isner's shot selection lies in unloading.

Gao Wen took it for granted that Isner would hit the ball with all his strength, and his position was obviously back, making a defensive stance, but now Isner hit a shallow and shallow ball, which easily put Gao Wen into a passive position.

If it was Isner who needed to save the ball at this time, he would just give up chasing the ball, but Gawain would not.

Thumb up!

Thumb up!

Gao Wen rushed forward along the diagonal line very quickly, as if he could clearly see the strong wind and his body merged into one, and then he rushed to him.

The backhand with both hands cut into the space between the ground and the tennis ball. Out of the corner of his eye, he quickly glanced at Isner's position. He obviously had already taken two strides and rushed to the net. His height of more than two meters was like a wall. It lay like a wall across the line of sight, blocking all angles.


Gawain noticed Isner's knee movement with lowered center of gravity, obviously he was worried that Gawain would directly break the net, so Gawain simply changed his hitting technique and used the strength of his wrist to lift the ball lightly, the seemingly simple movement was very delicate And very carefully.


The tennis ball flew high like this.

Isner immediately realized that the situation was not good, and immediately stood up straight, tall and long arms, covering the sky like Spiderman.


"Over the top!"

Hu Litao was very, very surprised. They had never watched any of Gao Wen's games before, and they didn't know that Gao Wen's touch was so good and so clever. When he almost lost his center of gravity, the lob passed over Isner's head. No easy task.

He thought that Gao Wen had lost the point, so he made a sound unexpectedly, but he quickly shut his mouth and focused on the trajectory of the tennis ball.

Moreover, the landing point control is also very good, actually within the bottom line!

Tread Tread.

Tread Tread.

At this moment Isner refused to give up. When the tennis ball passed the top, he realized that he seemed to be being played, and reflexively chased after the tennis ball.

After a few strides, Isner rushed to the horse, considering the confusion of the entire court space, instead of turning around, he went straight over the tennis ball and hit a crotch shot. The tennis ball drew a main line and flew towards Gao Wen's gap on the court.

It's over the net!

The audience was overwhelmed. They first marveled at Gao Wen's high ball over the top, and then marveled at Isner's crotch hit. But before they could adjust their breathing, they could see that Gao Wen was already in place.

After the previous shot, Gao Wen did not relax his vigilance, but quickly adjusted his focus and returned to the midfield, paying close attention to Isner's shot. When Isner chose to hit the ball from the crotch, Gao Wen Wen was already running towards his empty forehand with all his strength

Isner didn't turn around, which meant that he had no way of knowing Gawain's position, so judging from the space of the field in the previous shot, his choice to break through Gawain's empty forehand was undoubtedly the best line to hit the ball.

Tread Tread!

Gawain's footsteps were running at full speed in the wind and lightning, and he was already on Isner's return line in a blink of an eye.

One step, one turn. UU Reading www.

Then with the help of the power of turning around, the movement of the forehand swing is also completely in line with the inertial track, using the strength of the forearm to bring out a sweeping swing, and the speed of the racket head instantly rises to the extreme.


Isner was still turning around and adjusting his footsteps, looking for the position of the tennis ball in a daze. Then he saw that Gao Wen's return ball had entered his court, and subconsciously flew towards his forehand empty, trying to catch the ball in the net. Complete the interception before.

However, it was too late.

Gao Wen's forehand slashed the ball fast and wide, but in the blink of an eye, he broke through Isner's position and landed on the right side of the court on Isner's side without any mistakes. He rushed out quickly, and at this moment Isner made a slow motion to block the net.



The referee reported the score directly.