Match Point - Chapter 1558

Chapter 1558

In 1558, when he was in college, he kicked the ground with emotion, his left leg went deep into the ground like a foundation, and firmly supported his body. The force of the burst extended from the sole of the foot to the ankle, along the calf and thigh, and he could even hear the sound of thumping. The sound, the strength of the waist and abdomen firmly controlled the center of gravity, maintaining the balance of the body in the storm.

Because there is not enough space to hit the ball, but Gao Wen chose to take risks, so it is very important to keep the center of gravity stable, and the muscles of the whole body are completely tense.


With a low heh, the backhand with both hands was already attacking quickly, slow in front and fast in back, deliberately delaying the shot for a while, not only destroying Istomin's judgment, but also waiting for a more suitable timing to hit the ball.

Then, grabbing the fleeting gap


Whoosh, whoosh, you can feel the buzzing sound of the breeze passing through the string in an instant, and the speed of the racket head is increased to the extreme, with each collision and swing.


The tennis ball has already flown out.

straight line!

A straight, straight line that runs upwind along the sideline.

The audience, all breathless, stared at the tennis ball in a daze, across the court, and finally landed in the deep area of the bottom line of Istomin's forehand.

It landed, rebounded, and hit the bottom line baffle, and there was a muffled sound, like thunder, that exploded above the eardrum.

Hum, the air is full of ripples, and the turbulent waves are waiting to be released.

Istomin made a complete mistake in his prediction. His footsteps were nailed in place and he could not move. He watched the tennis ball fly back in a daze, but he was looking at each other from a distance of more than half of the court. His brain stopped spinning and he could not make a judgment at all. There were only question marks. Satisfied, almost bursting.

Subconsciously, Istomin turned to look at the linesman

In this game, Gao Wen has been trying and fighting all the time. The entire batting routine is distributed throughout the court, but unfortunately, mistakes account for most of it, which also makes Gao Wen's offense never able to bring substantial On the contrary, Istomin played his own rhythm.

So, what about this time?

Out of bounds, or in bounds?

Thousands of eyes in the audience were also bustlingly looking towards the line judges, no one could be an exception, and even forgot to breathe.

The sound of air being burned could be faintly heard.

The line referee, who hadn't had time to realize that he had become the focus of everyone's attention, gestured very resolutely, with the back of his hand facing up and his hands together:

within bounds.

One second, two seconds


A roar was earth-shattering.

That feeling is like diving under the water, quiet, gentle, and all sounds are quiet. There is only the sound of gurgling water flowing above the eardrums, but because of the prolongation of the diving time, there is a little pressure from all directions. A little stacked on the eardrum, so that the heart can feel the weight, compression, compression, and compression again, as if the whole world is slowly shrinking.

Time stands still and space shrinks.

Then, the oxygen in the lungs is slowly depleted, and even the light and the water start to go into slow motion mode, and everything slows down.

Until... breaking through the water, bursting the bubbles, the colors and the noise are pouring down from all directions like a torrential rain.

So turbulent and so magnificent that the whole world escaped into a roar.

Gao Wen clenched his fists, raised his head to the sky and screamed


He, did not give up, still fighting, still fighting, still burning.


He is dissatisfied, angry, irritable, very, very upset about the state of his game. This is definitely not the performance he should have shown, and it is definitely not the performance he should have set foot on the Wimbledon stage for the first time. Compared with anyone, He is the guy who is the strictest on himself.


Still, he refused to disarm, still believing he could find a way to win.

give up?

Absolutely impossible.

Roaring, roaring, breaking through the shackles, those eyes were burning with murderous intent, they didn't release when they saved the match point, they didn't release when they won the game point again, they were suppressed and suppressed, and finally they were fully released after the difficulty of securing the serve.

Immediately after

Sampras was the first to stand up with his fists clenched, and kept waving his fists, roaring one after another, shouting over and over again.

"come on, come on, come on!"


The audience, thunder.

Boom, boom, boom...

It can be clearly seen that everyone in the entire No. 2 stadium has stood up, shouting, screaming, shouting, and the ferocious and distorted faces followed Gao Wen's emotional release and burned mightily. The surging passion In a blink of an eye, it has spread all over the corners of the court.

Obviously, people still expect Gao Wen to win the game. Compared with the surprise victory of the little-known Istomin, the audience who came to the second court still hope to see Gao Wen give a wonderful victory, just like Melbourne The park is the same as Roland-Garros.

Although the progress of the game completely broke people's expectations, the audience still got their wish to see the classic Gawain.

Standing on the edge of the cliff, the heart of the champion is still beating and releasing, trying every means to continue the game, refusing to give up fighting to the end.

It is indeed a kind of enjoyment to witness such a miraculous moment on the spot, that kind of excitement and excitement, unreservedly and fully released.

"...the game is not over. Audience friends, the game, no, it's over!"


"While Istomin attempted the biggest win of his career, Gawain said no and got back on track with an unrivaled performance, missing three game points, saving a match point, and Gawain finishing The serve was guaranteed, and the score in the third set came to a tie again."

"After completing a crucial serve Gao Wen put the pressure on Istomin again."

"Moreover, in this game just now, Istomin held the match point, and he had hoped to end the game directly, but the victory slipped through his fingertips and pulled away again. It can be foreseen that the mentality of the two players should have to face delicate problems. fluctuations, the next few rounds may play an unpredictable role."

"Now, it depends on who can maintain focus and stability under pressure, and the game will enter a new situation."

"Wow, incredible!"

"It may be hard to believe this, but the fact is that this game didn't finally start to get exciting until the third set."

"5:5", the third set, a tie, no one was able to break serve, so the two sides will continue to entangle.

Next, Istomin will continue to serve without intermission.

However, as the narrator said, the situation has subtly changed

A dislocation of a match point and ups and downs in mentality will have unknown effects. The momentum and state between the two players are quietly changing positions.

At this time, the influence of mental state on the game is further amplified.

It is bad news for Istomin to serve directly without an inter-set break. Now it depends on his ability to maintain concentration and maintain his state in a chaotic situation. As long as he can continue to keep his serve, he can stand firm The heel, the situation of the game will return to balance.


Istomin, take two points first.

It can be seen at this moment that Istomin is still full of confidence in this game. Although he missed the match point, the confidence built throughout the game helped him quickly gain a foothold.