Match Point - Chapter 1469

Chapter 1469

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The whole audience, dumbfounded

In the previous point, Wawrinka got the match point by receiving the ACE.

For this point, Gao Wen saved the match point with a return ACE. At least, from the technical statistics after the game, this point was indeed summed up as a return ACE, but only the audience watching the game can understand the weirdness of this point It was so miraculous that the audience burst into laughter when they came to their senses.

The bustling laughter, some absurd, some surprised, some stunned, some happy:

Technical points, ten points.

Difficulty points, ten.

Unexpected points, ten points.

Entertainment points, 100 out of 100.

Not to mention the fans, even the two players were at a loss. The unexpected situation happened above the match point, and the tense atmosphere was broken like this.


Can't be distracted, can't be distracted

Whether it is Gao Wen or Wawrinka, the most important thing at this time is to avoid being accidentally disturbed. They need to quickly regain their attention and continue the game.



Next, every point is crucial, and every point is a walk on the wire rope. In this tie-break, Gawain and Wawrinka each lost three service points, which can be seen from the side. The competition and game among them are becoming more and more fierce, and everything is possible.

Now, Wawrinka still has a serve point, and he still has a serve advantage.

a district.

Wawrinka fought hard to serve, and hit the inner corner with a speed of 198 kilometers per hour, trying to break through Gao Wen's forehand, but unfortunately, it was a bit out of bounds. Because of the lack of strength, the control of the serve was also deviated. Under such circumstances, the landing point control is easy to deviate from the track.

buzz buzz.

The scene was slightly noisy, and the Swiss fans uttered low cries of annoyance, but this time the game was not interrupted.

Wawrinka was unmoved at all, didn't notice the restlessness on the scene at all, and continued to serve without stopping.

Second serve.

outer corner.

Continuing to the outer corner, it is obvious that the repeated landing point of the serve is to break the prediction by surprise; but this time, the speed and strength have dropped in an all-round way, and the control is obviously much more precise. The angle is used to form a containment.


After all, the second shot is the second shot. Gawain's concentration was high. As soon as he kicked his feet, his body stretched out, and he swung his forehand across.

The racket head, a top, a knock, actually hit the ball without entering the sweet spot, but hit the ball in the top half of the racket accidentally creating a impact effect, as if a claw hammer is inserted into the narrow space between the nail and the board Then tilt the nail up and pull it out with the same impact.


The tennis ball hit the deep area of Wawrinka's right sideline along the diagonal line.

From a distance, it looks like a fighter jet that lost control and crashed, roaring and spinning towards the ground and falling freely.


Accidents are accidents, but the batting effect is pretty good. The only pity is that Gao Wen didn't complete his swing and didn't have enough power.

The tennis ball hit Wawrinka's forehand.

But I saw that Wawrinka was not in a hurry. Although his footsteps had not fully recovered, he had already started the second time, so that his center of gravity was unstable and his footsteps were a little lacking; but the extended upper body was ready and completed in a narrow time and space. With a swing, the forehand is facing forward like a whip.

To whip, to strike.

straight line.

This is not an opportunity to attack, but Wawrinka still unreasonably forced to attack, and the violent forehand followed the trend of the body's movement.

Sudden enough, strong enough, subverting the rhythm of the confrontation in an instant, this is also an important reason why Wawrinka can firmly gain the upper hand in this game.

However, this time, Wawrinka's tactical intentions have been exposed in advance. Without the "suddenness", Gao Wen's defense is much easier.

On the other side of the court, Gawain's footsteps were approaching at a fast pace. He also followed his own moving direction, let the inertia pull him in, and then sped up and ran wildly. However, he arrived smoothly after only three big strides. Before his footsteps approached, The two-handed backhand has already completed the lead shot early.

Hitting the ball on the run

The wind howled, and he struck out with heavy fists. Holding the racket with both hands, he hit it head-on, and completed the rotation along the inertia, swinging the racket in a complete circle. The card's critical strike was suppressed back.

Tough, rough, domineering.


The tennis ball was about to be blown up, and disappeared into the air. The audience froze, staring at the court in a daze, trying to find the flight trajectory of the tennis ball, but they could only see the ball along a faint light and shadow. The slash is diagonal, and then the tennis ball has landed.

Slashes, dead ends.

The final word.

Wawrinka, helpless

Although Wawrinka tried to take the lead in attacking and overturning the balance, the exposure of his tactical intention caused him to step into Gao Wen's defensive trap and encountered a frontal counterattack.


Who would have thought that Gao Wen broke two of Wawrinka's serve points in a row, surpassed the score, and won the inventory for the first time.

The air was almost stagnant, and the tension and excitement reached their peak at this moment.

Second District.

Inside corner, sneak attack forehand.

Wawrinka hesitated a little. He suspected that Gao Wen might choose to attack the forehand again at a critical moment, but he had to guard against the outer corner tactics of the second area. Then, this little hesitation delayed his judgment, waiting for the forehand to attack, Also a little slower.

From a physical perspective, it may be less than one millisecond, UU Reading www.uukanshu. com is just a nerve spark.

But refracted in the game, Wawrinka's swing movement is a little lacking, the speed of the racket head is not able to suppress the arc, and the parabola jumps up.


The tennis ball crosses the net like a rainbow bridge and falls into the middle area: from front to back, left to right, it is the middle area on the geographical level, the center of coordinates, slightly biased towards the deep area of the bottom line, but not enough, far from enough.

Wawrinka immediately realized that something was wrong. In the inventory, his attention was only slightly distracted, and then he fell into a passive state.

Damn it!

Wawrinka just stared at Gao Wen, saw that Gao Wen had already cut into the bottom line immediately, stood on the bottom line, slapped a forehand sweeping violent attack, and hammered towards the big triangle area of his forehand bottom line, this time, His concentration is completely concentrated, and his defensive movement reaction speed is very fast.

Across the audience.

While running, he observed the opposite side of the field, ready to find the line of the shot, but then found


Gao Wen went online.

In his first inventory, Gao Wen was not only focused but also proactive. From footwork to tactical coordination, everything was very agile.

With a height of 193 centimeters, he has already entered the service area in just three strides, and Wawrinka's hitting vision has been completely swallowed up in a blink of an eye.

what to do?

Pedal, step, forward.

While the world was spinning, Wawrinka simply continued to push the ground to exert force, directly throwing his body completely, using the speed of the run-up and the strength of the body to complete the superposition layer by layer, and finally evolved into a forehand swinging arm through turning Power, a hard and violent finish to a baseball hit.

straight line!

Break the net!

ah! Ah ah ah ah ah! Wawrinka turned into a Hulk, unreservedly vented all his power, and detonated instantly!

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