Match Point - Chapter 1393

Chapter 1393

"Gao Wen, first of all, congratulations on advancing to the quarter-finals at Roland-Garros. I would like to ask how you evaluate your performance in this game. Under the dual problems of weather and away games, you beat the last hope of winning the championship in three hours. Tsonga, it's obviously not an easy game."

"Where do you think the turning point of the game occurred? How do you evaluate Tsonga's performance? Did you feel the pressure of the away game?"

The post-match press conference was filled with excitement


One after another.

Although this is not the first time, after the U.S. Open and the Australian Open, it is Gao Wen's third Grand Slam quarter-finals. It seems that there is no need to make a fuss; but in fact, with Gao Wen's continuous winning, the Grand Slam The winning record continues, and the attention from the media will only continue to rise and ferment.

Now, it is no longer the Chinese media, or even the Asian media. The media from all over the world have focused their attention on Gao Wen.

Looking around, the not-so-spacious press conference hall was full of seats, and some reporters even chose to stand in the back row, filling up the empty space.

Reporters, I was a little anxious. Gao Wen had just sat down, and he had already started asking questions, so that Gao Wen didn't have time to drink his saliva.

At this time, Gao Wen had just opened the lid of his thermos cup and was drinking water. The reporter had already started asking questions without hesitation, but the question was over, and Gao Wen was still drinking water. drinking water with Gawain

Tremendous stress.

Gao Wen also noticed his gaze, and he stretched out his index finger with his left hand to signal: Wait for me to click again.

Gulp, gulp.

Not only did Gao Wen not stop, but he poured the entire bottle of water into it in one go, so straightforwardly and boldly that even the reporters on the scene became thirsty.


Finally, Gao Wen drank a whole bottle of water, put down the thermos, and then, he could see

Gao Wen quietly sorted out the placement of the thermos cups, moving, moving, moving, and placed the thermos cups on the table next to the mineral water bottles.


But what operation is this?

reporter:? ? ?

It was half a beat slower before the reporters on the scene responded:

The official mineral water sponsor of the French Open is Perrier, and Gao Wen is the spokesperson of Evian mineral water.

No wonder, Gao Wen didn't drink the Perrier water on the table, but arrived at the scene with his own thermos.

In the post-match press conference of the Paris Masters last year, Gao Wen used Evian mineral water as an obstacle, and made a small joke, which sparked a lot of discussion.

It was later rumored that Evian's public relations and publicity departments were very satisfied with Gao Wen's wit and humor.

Now at Roland-Garros, Gao Wen showed his wit in another form, without words, it was enough to relax the atmosphere.

Evian Mineral Water, even if it wasn't there at all, would easily become the focus.


Gao Wen deserves to be Gao Wen, the press conference room was filled with low laughter

Originally, the reporter asked questions about the home game, Tsonga, etc., and named the keyword "local championship hope", hoping to stir up some sparks.

In the blink of an eye, Gao Wen had already eliminated the tense atmosphere invisible.

The air, slightly loosened.

Then, Gao Wen opened his mouth to answer the question with a smile on his face.

"I think I'm learning and improving."

"For me, Paris is not like home, but it's not like away. Yes, last year, I played some games here and won some victories..."

Before he could finish his words, he was interrupted by the laughter of the reporters at the scene

Obviously, Gao Wen finished complaining in such a way.

The reporters tried to "stove discord", copying Melbourne's routine, fully arousing the power of Paris' away game, and sowing the relationship between Gao Wen and the audience.

But Gao Wenqi has a better move.

There is no excuse at all, and he lightly joked about his victory in the Masters Championship in Paris last year, silently conveying an attitude:

Perhaps, Paris is not Gao Wen's home game, but they are definitely not enemies, and the impact of the away game is not so sharp.


Really high!

While chatting and laughing happily, all the traps planted by the reporters have been dismantled.

The scene was full of joy.

Gao Wen still had a serious face, as if he didn't know what he just said, and continued to speak with an innocent and serious expression.

"...Here, I don't feel unfamiliar. But I must also admit that Roland Garros is still different. First of all, the type of venue is different."

The stern science mask, paired with the jokes and jokes in the words, was in sharp contrast, and the corners of the reporters' relaxed mouths continued to rise.

"This is the first time I have set foot here to compete, everything is brand new, I need to take it step by step."

"Judging from the performance of the few games so far, I am on the right track, but I still need to continue to work hard."

Subtext: The away game isn't the problem; clay is.

From the beginning to the end, Gao Wen did not directly respond to the reporter's "away game" and "audience" questions, but he had completely resolved all the attacks in an understatement.

Even though the reporters had long been accustomed to Gao Wen's lively chatter and laughter at the press conference, they couldn't help sighing every time:


There has been serious discussion of Federer's impact on professional tennis

Leaving aside the number of champions and historical data, etc., the most important thing is Federer's personal charm, from conversation to demeanor to manners, including the charm shown in press conferences and various charitable activities , This is the only one in the long river of history.

It is also thanks to this that tennis can break down barriers and be promoted globally.

Later, the golden duel of "Federer VS Nadal" pushed the charm of competitive sports to the extreme. In addition, Nadal's personal charm and Federer complement each other. Different from Federer's elegance and humor, Nadal's sincerity, stability, Passion and focus make another interpretation of tennis.

In just ten years, the global influence of tennis has more than doubled and tripled. From the perspective of commercial scale, it may expand more than ten times.

All in all, indeed benefited from the influence of Federer and Nadal.

Therefore, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com In the eyes of professionals, and in the eyes of the entire industry system, when people discuss "GOAT", Federer and Nadal are always slightly ahead, not because of those data and records, but because these two players have become tennis players. The best footnote for sports.

There is no doubt that the charm that Federer showed in the interview is indeed unique.

Until Gao Wen appeared.

Since the beginning of the US Open, the reporters put forward a point of view and a possibility, and then experienced arguments, pulls and doubts, and also waited and watched, inspected and waited, and finally experienced the turbulent waves and earth-shaking waves of the past two months, and came to Roland Garros. At that moment, everything seemed to be clear.

Reporters have to admit that Federer has a successor.

Who knows?

Perhaps, Gao Wen has already possessed the ability to become the next giant. The performance on the field is the same, and the performance off the field is also the same.

(end of this chapter)