Match Point - Chapter 1391

Chapter 1391

Kick off!




In an instant, the Philippe-Chatier Stadium went crazy, the audience was boiling, they stood up collectively, cheered, stood at the end of the end of the world, sang loudly and danced to their heart's content.

Because just now, Tsonga scored the winning point with a signature forehand diagonal to save the third match point, and the audience was completely crazy.


This is the beginning.

It can be clearly felt that Tsonga's concentration has declined, coupled with his extreme physical strength, he handed over the match point in a blink of an eye, and it was three in a row.

Again and again, Tsonga was pushed to the edge of the cliff, broke the boat, fought back from the Jedi, condensed his concentration, burst out with energy, and began to burn the microcosm.


Standing on the edge of the precarious and precarious cliff, Tsonga's whole mind was clear, and all distracting thoughts and thoughts were swept away.

The offense is smooth and smooth, not only daring to shoot, but also daring to take risks. The entire offensive ability is brought into full play, as if there is no tomorrow, burning all his energy, from the offensive connection to the quality of the shot, and the overall recovery, like cutting melons and vegetables, and chasing again. To the deuce position.

Three match points in a row disappeared with a "poof".

How is it possible for the Stade Philippe Chartier to remain sane?

Whether it is a game that may be interrupted at any time under the threat of weather, or a cliff where you may lose at any time in the face of consecutive match points, or the layer upon layer of dark clouds that hang over your head create a texture of the end of the world, there are all kinds of signs They are all approaching "death" and "end".

That sense of tension, that sense of oppression... unbelievable energy burst out, and then, the audience just let themselves go and fell into madness.

Not only the audience, but Pulan in front of the TV screen was no exception, his heart almost forgot to beat.


double fault.

Tsonga's fourth goal of the game was the first double fault in the deciding set. At the most critical and fatal moment, the audience was stunned.

Poulan almost cheered, but then realized that this is still not the end, and there is no need to cheer because of the opponent's mistake.

In the first three match points, it was not that Gao Wen did not perform well, but that Tsonga's performance was really wonderful.

Sure enough, as Gao Wen said, tennis is a sport about balance. If one side performs well, it can suppress the other; but when the other side rises strongly, it will naturally suppress the opponent's performance. Strengths and weaknesses are always swaying.

So, what about the next fourth?

"40: AD".

In the first serve, the speed is 188 kilometers per hour, the inside corner, the forehand is pressed, but... the wrong area is out of bounds.

Second serve.

At this time, Tsonga had failed to score three consecutive serves, and coupled with the pressure brought by the score, the air in Philippe Chatier seemed to freeze.

Tsonga, showing the true colors of the strong, the second shot, fighting

Facing the match point, not every player has the courage to fight for three consecutive serve mistakes.

Moreover, Tsonga scored.

Pressing the backhand close to the body, the speed is 180 kilometers per hour.

Two shots are equivalent to one shot.

It was fast, heavy, deep and turned. Even though Gao Wen was ready, his swing was still squeezed, and the backhand returned the ball without controlling the arc.

Middle Road, Deep Zone.

Both the route and the landing point are Gao Wen's layout, but the parabola that cannot be suppressed is a fatal injury, giving Tsonga a chance to press down on the high point.

Tsonga, with a clear mind and no distracting thoughts, has a very clear and firm offensive awareness. He raises the racket with his forehand, at the high point above his shoulder, stands on the bottom line, presses down directly to attack, and sweeps away thousands of troops. With a swing, he slammed the tennis ball towards the dead corner of the diagonal line.



With the swing, Tsonga can be seen soaring into the air, the weight of his body and the strength of the swing are perfectly matched, and they all pour out.


On the fourth match point, Tsonga still did not relent, did his best, and accurately found the dead corner of the bottom line.

The only disadvantage is that there is nothing new about the hitting line and landing point.

Because Tsonga believes in his forehand attack, even if it is accurately predicted by Gao Wen, he can still create enough advantages to pave the way for the follow-up attack.

Here, Tsonga has quickly adjusted his pace, ready for the next attack.

In that room, Gawain ran at full speed, although his lungs were burning, but he was highly focused

Kick off.



Gao Wen didn't brake, but continued to move forward according to the inertia of sprinting, and superimposed the power of acceleration on the swinging motion through the turning motion.

A rush.

with a wave.

The whole body is completely thrown out, and the flowing movement of the racket is like mercury pouring down the ground. It can be clearly seen that the power penetrates from the soles of the feet all the way up. Following the whip-like swinging movement, it collides with the tennis ball flawlessly, completing the joint force. Finally, it evolved into an instant release of energy.


Then, Gao Wen's footsteps were thrown out of the singles line, and then the doubles line, and his long sliding steps left a clear red spray on the ground.

Tennis ball, jump out

The collision of power and power, the superposition of energy and energy, the speed of tennis breaks through the shackles and reaches a new height, leaving only a trance afterimage.

The tennis ball flew diagonally from Gawain's right side to Tsonga's right side.

The slash was torn apart by force.

Tsonga stood in the midfield and attacked from an angle. Gao Wen used his strength to further tear the angle to fight back, aiming at the shallow area of Tsonga's right teeing area to complete the shot. The horizontal dimension of the entire court has been used. The extreme, showing the extreme of the theoretical level.


The tennis ball hit the small triangle on the outside of the teeing area and went straight into the dead corner.

Land, bounce.


The audience, holding their breath, were dumbfounded.

Tsonga, running, sprinting with all his might.

"Forehand VS Forehand".

It was not that Tsonga had not anticipated Gao Wen's shot choice, and his footsteps had already moved towards the forehand position in advance, but it was not enough, seriously not enough.

Gao Wen's return ball has torn the outer corner to the maximum. After landing and rebounding with a strong external spin, it crossed the doubles area and continued to fly outside the doubles line. The breath of the audience disappeared from the field of vision.

Tread Tread.

Tread Tread!

Tsonga had no strength left, but he was still running, running tirelessly, he couldn't even feel his legs, he just continued to push the ground mechanically, and there was only one thought surging in his mind:

"Run! Songa, run!"

The speed has reached the extreme, UU Reading www. uukanshu. Com's body has also been stretched to the extreme, he can clearly see the trajectory of the tennis ball, as if it is within reach.

The racket stretched out directly, grabbing everything in the direction of the forward body

Only a phantom.

Immediately afterwards, Tsonga could see the tennis ball passing two steps away from his racket, spinning at high speed, and the broken hairs burst in the air.

Flying, soaring, and finally rolled up the stormy waves, just like this, it got into the audience stands.

Forehand against forehand, but this time, it was Gao Wen who had the last laugh.

The fourth match point was successfully fulfilled.

Tsonga was still running, looking up at the sky, the thick cloud layer was still rolling and boiling, and the thick ink was slowly fading away, as if it might collapse at any moment.

However, after all, there was nothing.

The wind is still blowing, but the game is over.