Match Point - Chapter 1242

Chapter 1242


Mike noticed Gao Wen's movements immediately, and the alarm bells rang out, but the greatest doubles player in history remained calm and unflappable.

Continuous small step adjustments to keep the body's center of gravity light and agile, Gao Wen made a judgment at the moment of his hand, and moved in place with a big stride.




Mike didn't have time to think at all. Everything happened too fast. Tennis turned into badminton, and it was still a hand-to-hand fight in front of the net. , hit the tennis ball back.

Grab the net.

In the previous shot, Gao Wen successfully grabbed the net.

In the last shot, Mike succeeded in grabbing the net.

Between ping-pong-pong, the tennis ball rushed towards Gao Wen again


In a hurry, Mike didn't have time to control the surface of the racket. He just subconsciously hit the ball. As a result, the tennis ball rushed straight towards Gao Wen's chest.



what to do?

Gao Wen didn't have time to get out of the way, let alone hit the ball with his racket, he couldn't even dodge his body.

Seeing a "car accident" is about to happen.

squat down.

In a flash, Gawain made an emergency response and squatted down directly to give way to his chest. At the same time, he raised his racket high above his head.



The collision happened immediately after, the tennis ball hit the racket hard, the strong and ferocious force shook the racket violently, but Gao Wen's wrist was tough and soft to wrap the force, resisting the impact, after the strong friction , the reaction force pulled the tennis ball back again.


Go around.

The strong rotation of the tennis ball can be seen with the naked eye. It was not made by Gao Wen, but the violent rotation formed by the powerful force of Mike's volley hitting the racket and all condensed on the tennis ball. You can clearly see that the tennis ball is directly blowing hairs. The fluff blooms between golden sun and red soil.

Flying all over the sky.


Everyone, hold your breath.


Immediately afterwards, Gao Wen was overturned to the ground by the powerful impact, and sat on the ground with his buttocks squatting, but his eyes were still fixed on the tennis ball and never left.

The tennis ball, gliding over the net, lands in the Bryan Brothers' court and, unintentionally, forms a small ball.

Paste the net.

straight down.

The effect was surprisingly excellent.

Mike was shocked.

At the last moment, Mike was still feeling guilty because his shot hit Gao Wen's body directly. Although he didn't mean it, it was still not good.

The next moment, Mike saw the tennis ball flying back miraculously, stepped forward with a big stride, and lightly picked it on the falling track of the tennis ball.

This time, Mike finally found control, the tennis ball avoided the place where Gawain fell, drew a diagonal line, and flew in the direction of Dimitrov.

In description, everything seems very cumbersome, but in fact everything is condensed in one second.

Dimitrov didn't have time to react at all. After watching the tennis ball go back and forth twice, he returned to his eyes again.

One step up.

Reach out once. ....

All by instinct.

Dimitrov, right in front of his eyes, hits a bouncing ball that picks up Mike's volley thud, but with little control in the haste, the tennis ball draws a full parabola and rises high.

The only advantage is that it successfully passed over Mike's head and flew to the backcourt, avoiding the crisis of Mike's high pressure in the frontcourt.

Bob, however, was very quick to keep up.

Quickly adjusted three consecutive small steps, entered the bottom line, and successfully found the falling point of the tennis ball

volley high pressure

In order to save time, he didn't wait for the tennis ball to hit the ground at all, and immediately started hitting the ball with high pressure after jumping on the spot.

Strike hard.


The tennis ball, avoiding Dimitrov's position, flew along a diagonal line; moreover, Bob also tried to avoid Gawain's interception, so he chose the high pressure in the deep area.


Gawain appeared.

what happened?

Bob was taken aback.

Just now, Gao Wen, who lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground, stood up with his hands and feet on the ground, and retreated in small steps, mainly to open up space and gain time for himself to adjust, but in the process of continuous retreat, he saw Bob's high-pressure volley flew over straight.

Chase the ball.

For the second time in a row, Gao Wen was hit by a chasing ball, and the Brian brothers took turns attacking him, but this time it was difficult to tell whether it was Bob who actively chased Gao Wen, or Gao Wen himself hit the muzzle of the gun.

At this moment, there was no time to dodge the footsteps, so Gao Wen simply jumped up on the spot, dodged, and avoided Bob's hitting point; at the same time, he held the racket with his right hand and placed it where he had just stood

a push.

one block.

Like performing acrobatics, it all depends on the feel.


The tennis ball hit the racket and turned into an anti-aircraft gun, rising high.


The audience exclaimed.

In fact, not to mention the audience, even the four players on the field were amazed, because now the situation is out of their control, everything is improvised, improvised, and there is no control at all, no one knows How will this ball develop.

The line of sight, all raised high, focused on the tennis ball.

The tennis ball dives into the sun, high and light, like a spaceship.


fly freely.

Mike and Bob exchanged a glance, and then they agreed to complete the assignment

Mike, stay at the net.

Bob, step back and chase the ball.

Tread Tread.

Bob quickly retreated following the flight trajectory of the tennis ball, watching while retreating, while observing his position on the court to ensure that he would not lose the sense of space on the court.

Then, Bob realized that he had actually returned to the bottom line.

Gao Wen's push and block drew a parabola unimaginably, sending the tennis ball back to the bottom line. So, where did it land?

Out of bounds?

No, it didn't The tennis ball not only landed in bounds, but bounced high, spinning violently and swaying in the wind, continuing to undermine Bob's judgment.


Can clearly hear the scene of exclamation, because the tennis is about to touch the line, there is more or less an element of luck, but it changed the situation of this point. Brother Lane fell into a passive state.

Bob, I'm a little flustered.

Dash, move, turn around.

In a highly difficult shot with a 180-degree turn on the spot, Bob turned his back to the court and could not see the opponent's position at all. He used his memory and feeling to explore the space of the court, trying to hit the tennis ball back again.

After hitting the ball, Bob didn't have time to observe his return ball at all. The center of gravity of his body continued to move forward, and he almost hit the advertising baffle on the bottom line.

After finally braking, Bob quickly turned around and looked for the tennis ball again on the court, and then saw Gao Wen's back who was running fast

The tennis ball drew a rainbow bridge inconceivably, crossed the heads of Gawain and Dimitrov, followed the diagonal line, and returned to the dead corner of the bottom line on Gawain's left.

Moreover, judging from the flight trajectory, it seems that it probably should have fallen within the bounds.


The tennis ball hit the ground.

Bottom line, dead angle, pressure line.


Court No. 1 erupted in exclamation again. From Gao Wen to Bob, they pressed the line twice in a row. The corners of the entire doubles court were fully utilized, and the space had been used to the extreme.

Then, the Gao Wen combination was pushed to the edge of the cliff. .

Inkstone boy


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