Match Point - Chapter 1175

Chapter 1175

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa..."

Gawain gasped heavily, supported his body with the racket, raised his head, and the corners of his mouth also rose, a thin layer of sweat leaked from his forehead, the sunshine of Mallorca seemed to brighten his whole mood, The eyes are like the ocean, rippling with a layer of sparkling light.

Graf took a small swipe to the front of the net. You can see that his right foot pushed out a thin layer of clay, but it stopped in front of the net delicately. There was no need for emergency braking at all. Perfectly controlled, with a strolling posture, everything is so easy.

"Are you okay?" Graf looked over with concern.

Gao Wen used the racket to stabilize his body, stood up straight, and shook his head again and again, expressing that he was fine, with a full smile, "No, it still feels bad."

In the third round of the warm-up game, if you only look at the numbers, Gao Wen persisted for 27 rounds, and was finally put into a dead ball by Graf's ball, and he couldn't save it, but this is already the performance so far. The best one, a big improvement over the previous two.

However, from Gao Wen's point of view, there was no difference from the previous two rounds. There was no improvement in footsteps, rotation, control, etc., and he was still following the routine he was familiar with. Confrontation, even if the number of rounds is extended, the content of the confrontation has not changed.

That is to say, Gao Wen was clearly aware of his clumsiness and stiffness, feeling like a headless chicken, forcibly bumping into the wall, even though bumping into walls everywhere, he still refused to give up, and kept bumping until his head was bleeding. , but has never been able to use it wisely.

Of course, if the confrontation is placed on the entire court, Gao Wen can still win with his youth, wisdom and layout; the key is that such a laborious and clumsy way of winning and confrontation is doomed to fail in the long run , It is even more true in front of the master.

"...I now finally know what it's like to be a cow on ice."

Gao Wen made a self-deprecating joke, causing the corners of Graf's mouth to rise.

"Or, the bull on ice?"

Gao Wen's follow-up supplementary words made Graf no longer hold back, and immediately burst out laughing, and his whole mood brightened.

Graf retracted the corners of his mouth slightly and waved his hands.

"Your footwork still has a lot to learn, that's true; but it's not that bad, your basic skills are solid and your footwork adjusts quickly."

"The problem now is still that you don't understand red clay at all, and you don't even know some basics. You just apply it mechanically."

in one sentence.

As expected, the master is still different. In just three rounds of the game, he saw through Gao Wen's essence in one go.

Prior to this, Graf didn't explain too much, and went directly to the warm-up game. The most important thing was that he hoped that Gao Wen could experience it for himself

Only after real practice, and only when you really feel the texture of red clay with your feet, can you understand what's going on. It's so vivid that words can't describe it.

Now is the time.

"Gao Wen, my statement like this is not 100% accurate, but it can be understood as an analogy to more vividly describe the difference between clay and hard court."

"On a hard court, everything is straightforward, straight forward, and changing rapidly. Therefore, we often need to make judgments and choices in the fleeting time. Naturally, the situation of sudden turns and sudden stops runs through the entire game."

"On clay, everything changes. Before we hit the ball, not only the opponent changes, but also the irregular changes brought by the field, which also means that if we make judgments and choices rashly, It is very likely that you will be led by the nose by the changes, and then you will fall into trouble."

"People always emphasize that clay courts require patience. Patience here is not only a long-round multi-shot duel, but also a judgment on the incoming ball."

"Before we make a shot or move, we need to be patient and observe, most importantly, observe the spin, and the position of the opponent."

"Everything happens too fast on a hard court, and if you react a little slower, you may miss the point of impact; but this is not the case on clay courts. After the ball slows down, it gives us more time to observe, and at the same time gives the opponent More time to move, the whole shot space is stretched."

"How to use this time difference is the difference between a clay court player and a clay court expert."

The words are a bit convoluted and not precise enough.

Graf hesitated a little, she was thinking about how she should explain more accurately

"...For hard courts, you need to be more decisive and determined. Even if you hesitate a little, you may miss your hitting point."

"On clay, you need more accurate judgment, because of the characteristics of clay, the fault tolerance rate is higher, but this does not mean that you don't need to be decisive when hitting the ball..."

As she spoke, Graf paused again, and she felt as if she was getting involved.

The main reason is that tennis is a fast-changing sport after all. Even if it is from hard court to clay court, the reaction time of a round may be extended from one second to two seconds, but the lightning reaction in the mind is still calculated in milliseconds. , it is difficult to concretize these changes.

However, Gao Wen still understood.

"Steffy, are you saying"

"On a hard court, the flight trajectory and hitting point of the tennis ball are relatively fixed. At the same time, due to the relationship between the venue, the accuracy of the footsteps is very high, coupled with the fast speed and rhythm, so everything is crisp and straight. to."

"On clay, firstly, there may be irregular changes in the flight trajectory and hitting point of the tennis ball; secondly, the movement of footsteps may not be accurate enough due to the relationship between the clay, and the speed and rhythm may slow down. It takes observation and thinking before."

"Of course, it doesn't mean you don't need to think hard, but you know what I mean..."

The corner of Graf's mouth was slightly pursed, and a faint smile could be seen flowing out, and then he nodded slightly to express his agreement.

"Yes, your understanding is correct."

"On the one hand there may be many variables in the flight trajectory of the return ball, so we need to leave some room for adjustment for different hitting methods, and at the same time we need to be prepared to adopt different hitting methods, which is also cutting , the reason why spin plays a big role on clay, including small ball."

To be precise, the small ball in front of the net is originally a unique tactic exclusive to clay. It is because the opponent has no way to stop and turn suddenly, and suddenly start the second time, so the small ball often poses a greater threat; but with the comprehensive development of tennis, Later, it became common on grass and even hard courts.

Of course, the same small ball plays different tactical roles on clay and hard courts, but that's for another story.

"On the other hand, there are always deviations in the movement of footsteps, so you need to predict in advance whether this movement can be accurate, or whether you should slide. If you choose to slide, when should it start and when should it end? Movement isn't straight forward."

"It's also one of the most obvious and direct differences between hard courts and clay courts."

(end of this chapter)