Match Point - Chapter 1167

Chapter 1167

Innocent and pitiful, lifelike and lifelike.

After being serious for less than half a second, the atmosphere became relaxed again. I have to say that Gao Wen is indeed a social master.

Immediately afterwards, Gawain put his hands down, did not play tricks anymore, showed a smile, and briefly explained following Marybelle's words.

"We didn't know until the last moment, and the plan changed slightly."

"Both Pete and Andre lacked faith in clay, so when Uncle Tony sent an invitation, you could imagine them having a party."

Ha ha!

Maribel clapped her hands and laughed, but Nadal was a little shy. Even if it was an indirect compliment, he still remained humble.

"Before that, they came up with an idea that maybe Steffi could give me some advice and help me get used to clay."

"Steffy needs to think about it, and Andre doesn't want her opinion to affect her decision, so keep a distance and space, and let her judge."

"At that time, from Indian Wells to Miami, the game was intense, and Steffi didn't bring it up to avoid distracting me."

"It wasn't until after all the competitions that Steffi told us her decision. She didn't plan to join my team because I couldn't afford such a huge and luxurious coaching fee. She obviously didn't plan to provide free assistance."

Ha ha!

Self-mockery and ridicule came at hand, and this time even Nadal laughed directly, and the laughter in the car floated along the coastline.

"However, she is willing to give me some advice, that is, to participate in training as a consultant in this short week."

"After the training in Mallorca, she will return to Los Angeles; as for the clay court season, Andre will be in charge of training, and Pete will be in charge of cooperation."

"You can imagine how much Pete sacrificed, so please bear with me if Pete is furious in the next period of time."

Ha ha!

The previous one was self-deprecating, but this time it was a joke. I have to say that Gao Wen always knows how to control the atmosphere of the conversation.

"So, when we headed to the airport, we added another member to the team."

Although Nadal and Mary Bell did not ask in detail, Gao Wen still generously shared these behind-the-scenes tidbits

Exchange your sincerity for your sincerity.

Because Gao Wen knew that Nadal would not gossip behind his back, because Gao Wen also knew that these news were all secrets and would never leak out.

Nadal raised his eyes and glanced at the rearview mirror, just in time to see Gao Wen looking over, and the two friends exchanged a look in tacit understanding.

Then, Nadal raised his eyebrows in the direction of Maribel, "Attention, we need closed training, and be careful of the leakage of training information."

Similarly, Nadal also made a little joke

Such Nadal is indeed rare in normal times.

Maribel put her index finger on her lips, and moved slightly closer to Gawain, "Shh, don't worry, I will secretly give you the training video."

Gao Wen nodded earnestly, then made an "OK" gesture, and then made a movement of zipping his mouth shut.

All in one go.

Looking at the helpless expression on Nadal's face in the driver's seat, Gawain and Marybelle couldn't hold back their belly laughs in the back seat.

After finally controlling her laughter, Maribel remembered another thing

Nadal's card.

Maribel was very much looking forward to Gao Wen's reaction, but unfortunately, after realizing that Graf was on the scene, she immediately turned around and arranged for the follow-up vehicle. She was busy and didn't see the moment when Nadal showed the card, so she missed the excitement of the scene.

Looking at Marybelle's face full of melons, Gao Wen understood.

"Honestly, I really felt like I was making a movie, but I never knew that Rafa was interested in acting."

Gao Wen's words made the person involved in the incident ashamed, wishing to dig a hole and disappear on the spot; however, Maribel smiled very happily, leaning forward and backward, not giving her brother any face at all.

The parties expressed regret.

Afterwards, Marybelle took the initiative to tell the reason of the incident without Gao Wen asking.

"...When we were in Melbourne, Mary and I saw your parents surrounded by fans outside the stadium once, and we couldn't walk away."

"As a result, you showed up, offered to drop the bag, sign autographs for the fans, and then cover your parents to leave."

"At that time, you had just finished two hours of intense training and obviously needed a good rest, but, you didn't complain, stayed patient, and signed."

"Then, you sincerely expressed to the fans that you hope they can leave some private space for their parents. They are obviously not used to it. And you also humorously said that they have been guilty of stealing your style. The fans and the media are paying attention to them but not Pay attention to you, they are worried about hurting you."

"Ha ha."

After a few months, Maribel still finds it very interesting when she recalls that scene.

Faced with such a difficult situation, if you don't handle it well, the matter may be pushed to another extreme, and even cause dissatisfaction among the fans. However, Gao Wen's humor and just the right amount of patience perfectly handled the whole thing, so that the social There are no negative rumors on the Internet.

Of course, the part that impressed them the most in the whole incident was

"You're just like Rafa."

"You're all very careful to protect your family and your life off the field because you know the power of the media."

"So, Mary thought, maybe you could be friends, although I think Rafa is usually very boring, he is not fishing or golfing, and all other time is training, if you really become friends, you should have nothing to love , but I think Mary might be right."

With ease, Maribel also complained about her brother.

Nadal was a little annoyed, deliberately stern, with a slightly serious expression, and said a lot in Spanish.

Gao Wen's Spanish listening ability has never been a strong point, and now he can't keep up with the speed of speech, but he can vaguely catch some fragments.

It seems that Nadal does not want Marybell to discuss Gao Wen's family in this way, and he thinks that Marybell needs to be careful.

Sure enough, Nadal is still Nadal, always abides by the boundaries politely, and will never break the boundaries rashly just because he is a friend.

Even though Gao Wen's hearing was a little anxious and he couldn't capture the whole text, he could understand Nadal's thoughts.

However, Gao Wen was not worried at all, and interjected to ask with a very serious expression, "So, Rafa, aren't we friends? Is it my illusion all this time?"



I am most afraid of the sudden silence of the air.

One second ~ ~ two seconds.

"Ha ha!"

Gao Wen and Isabel exchanged glances, and both of them laughed loudly, the atmosphere collapsed, and Nadal also smiled together.

Nadal raised his gaze, glanced at the rearview mirror again, hesitated to speak

He wondered if he needed to explain to Gao Wen.

Then, Gao Wen also raised his eyes, and the two exchanged a glance through the rearview mirror. He leaned forward slightly, and said with a serious expression.

"Rafa, thank you for inviting me to Mallorca. Now that I have discovered a resort, I think you may see me more often in the future."

One sentence is enough.

Nadal grinned. "Anytime. Anytime."

(end of this chapter)