Match Point - Chapter 1115

Chapter 1115

"How on earth did Gregor and you become friends?" Sharapova almost couldn't control her expression, she was just a little bit away from yelling.

It was originally a rant, but Gao Wen quickly counterattacked, "How did you and Novak become friends?"

In real life, after getting acquainted gradually, Sharapova is actually a character who likes to joke, loves to play and laugh, and is beautiful and kind

At least, that's what Dimitrov said.

If you think about it, it makes sense. Sharapova has a good relationship with players like Roddick and Djokovic who like to play tricks and fight; in direct contrast, the more serious players like Federer and Nadal are The friendship between gentlemen, the relationship in private is average.

Logically speaking, Sharapova and Gawain should also be able to become friends, but the beginning of the story seems to have formed a dislocation.

Sharapova has preconceived prejudices against Gao Wen, and the first impression is often the most wrong but also the most difficult to correct the stereotype, so the eyes are not eyes, the nose is not the nose, no matter how you look at it, it is not pleasing to the eye.

Now, being blocked by Gao Wen's words, Sharapova was also stunned, her eyes widened angrily, and the swearing seemed to be spinning on the tip of her tongue.

Gawain used the interrupt skill just right, "Attention, the children are watching. Come on, let's play today's role well."

After finishing speaking, Gao Wen turned his head to the onlookers, showed a bright smile, waved his hand, and easily


There was a scream from the crowd, reminding them of their current location and situation.

Sharapova also had to look at the crowd, and also showed a commercial smile, but she didn't smile. She leaned closer to Gawain, and said with ventriloquism, "Do other people know that you are such a rascal?"

"Thank you for the compliment." Gao Wen was serious.




If Gao Wen heard correctly, it should be the voice of Sharapova gnashing her teeth.

Gao Wen turned his head and showed a bright smile to Sharapova, "Be careful, don't bite your teeth, it won't look good when you take pictures."

Sharapova, "You just said racket fencing, right? No problem, let's have a fight, and I promise not to use violence."

Originally, this should be a threat, but any attack, when it comes to Gao Wen, seems to be different

"Huh? You're interested too! Look, I just said that this should be interesting. I think we still have something in common."

"However, I am a little worried. The fencing result..."

Sharapova was furious, did this guy despise herself? "You still worry about yourself, let's try, we don't know who is injured yet!"

"Yes, that's what I mean, whether it hurts you or hurts me, Gregor will be sad, so he should be the biggest loser?"

Sharapova: She doesn't want to talk to this man! If she said one more word to this guy, she strongly suspected that she might explode on the spot.

Just right.

There was a burst of bustling cheers, mixed with Courier's introduction, pushing the atmosphere to a new peak.

"Let's applaud...Maria...Sharapova..."


The elongated coda gives the scene enough time to ignite enthusiasm.

Ho **** ho!


At the scene, there was a lot of noise.

The children looked at the two superstars with wide eyes and full of expectation, clapped vigorously and cheered enthusiastically. Compared with the usual atmosphere of the competition, it was different.

Judging from the level of volume alone, it is definitely not as good as the competition. The children in front of them are shouting with all their strength, and the volume is still not comparable to that of adults;

So pure, so simple and so strong, the heart is soaring.

In the air, filled with the breath of dreams.

What is even more unbelievable is that the passers-by heard the noise and stopped to watch. They were just watching the excitement, but now they also stopped.

One or two, because of Sharapova or Gawainor Courier, couldn't help but slow down and squeeze a little time out of his schedule.

The small garden was already filled with three floors inside and three floors outside in a blink of an eye, and it was laid out layer upon layer towards the woods behind, full of verdant greenery.

Before he had time to notice, he lowered his head, and when he raised his head again, he could no longer see where he was staying, and even the bushes were already full.

It's full.

It's leaking.

There was a lot of voices.

If he came a little later, he might only see a strand of hair on the top of Gao Wen's head.

It can be clearly felt from the side that the top popularity of Sharapova and Gao Wen is indeed second to none in today's professional tennis world.

Soler looked at the scene in front of him contentedly, and he knew that the sign of the "new generation superstar" might not be comparable to Federer, but the freshness and vigor could still create different waves, causing a frenzy in Miami

The future should belong to Gao Wen.

Moreover, Gao Wen still belongs to ig, this is the most important thing.

Sharapova has opinions on Gao Wen, but she is still professional and sensible enough. In front of these children, Gao Wen is nothing.

The two players both showed smiles, temporarily restrained their personal emotions, showed a positive mental outlook in front of the children, and interacted together.

Someone once said that a child's mind is like a mirror, what is projected will be reflected.

Those joys, those happinesses, those joys, those carefree purity and simplicity, reflected on the children, bursting with light.

Reminding the players that they once embraced the same dream and embarked on their own path of chasing their careers, reawakening their original enthusiasm.

Therefore, whether it is Gao Wen or Sharapova, they really let go of their worries soon, showed bright smiles, and simply enjoyed this beautiful afternoon.

In the sun and sea of Miami, Mardi Gras finally has some shape, and people can't help but relax.

From mini-tennis duels to doubles duels with two players serving as captains, to tennis games and singles duels between players and children, and a short question-and-answer session at the end, the air was filled with the smell of sweat and laughter, as if The quilts dried in the summer afternoon are average.

Refreshing, sunny, with the corners of the mouth slightly raised.

The happy time is always very short. It seems that the forty-five minutes are over before you can pay attention to the second hand and hour hand on the watch.

The last second just started, and the next second is over.

In the midst of laughter and sweat, a group photo of Gawain's partner Sharapova and all the children marked the end of today's event.

Two young people who are "not familiar with each other at all", their first business partner successfully came to an end, and the results are gratifying If you include the Christmas charity event that year, this should be considered...the second time?

Perhaps, the two of them were facing each other privately, but it has to be said that after setting aside their differences, the cooperation between the two was indeed tacit.

Even veterans like Soler and Tobias couldn't tell that they wanted to strangle each other just now.

Of course, it was mainly Sharapova who wanted to strangle Gawain to death.

Very likely, in the not-too-distant future, there will be a third or fourth time...

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