Match Point - Chapter 1113

Chapter 1113

Gao Wen's eloquence is well-known, and almost everyone in the professional tennis world knows it.

Sharapova is no exception.

But hearing about it is one thing, actually experiencing it with your own eyes is another.

Sharapova was really not used to Gao Wen's talking style, she was dumbfounded, and gave Gao Wen a hard look, "This is not funny at all."

Gao Wen nodded slightly, his face full of seriousness, "Very well, I'm not going to be funny either."


Normally, Sharapova is not good at words. In women's tennis, it is Serena Williams who can talk and laugh in front of reporters. Sharapova is slower and more shy, so she often hides herself with an iceberg mask Words have never been one of her weapons.

At this moment, facing Gao Wen, Sharapova couldn't keep up with the rhythm at all. She was obviously depressed, but she didn't know how to fight back.


Gao Wen didn't give Sharapova more time to react, and expressed his curiosity sincerely.

"Why do you assume I'm on Gregor's side?"

Sharapova didn't even give a glance, "What? Are you still going to stand by me?"

Immediately afterwards, Sharapova turned her head and looked at Gawain expressionlessly, as if looking at a rock, "Thank you, I don't need your support."

tough. firm. Show your sharpness.

It is consistent with Sharapova's style on the court, but it is precisely this kind of Sharapova that makes Gawain see an imperceptible fragility:

Strong on the outside but dry on the inside.

The tougher you are, the more fear you have in your heart; the more resistance you have, the more struggle you have in your heart; the more angry you are, the more flustered your heart is.

Originally, Gao Wen was just talking poorly, making a joke, and didn't really plan to intervene, but now...

I sighed softly inwardly.

Thinking of Dimitrov, Gawain still decided to talk a little more, just stop talking.

However, Gao Wen shrugged his shoulders lightly and nodded in affirmation.

"Yes, you are correct."

A natural remark made Sharapova choke again, looking at Gao Wen in front of her, she couldn't believe it, how could this guy be such a rascal?

Gao Wen didn't mind, as if he didn't see Sharapova's eyes, he continued to talk.

"Maria, the matter between you and Gregor is a problem between you. I am an outsider. I don't understand your story, so naturally I can't tell you what to do. Don't worry, I won't tell you what to do... "

"Fine, then you can shut up."

Without waiting for Gao Wen to continue, Sharapova said coldly that as long as she had the slightest chance, she would like to cover the mouth of this guy in front of her.

In order to avoid being heard by the onlookers, she had to lower her voice so that the words seemed to be squeezed out bit by bit through the gap between her teeth.


However, this couldn't scare Gao Wen.

Instead, the curvature of Gao Wen's mouth slightly rose, and the old **** said slowly and leisurely:

"Originally, I wanted to say that although I don't know what happened to you or what you think, I have no position to give advice, but at least I can tell you Gregor's thoughts, hoping to give you some help."

Sharapova froze for a moment, her surging emotions froze for a moment, and for a moment, she didn't care about Gao Wen's tone of beating.

Gao Wen didn't speak in a hurry, but shifted his gaze to Courier, who was interacting with the children not far away, and left Sharapova in the air.

He even waved and greeted the children in a leisurely manner, showing a bright smile, completely unable to see the tension surging in the corner.

Not Sharapova.

Although the expression didn't change in particular, she was obviously not concentrating. She glanced at Gao Wen quickly, her expression was indescribable, maybe she couldn't describe it accurately.

In fact, whether it is Sharapova or Dimitrov, they are both too proud and too stubborn.

Deep in their hearts, they still love each other deeply, and there is no problem in their relationship, but because of their pride and persistence, they refuse to communicate and bow their heads.

As a result, the wounds of the two people were spread out there like this, dripping with blood.

Here, Dimitrov performed poorly in the field. From Rotterdam to Acapulco to Indian Wells, his state has never been able to continue.

On that side, Sharapova was also in a sluggish state. Alpurco withdrew before the semi-finals, and Indian Wells stopped the quarter-finals. The official reason was food poisoning and stomach discomfort. But judging from her performance on the field, in the final analysis, The state is still unstable and unable to maintain a strong level.

Regarding "I don't want to meddle in other people's business", Gao Wen was sincere.

The young lovers are having trouble, what is he doing with an outsider?


Seeing two people who clearly love each other torture each other, and two people who are clearly separated from each other but spread dog food silently, he will be full of people who eat melons.

Can't stand it!

Now, since Sharapova took the initiative to provoke this matter, then Gao Wen will let the situation go smoothly.

But Gao Wen's previous words were not nonsense.

He is just a bystander with limited knowledge. Rather than pointing out the maze, he serves as a communication bridge that allows Sharapova and Dimitrov to reconnect.

The authorities are confused, but the bystanders are clear. The only thing he can do is to clear the fog in front of the authorities, and that's all.

As for solving the problem, they still need to do it themselves, and he can't help.

The silence was allowed to spread for a while, and the noise from all directions surged in, filling the gap in which the two of them were silent, and then Gao Wen spoke again.

"Maria, you should know that Gregor really, really cares about the game, right?"

One difference between Dimitrov and Sharapova:

Sharapova still has ambitions, many, many ambitions. She hopes to continue to reach the top of the Grand Slam, and she hopes to return to the world's number one throne.

However, Sharapova believes that Dimitrov did not. In Dimitrov's mind, love precedes career, and their frequency deviates.

If she had to choose between "love" and "career", she would choose the latter. There are still many goals in her career that have not been achieved.

Therefore, Sharapova rejected Dimitrov's marriage proposal and emphasized that she is now focusing on her career

The two people who are clearly in love, because they have different plans for the future, reluctantly keep a distance. Whether it is for Dimitrov or Sharapova, this is uncomfortable.

Rationality is rationality, and in the face of emotions, rational pulls cannot cover up those entanglements, those reluctances, and those pains after all.

Attracted by Gao Wen's, Sharapova raised her head to look over, but her eyes showed puzzlement and subconscious repulsion, and she remained vigilant.

She told herself that Gawain and Dimitrov were good friends, so it was natural to defend Dimitrov, and she shouldn't believe Gawain's one-sided words.

But she couldn't control her heart. She wanted to listen to Gao Wen's words, but the rationality in her brain had already been thrown away, like a wild horse.

Sharapova doesn't like the feeling because the situation is getting out of control, but she still can't control herself, and that's the real thing.

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