Match Point - Chapter 1101

Chapter 1101

Match Point

No one knows exactly how Federer hits the ball.

Similarly, no one knows exactly how Gao Wen completed the second activation.

Everything happened too fast.

In front of the net, close combat, bayonets see red, and the impact of ping-pong-pong has already pushed and pulled advantages and disadvantages back and forth for several rounds.

From strong net breaks to replaying small balls.

From extreme saves to back shots.

Then, to the volley.

Between coming and going, there is only the sound of hitting the ball, whether light or heavy, fast or slow, passing through the sunlight, weaving a passionate and gorgeous symphony.

And then-

Gao Wen soared like a goshawk, his body stretched to the extreme, from his arms to his fingertips to his racket, and finally all the way to the racket head.

Just before Federer's return ball was about to break through Gao Wen's blocking line, the racket head caught the tail of the tennis ball and smashed it.



The tennis ball exploded on the ground.

The audience raised their arms and shouted.

On the court, Gao Wen was finally released.




He clenched his fists tightly and roared to his heart's content. The passionate roar ignited the audience, and the golden sunlight that filled the sky was burning like this.

The brain roared.


At this moment, all thinking, all emotions, all thoughts are all pressed the pause button, just falling into a mass of frenzy.


Wonderful to the point of weak knees.

Whether it's Federer's fans, Gawain's fans, or the melon-eaters, at this moment, without exception, they fell into madness.

In this point, the two players unreservedly displayed eighteen kinds of martial arts, including power, rotation and layout, bottom line, small ball and accident, game, confrontation and inspiration. They fully displayed the charm of tennis. Presented across the board, jaw-dropping shots throughout.

In awe!

Even Federer's fans stood up one after another and applauded the two players, sincerely expressing their admiration and admiration.


Gao Wen raised his head to the sky and howled, shouting and shouting, the smiles on the corners of his mouth bloomed, and they fell into his eyes sparsely, like stars in the sky.

Even though his lungs were burning, his brain was roaring, his blood was boiling, every cell in his body seemed to be screaming, but he was still completely immersed in this moment.

A kind of excitement of fighting, a kind of burning of confrontation, life bursts out endless energy at this moment.

In front of the TV.

Sosa, with tears in her eyes, a heart that was about to burst, and then she saw a familiar figure appearing in the camera lens.

"Mom, it's Lawanda!"

Looking up, Sosa saw that her mother was wiping her tears too, but she couldn't tell if it was her own tears that were so dim that her eyes were misjudged.

On the small screen, Lawanda is cheering, jumping and roaring.

"Come on! Gao Wen!"

"come on!"

Enjoy this moment with all your might, as if tomorrow is the end of the world.


At the most critical, tense and most important moment of the final set, Gao Wen broke Federer's serve, and he only needed a break point-

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Match Point

By the way, in the first two sets, Gawain and Federer both won with a break of serve.


Next, it was Gao Wen's serve to win the game. There is a long list of historical records, and Gao Wen still has the last game.


Does Federer agree?

Obviously, Gao Wen still needs to ask Federer's opinion.

For the Big Four, never underestimate their explosive energy in adversity, even if they lose, they will not easily disarm.


Gawain stood on the edge of the cliff.

The reason is more complicated.

On the one hand, after finishing the wonderful rounds in a row, and after being extremely tense, it was inevitable that he would feel a little tired, and Gao Wen's concentration fluctuated a bit.

Of course, physical strength also plays a role.

On the one hand, the strong wind continues. For the serving side, more attention should be paid when throwing the ball, otherwise the hitting point may be deviated.

In this round, the quality of Gao Wen's first serve declined. In the first four points, there was only one first serve, and the other three were second serve.

Federer immediately keenly seized the opportunity and put pressure on Gao Wen's second serve again and again. The aggressive attack put great pressure on Gao Wen.

One point, another point, the whole process is faster than expected, and before they have time to gain a firm foothold, they have to face the crisis of two consecutive break points.

Gao Wen didn't panic.

Make the most of the short sweat-wiping time, adjust your breathing and heartbeat, settle down, clear your mind, and regain your focus and focus.

ACE, "30:40."

A serve attack, two consecutive forehand attacks forced Federer to return the ball without suppressing it, and extended the bottom line, "40:40".

Federer was a little angry.

He was very dissatisfied with the shot of his forehand hitting the bottom line, cursed a few foul words, and vented his negative emotions for a short time.

Find your cool again.

In the past three seasons, the biggest problem that has plagued Federer is "missing break points". Facing any opponent, it is easy to make mistakes that should not be made or the quality of the ball should not be reduced, resulting in a lower break success rate. Slide, which is an obvious obsession.

This is also an important reason why Federer gradually lost the wind when confronting Djokovic and Nadal, because there are often not many opportunities for such games. Once missed, it may never appear again.

Two consecutive break points, all of which were so easily missed, it is no wonder that Federer, who has always been elegant and calm, is very dissatisfied with his performance.

Immediately after

A serve with a speed of 210 kilometers per hour forced Federer to fly the return ball directly, and the serve was straight, "AD: 40".

Match point, appeared.

At the critical moment, Gao Wen's growth and transformation are clearly visible. Compared with the Australian Open, Gao Wen has fully adapted to his new serve movement, and his height advantage of 193 cm has been further utilized. Sometimes, he can rely on this weapon.

Especially in the windy weather in Indian Wells, it is the most rare thing to be able to make adjustments on the spot when the status of the previous four first rounds fluctuated.

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Match Point

As the party involved, Gao Wen was not celebrating, but kept focused, thinking about the next point layout

Match should I play?

Of course, if it can be won directly through ACE, it is naturally the easiest and quickest, but the point is, how should the serve be chosen?

Second District.

outer corner.

On the match point, Gao Wen still chose the outer corner of the second zone to suppress Federer's backhand, a routine.

Sometimes conventional means corny, but sometimes conventional means classic.

200 kilometers per hour!


One shot, off the net.

It hit **** the net belt, stirring up a white wave.


There was an exclamation of regret in the stadium, and at the same time Federer's fans cheered up, because the second serve means an opportunity.

Gao Wen, my heart is like still water


It's still windy.

When tossing the ball, due to the influence of the wind direction, the hitting point was slightly missed, which was a slight difference; moreover, Gao Wen still wanted to create more pressure with the first serve, so the force and speed of the downward pressure were a bit ruthless. hit the webbing.

At this time, it can be seen that in the last game, the psychological confrontation between the game and countermeasures still has an objective impact.

But Gao Wen was not surprised, all these deviations were normal, and he needed to face them calmly.

Second serve.

Next, attention should be focused on the layout of the second serve.

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