Match Point - Chapter 1046

Chapter 1046


A shout came from the direction of the players' rest area. Li Zhe reflexively followed the voice and saw Gao Wen standing up.

With a tall and straight figure, cool eyes, and impassioned support, he clenched his right fist and raised his arms and shouted, one, and another, and kept shouting.


Not refueling, but fighting.

Involuntarily, Li Zhe thought of Gao Wen's words: The battle is endless! Keep fighting!

For Gao Wen, every game is a struggle and a battle, burning blood, igniting the spirit, and exhausting the last bit of energy deep in the soul.

Pour it all in.

nothing left.

In the depths of Gao Wen's eyes, what shines is not only the desire for victory, but also a kind of challenge, impact, and burning passion.

Really inject all the enthusiasm and high spirits of life into this field.

Li Zhe could see the burning flame in the depths of his soul, and his unwavering belief was pressed heavily on his chest through his eyes and shouts.


The depths of Li Zhe's throat also surged, and the two simple syllables collided together, but a faint spark burst out.

Turning his head, Li Zhe saw Zhang Ze who was constantly jumping and mobilizing his body.

Zhang Ze is still working hard, but his body language can't lie, and he can still see that he is at the end of his battle, and his physical fitness has indeed bottomed out.

It doesn't matter, this is doubles, they are partners, they are comrades-in-arms, they need to take care of each other, if Zhang Ze can't stand it, then he will shoulder more responsibilities.

In fact, some people are sure to say

Zhang Ze and Gao Wen's singles have won two games in a row, and there will be another Gao Wen's singles game tomorrow, which also means that Huaxia can basically guarantee victory.

Therefore, the outcome of the doubles match is not as important as imagined. There is no need to force sensationalism and passion. This is not on the edge of a cliff. Even if you lose the match, it does not mean that you will lose the Davis Cup team match. They really don't have to be so tragic and tragic.

Li Zhe knows all of this, he knows all of this, but this should not be the case in competitive sports, "It doesn't matter if you win or lose", let alone in team competitions, "It doesn't matter if you lose, anyway, you have teammates", this is not the correct way of the game Open way; what's more, he doesn't just play to win.

And myself.

He, already twenty-nine years old, had the best achievements in his career just two men's doubles championships in the Challenger League. In addition, he entered the main match of the Shanghai Masters for three consecutive years, but lost in the first round of all of them.

Then, there is no more, this is all, since 2005, this year I have been in the professional arena for a full ten years, but I have been rolling in the challenge and hope matches, and even the singles wins in the challenge are not many, let alone Most of them still compete with young players in the hope match.

So, what about the future?

On the road of professional tennis, he can't see the future, but it's ridiculous that in the past ten years, this has been his career and his source of income.

This is his life, this is his life, in the eyes of ordinary people, it is completely the life of a loser, but, to him, this is all he has.

His youth, his passion, his fighting spirit, his high spirits, his smile and tears, all condensed on the mustard yellow tennis ball at that moment.

The threshold of thirty seems to be right in front of him, and he has thought more than once, where is the future? What else can he do after leaving this arena?

Whether you stay or turn around, everything is at a loss, and you can't see the light.

Even now, it is still the case.

But the difference is that he wants to seize the moment of "now", he wants to fight hard to see, he wants to burn and see, and he wants to bloom his own light.

Not to prove anything, not to prove myself to anyone, not for the long ten years, just for myself for this moment.

Maybe, in the vast universe, he is just thousands of insignificant dust, but even the tiniest and weakest dust is his whole world, and he is still working tirelessly and diligently to shine , intertwined with other brilliance to become the brilliance of the night sky.

In real life, some people can bloom proudly, illuminating a corner like a North Star; there are people who are unknown but are still struggling to live and struggle. He is also fighting and struggling, and he is also looking forward to his own light. A ray of light that shines into someone's dark life.

He is also trying to live.

Gao Wen said, nineteen years old, so what? Then he summited in Flushing.

Well, twenty-nine years old, so what?


Gao Wen shouted, and Li Zhe's blood couldn't help but boil. The more extreme the limit, the more difficult and dangerous the situation, the more vigorous the fighting spirit.

For victory, but not just for victory.

Then, clenching his fists, Li Zhe called out in a low voice.


In this way, to cheer for himself, he wants to fight and see.

buzz buzz.

The air in the abs court was surging, as if until this moment, it finally ushered in the climax of today's game.

In the players' rest area, everyone exchanged gazes, but found that the focus and focal length could not be concentrated at all, and then retracted their gazes and continued to stare at the court.

To a certain extent, Gao Wen was even more focused and nervous than himself standing on the court

When the players are in the game, they are actually not so nervous.

The attention is completely focused on the game, thinking about how the game should be laid out for the next point, there is no time to think about the score, and there is no time to worry about it, otherwise the ever-changing game will soon get out of control.

But now, they have to sit on the sidelines and can't do anything except cheer, because the initiative to change the situation is not in their hands, messy thoughts are spreading in the brain, and the heart almost stops.

No wonder football and basketball coaches have a lot of high blood pressure and heart disease, which is indeed a hard job.

Suddenly, the heart rose up, blocked the throat, unconsciously held his breath, concentrated on it, and clenched his fists, because the knuckles were slightly white because of the force:

Game, go on.

Zhang Ze was ready to serve.

break point.

Outer corner!

Zhang Ze and Li Zhe chose a tactical coordination, which is also one of the classic routines of doubles.

In the second zone, Zhang Ze chose to serve from the outside corner, tearing the angle, forcing Daniel, who was in charge of receiving the serve, to return to the oblique line; at the same time, Li Zhe tactically grabbed the net, moved laterally to the left, and intercepted Daniel's return line. Create an effect comparable to a volleyball block and establish an advantage.

The tactic worked!

Li Zhe appeared on the tennis flight line with a diving dive, intercepted a diagonal line, and aimed at Steck who was standing diagonally in front of the net and was about to establish an advantage in front of the net.

Chase and kill!


The tennis ball rushed towards Steck's body like a missile.

Everything happened too fast, Steck was caught off guard, there was no room for thinking, and even the reaction time was very limited.

In the blink of an eye, Steck could only rely entirely on his instinctive conditioned reflex, and reached out to intercept a shot behind his back, a subconscious action.

Stop...stop it!

Unbelievably, Stike actually... stopped it!
