Master Dan Dao - Chapter 8227

Chapter 8227

Sade silently arranged for the demons to follow the humans to retreat.

Although this scene would somewhat make other demons feel uncomfortable, it was the only useful way for Sade.

No matter how embarrassing you are, you won't ruin your own life.

Moreover, the human race he followed can be regarded as a powerful example.

The army had just walked out for less than a hundred miles, but Feng Ming and his men stopped one after another.

Saad asked suspiciously.

"Why don't you leave? Is there a void in front of you?"

Fengming shook his head directly.

"That's not true. It's just that I remembered that according to what Admiral Feng taught me, we should complete an ambush before continuing to retreat. Otherwise, the pursuit will only continue endlessly."

In fact, this is already a long overdue explanation. When Fengming spoke, the human race had already fallen down, and an ambush was ready here.

Fengming pointed to the nearby canyon. The harsh environment finally reminded Sade that they are now in the Grand Canyon, a place with few resources.

There are very few connected roads at all, and the road they took is basically the easiest way to pass through this natural danger.

The most direct way to set up an ambush here is to ensure that Void will definitely chase from here to ensure the success of the ambush.

"Then... I'll also invite some demons to participate in the ambush here, and I ask Your Excellency Fengming to give us a chance to kill the enemy."

Fengming nodded silently, then looked into the distance.

"There, if we fight Void here, there is almost a place where Void will definitely go around. It is not convenient for me to arrange people to go there."

Sade nodded affirmatively, and then came to count the demons who could fight.

In fact, both Sade and Fengming are very clear that Fengming has other options for this position, but since Sade has come to ask for it, give it to him.

Although these demons are remnants and defeated generals, they can still make up a few thousand demons with only minor injuries.

Hand over the frontal battlefield to Fengming and the others, and cover the flanks, can't these thousands of demons do well?

The purpose of Sade asking for this mission is very simple. He needs a battle to let the demons who follow him know that they can participate in the battle and win, so as to wash away the low morale of the demons.

And he can get his honor and dignity in the process.

Fengming's reason for agreeing to them is also very simple. Because he has learned in the academy that at any time, he must grasp the thoughts of his subordinates, even if they are temporarily captured demons or captives, he must try his best to understand. Only in this way can the army be as powerful as arms

Make finger.

Since these demons want a chance, then give them a task that they can definitely complete.

The preparations of all parties were almost done, Fengming specially arranged a group of wounded demons at the corner of the road, and waited for his order, then rushed into the road in a panic posture, giving the illusion of void.

As time went by bit by bit, seeing that the sky was about to darken, Feng Ming suddenly felt vigilant.

The pursuit should not be delayed until this point.

"Everyone listen to the order and retreat immediately." Fengming thought, if it is a pursuit, the best time is naturally daytime, but until now there is no void, there are only two possibilities, either they have given up, or they have already found a way to deal with myself

Arranged plan.

But just as the army came out of the hiding place, in an instant, a huge long snake appeared on one side of the mountain, and the unique black mist of the void suddenly filled the air.

This is a narrow ambush area. Once the black mist diffused, it was impossible to see the surroundings in an instant. There was only the void above the head, and the whole body was as bright as jasper.

"A group of cuties, your flesh and blood must be delicious, let me enjoy it!"

As the void suddenly swooped down, a panic shout that was dispersed by the void had already spread.

Sade was anxious. He heard that these screams were human voices, so he quickly ordered.

"If this human race is encircled and suppressed, we have no chance of surviving! Come with me, at least stabilize the human race's line of defense!"

The demons were already brave, and this team of demons was originally selected from the defeated army. They were holding back their anger, and they were just waiting for an opportunity to tear a large amount of flesh from Void.

Now Void actually let them do nothing, and turned to deal with the human race, this is a naked humiliation to the demon race!

The Shuqian demons followed Sade and rushed towards Fengming's human line.

"Fengming, don't panic! I'll come to help you!"

Following Sade's roar, they finally rushed to Fengming's line, and what caught his eye made him dumbfounded.

The shouts and killings were loud outside, but here, it was surprisingly calm.

Fiery and even dazzling light clusters floated around these human soldiers, illuminating the entire area. Although it was only a few dozen steps away, within this area, it was brightly lit.

The formation of the human race was not in the slightest panic, on the contrary, it was more orderly. Everyone was in their proper position, alert to the position they were supposed to be alert to.

Fengming just glanced down, and sent an order to Sade.

"You take the demons to cover on the left, remember to go along the edge of our human defense line, otherwise, it will be decisive."

At this moment, Fengming no longer had the tone of the conversation with him before, only a cold order.

Here is a dead silence, in the sky, it is the rush of the void, chaos and shouting.

Sade led the demons back to the flank of the human defense line at an extremely fast speed, but several of the demons wanted to get close to the human defense line, and were instantly reprimanded by the human race.

There is a clear distinction between the human race and the demon race. For a while, Sade had no choice but to come to Fengming in person, even though he didn't understand.

"What do we do next?"

Feng Ming chuckled.

"No need to do anything, just watch the show."

"The two armies are facing each other. I don't believe that he can break into the steel barrier set up by my human race."

Fengming is quite sure at the moment, this is a kind of self-confidence that comes from strength.

These human races are all elites carefully selected by him. Not only are they powerful, but they also have absolute discipline. Without orders, they can be on guard for dozens of days.

Such is their patience.

To deal with Void, you can never charge in one go. Instead, you need to delay like this, find the flaws in Void, and kill with one blow.

But the opponent's attack was delayed, Feng Ming's eyes were slightly empty.

He had the patience to continue waiting, but it was obvious that the other party was either waiting for an opportunity or preparing a killer.

In the dark, Fengming felt that he seemed to miss something. Missed a very important piece of information.