Master Dan Dao - Chapter 6512

Chapter 6512


Qin Yichen looked at the scene faintly, frowning slightly.

"Why is this?"

Not only Sai Lao, but also other villagers knelt down, trying to make Qin Yichen take back this order.

Seeing that Qin Yichen still didn't know the pros and cons, Sai Lao quickly said.

"Master Guangzhu doesn't know something, and using the power of faith is a burden for God."

"You give us the power of faith, which means that your strength will be affected during this period of time. If you are unlucky, you are fighting an enemy, and if we use the power of faith, you will be Very unfavorable."

Qin Yichen only glanced at them faintly, but shook his head after nodding.

"I didn't feel the power decay."

The villagers were stupid as soon as these words came out.

No impact?

How can this be!

Qin Yichen also had some doubts, could it be because the fat man hadn't used the power of faith yet, he didn't feel it?

He ordered the fat man.

"You go out now to borrow the power of faith, and squander it casually until I tell you to stop."

The fat man hesitated a little, but at Qin Yichen's second order, he came to the outside of the hall and performed a lot of carelessness.

Qin Yichen also closed his eyes, carefully feeling the changes in his body.

After a long time, Qin Yichen opened his eyes.

Sai Lao hurried forward.

"How about Lord Guangzhu?"

"Do you feel uncomfortable now?"

Qin Yichen just raised his brows.


Sai Lao's eyes widened.

"This is absolutely impossible!"

Qin Yichen nodded very firmly, grabbed Sai Lao, and led him to the sky, defeating the fat man's exercises one by one.

The breath was still calm, not a bit rushing.

This confrontation lasted for two full hours, and even the fat man couldn't stand it anymore, sweating profusely, his hands on his legs, and he panted for a while.

"I'm not the only one."

Qin Yichen beckoned, brought the two of them back down, back to a group of dumbfounded villagers.

He asked the fat man to rest first, and then he looked at Sai Lao.

"I'm very curious about where your news comes from. Why do you think that using the power of faith will hurt me?"

Sai Lao looked helpless, this was the truth.

It turns out that the villagers in the village are the descendants of the demon god. In the hands of the old man and the village chief, they both hold some secrets related to the gods.

Coupled with their knowledge of the world, they have a deep-rooted obsession with using the power of faith to harm God.

After Qin Yichen listened quietly, it suddenly became clear.

No wonder these villagers are in the star field of the battle hall, but there are no people from the battle hall to preach.

Qin Yichen also knew something about the devil.

Not to mention that the Battle of the Holy Palace is preaching, and keeping a few people staring at any time is a tolerance for them.

It is precisely because of this that they want to get Qin Yichen's approval so urgently.

Either the light master or the demon god, as long as they can regain their faith and let them no longer experience the misery that their ancestors have experienced for generations without faith, it is enough.

However, recalling the whole thing, Qin Yichen suddenly realized

"All of this is a scam."

"The so-called price is nothing more than the benefits that the so-called gods seek for themselves."

"Olympus believers need to sacrifice life, that is to say, these lifespans are in the hands of the gods of Olympus, so that they can have such a long life."

"The devil needs power, so it absorbs the spirit and flesh of believers to strengthen themselves."

"All of this is actually a scam, and it is the default rules of the superiors."

Sai Lao was shocked.

When he looked at Qin Yichen again, he admired Qin Yichen even more.

"Thank you Guangzhu for your guidance."

"It is a great honor for the old man to join the church created by the Lord of Light."

Sai Lao did not hide his feelings at all at this moment, and paid two big gifts to Qin Yichen.

After all this, Sai Lao stood up.

Qin Yichen didn't bother with the deeds of other gods, anyway, he didn't need these extra things.

The ideas brought from the Three Thousand Dao Court made Qin Yichen dismiss this kind of outright exploitation.

There is indeed exploitation in the Three Thousand Dao Court, but the mainstream exploitation absolutely does not include such means as concealment. Everyone knows that everything is a transaction.

Qin Yichen couldn't agree with this kind of trick.

"Lao Sai, you come up. From now on, you will protect the right and will be responsible for presiding over the temple, selecting talents, and spreading doctrine."

Sai Lao quickly thanked him.

Qin Yichen chose six more talented people among the villagers and gave them a medium to use the power of faith, and then he stood up.

"Now I'm going back to see the temple. If they are too peaceful, it would be bad for us."

As soon as Qin Yichen stood up, Mr. Sai followed.

"Master Guangzhu, what kind of church are we? What is our doctrine?"

"Please forgive the Lord Guangzhu. The old man dare not speculate on the doctrine."

Qin Yichen turned and looked at a group of villagers.

I saw that their eyes were full of expectations.

Such holy things.

Qin Yichen didn't want to beep at all, and said casually.

"As long as you believe in the light, you can become the light."

"The light shines on the good people and protects the bad people. The light will forgive all sins and will severely punish all obsessions."

"There is light in my heart, and being in darkness is also day."

After making up a few words casually, Qin Yichen left.

Sai Lao quickly took out a pen to record these words, and then personally copied several copies.

Following Mr. Sai's instructions, several people followed him and left the mountain to preach to the outside world.

After Qin Yichen returned to the Temple of War, what he saw was the temple that was as clean as before, without the appearance of experiencing a war at all.

"This is the value of the temple."

After Qin Yichen owns the temple himself, he has a deeper understanding of the temple.

As long as the temple is not destroyed, the followers of God of War will not be disintegrated.

The God of War is still there, and the Temple of War is still there. No matter how many wars they go through, they can make a comeback.

"Have seen Lord Wind."

A soldier from the battle hall saluted Qin Yichen.

As soon as Qin Yichen took two steps, Hei Qi appeared in front of Qin Yichen with a look of excitement.

"Your Excellency Feng, please help me quickly and persuade Lord War God."

"Master of War, he is too depressed now."

"Matt is also missing. Can you help me find it?"

After successive questions, Qin Yichen finally understood the current situation of Zhan Sacred Hall.

The biggest problem was the disappearance of White Horseback, which had a big blow to the morale of the temple.

"Take me there."

Although Qin Yichen was willing to see his opponent's bad luck in his heart, he still needed the existence of the Holy Palace.

If the battle sacred temple is destroyed, other temples will also intervene at that time, and there is also the hidden crisis of Gilgamesh.

My own believers do not have such a good environment to develop.

Therefore, he has to help God of War again, even if he is an enemy, he is still his own umbrella now.