The Blessed Virgin is of all the works of the Creator the most excellent, and to find anything in nature more grand one must go to the Author of nature Himself.--ST. PETER DAMIAN.
If we would advance in virtue, we must not neglect little things, for they pave the way to greater.--ST. TERESA.
When one has fallen into some fault, what better remedy can there be than to have immediate recourse to the Most Blessed Sacrament?--ST.
Afflictions are the most certain proofs that G.o.d can give us of His love for us.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Is it not a great cruelty for us Christians, members of the body of the Holy Church, to attack one another?--ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.
The Church is the pillar and ground of truth, and her infallibility admits of no doubt.--VEN. LOUIS DE GRANADA.
He who truly loves his neighbor and can not efficaciously a.s.sist him, should strive at least to relieve and help him by his prayers.--ST.
We should blush for shame to show so much resentment at what is done or said against us, knowing that so many injuries and affronts have been offered to our Redeemer and the saints.--ST. TERESA.
The reason why so many souls who apply themselves to prayer are not inflamed with G.o.d's love is, that they neglect to carefully prepare themselves for it.--ST. TERESA.
It is absolutely necessary, both for our advancement and the salvation of others, to follow always and in all things the beautiful light of faith.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
IF WE consider all that is imperfect and worldly in us, we shall find ample reason for abasing ourselves before G.o.d and man, before ourselves and our inferiors.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
No one should think or say anything of another which he would not wish thought or said of himself.--ST. TERESA.
We should study the interests of others as our own, and be careful to act on all occasions with uprightness and loyalty.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
It is G.o.d Himself who receives what we give in charity, and is it not an incomparable happiness to give Him what belongs to Him, and what we have received from His goodness alone?--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Let your constant practice be to offer yourself to G.o.d, that He may do with you what He pleases.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
It is not enough to forbid our own tongue to murmur; we must also refuse to listen to murmurers.--VEN. LOUIS DE GRANADA.
We can obtain no reward without merit, and no merit without patience.-- ST. ALPHONSUS.
No harp sends forth such sweet harmonies as are produced in the afflicted heart by the holy name of Mary. Let us kneel to reverence this holy, this sublime name of Mary!--BL. HENRY SUSO.
The life of a true Christian should be such that he fears neither death nor any event of his life, but endures and submits to all things with a good heart.--ST. TERESA.
We should abandon ourselves entirely into the hands of G.o.d, and believe that His providence disposes everything that He wishes or permits to happen to us for our greater good.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Regulate and direct all your actions to G.o.d, offering them to Him and beseeching Him to grant that they be for His honor and glory.--ST.
[Ill.u.s.tration: Hail, Virgin Most Pure!]
Conformity to the will of G.o.d is an easy and certain means of acquiring a great treasure of graces in this life.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Do not consider what others do, or how they do it; for there are but few who really work for their own sanctification.--ST. ALPHONSUS.