Your heart is not so narrow that the world can satisfy it entirely; nothing but G.o.d can fill it.--ST. IGNATIUS.
If you wish to raise a lofty edifice of perfection, take humility for a foundation.--ST. THOMAS AQUINAS.
It ordinarily happens that G.o.d permits those who judge others, to fall into the same or even greater faults.--ST. VINCENT FERRER.
Raise thy heart and thy love toward the sweet and most holy cross, which soothes every pain!--ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.
Often read spiritual books; then, like a sheep, ruminate the food thou hast taken, by meditation and a desire to practise the holy doctrine found therein.--ST. ANTONINUS.
Love others much, but visit them seldom.--ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.
G.o.d sends us trials and afflictions to exercise us in patience and teach us sympathy with the sorrows of others.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Armed with prayer, the saints sustained a glorious warfare and vanquished all their enemies. By prayer, also, they appeased the wrath of G.o.d, and obtained from Him all they desired.--VEN. LOUIS DE GRANADA.
All souls in h.e.l.l are there because they did not pray. All the saints sanctified themselves by prayer.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
The thought of the presence of G.o.d renders us familiar with the practice of doing in all things His holy will.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
If we consider the number and excellence of the virtues practised by the saints, we must feel the inefficiency and imperfection of our actions.-- ST. VINCENT FERRER.
Prayer without fervor has not sufficient strength to rise to heaven.-- ST. BERNARD.
The path of virtue is painful to nature when left to itself; but nature, a.s.sisted by grace, finds it easy and agreeable.--VEN. LOUIS OF GRANADA.
Always give the preference to actions which appear to you the most agreeable to G.o.d, and most contrary to self-love.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
As the branch separated from the roots soon loses all life and verdure, so it is with good works which are not united with charity.--ST. GREGORY THE GREAT.
We should constantly thank the Lord for having granted us the gift of the true faith, by a.s.sociating us with the children of the holy Catholic Church.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
We should not spare expense, fatigue, nor even our life, when there is a question of accomplishing the holy will of G.o.d.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Some are unable to fast or give alms; there are none who can not pray.-- ST. ALPHONSUS.
We meet with contradictions everywhere. If only two persons are together they mutually afford each other opportunities of exercising patience, and even when one is alone there will still be a necessity for this virtue, so true it is that our miserable life is full of crosses.--ST.
We should bear our sufferings in expiation for our sins, to merit heaven, and to please G.o.d.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
ALWAYS give good example: teach virtue by word and deed. Example is more powerful than discourse.--BL. HENRY SUSO.
If thou wouldst glory, let it be in the Lord, by referring everything to Him, and giving to Him all the honor and glory.--VEN. LOUIS DE GRANADA.
There is nothing more holy, more eminently perfect, than resignation to the will of G.o.d, which confirms us in an entire detachment from ourselves, and a perfect indifference for every condition in which we may be placed.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Prayer consists not in many words, but in the fervor of desire, which raises the soul to G.o.d by the knowledge of its own nothingness and the divine goodness.--BL. HENRY SUSO.