O Queen of heaven and earth! Thou art the gate of mercy ever open, never closed. The universe must perish before he who invokes thee from his heart is refused a.s.sistance.--BL. HENRY SUSO.
Our Faith will never be true unless it is united to that of St. Peter and the Pontiff, his successors.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
Short pleasures and long sufferings are all the world can give.--VEN.
Learn to be silent sometimes for the edification of others, that you may learn how to speak sometimes.--ST. VINCENT FERRER.
Grat.i.tude for graces received is a most efficacious means of obtaining new ones.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
To a useless question we should answer only by silence.--ST. VINCENT FERRER.
We should not judge things by their exterior or appearance, but consider what they are in the sight of G.o.d, and whether they be according to His good pleasure.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
Preserve purity of conscience with care, and never do anything to sully it or render it less agreeable to G.o.d.--ST. THOMAS AQUINAS.
Give not thyself too much to any one. He who gives himself too freely is generally the least acceptable.--BL. HENRY SUSO.
Affliction strengthens the vigor of our soul, whereas happiness weakens it.--ST. GREGORY THE GREAT.
To acquire purity of the soul, it is necessary to guard against pa.s.sing judgment on our neighbor, or useless remarks on his conduct.--ST.
Turn away the eyes of thy body and those of thy mind from seeing others, that thou mayest be able to contemplate thyself.--ST. VINCENT FERRER.
The brightest ornaments in the crown of the blessed in heaven are the sufferings which they have borne patiently on earth.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
We are not innocent before G.o.d if we punish that which we should pardon, or pardon that which we should punish.--ST. BERNARD.
Is there any one in the world who has invoked thee, O Mary, without having felt the benefit of thy protection, which is promised to those who invoke thy mercy?--ST. BERNARD.
It is the key of obedience that opens the door of paradise. Jesus Christ has confided that key to His vicar, the Pope, Christ on earth, whom all are obliged to obey even unto death.--ST. CATHERINE OF SIENA.
It is true that G.o.d promises forgiveness if we repent, but what a.s.surance have we of obtaining it to-morrow?--VEN. LOUIS DE BLOIS.
We should offer ourselves and all we have to G.o.d, that He may dispose of us according to His holy will, so that we may be ever ready to leave all and embrace the afflictions that come upon us.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
No one has a right to mercy who can not himself show mercy.--VEN. LOUIS DE GRANADA.
We should reflect on all our actions, exterior and interior, and before we commence, examine well if we are able to finish them.--VEN. JOHN TAULER.
The reason why the lukewarm run so great a risk of being lost is because tepidity conceals from the soul the immense evil which it causes.--ST.
We should learn of Jesus Christ to be meek and humble of heart, and ask Him unceasingly for these two virtues. We ought, particularly, to avoid the two contrary vices which would cause us to destroy with one hand what we seek to raise with the other.--ST. VINCENT DE PAUL.
The sufferings endured for G.o.d are the greatest proof of our love for Him.--ST. ALPHONSUS.
It is in vain that we cut off the branches of evil, if we leave intact the root, which continually produces new ones.--ST. GREGORY THE GREAT.