Preparatory Prayer (located at the start of the novena).
THE Holy Helpers were so thoroughly imbued with the virtue of divine faith, that they believed its sacred truths with perfect abandonment of their intellect, will, liberty, and whole being. They wavered not amid the severest torments, but remained firm until death in the confession of Christ.
Our time is noted for a.s.saults on the Faith and on the Church that teaches it. The Church, the depository of divine revelation, is blasphemed in her doctrine, in her precepts, in her sacraments, in her ministers, in her cult, in her entire essence. Were you never ashamed of your Catholic name? What cowardliness, what timidity, what downright malice!
REVIVE your faith by the consideration of the example of the Holy Helpers. Do not, from human respect, neglect the sanctification of the Lord's Day, the observance of days of fast and abstinence, the reception of the holy sacraments, the profession of your belief in the real presence of Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament, etc. Meditate frequently on the words of Christ: "He that shall deny Me before men, I will also deny him before My Father who is in heaven" (_Matt._ x. 33).
O G.o.d, I beseech Thee, through the faith of the Holy Helpers, grant me the grace to treasure in my heart the doctrines of our holy faith, to believe them firmly, to confess them bravely, and to live according to their precepts, that through that same faith I may become worthy to be admitted to Thy beatific vision in heaven. Amen.
Litany and Prayers (located on the first day of the novena).
The Virtue of Hope
Preparatory Prayer (located at the start of the novena).
"HOPE confoundeth not" (_Rom._ v. 6). According to the commentators these words of Holy Scripture are to be understood in the sense that our works must be in conformity with that which is the object of our hope; that is, we must live in such a manner that we really merit the reward of heaven.
We sin against hope also by presumption in G.o.d's mercy, by despair, and by over-confidence in our own righteousness. According to Holy Scripture we can not, of our own efficacy, perform a good act, but can do all in Him that strengthens us.
All these truths are exemplified in the lives of the Holy Helpers. Their hope was based on the firm foundation of faith, and consequently, like it, firm, constant, and unwavering.
LIKE the Holy Helpers, hope to obtain from G.o.d all things necessary to salvation, for "the Lord is good to them that hope in Him, to the soul that seeketh Him" (_Lam._ iii. 25). Live so that He can fulfil His promises. Place no obstacle to His bounty and might by a sinful life.
ETERNAL G.o.d of love and mercy, I thank Thee for all the benefits Thou hast conferred upon me, and hope to obtain, through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, all the graces necessary for my salvation. Through Christ our Lord. Amen.
Litany and Prayers (located on the first day of the novena).
The Love of G.o.d
Preparatory Prayer (located at the start of the novena).
THE love of G.o.d which inflamed the Holy Helpers showed forth in their whole life, and particularly at their death. We, too, ought to be inflamed with such love, for without it faith, wisdom, the gift of tongues, and good works in general, avail nothing; for the love of G.o.d must inspire them all. "And we know that to them that love G.o.d, all things work together unto good" (_Rom._ viii. 28). Such, and such alone, will receive the crown of life. Did not G.o.d love us first? To redeem us from sin and eternal death He spared not His only begotten, divine Son.
All goods of life and fortune are gifts of His love, evidences of His infinite love. And we find it difficult to return this love? How ungrateful not to love G.o.d with your whole heart!
IMITATE the Holy Helpers in their ardent love of G.o.d. Implore their intercession to obtain it. Meditate often on G.o.d's love for you, and your heart will be enflamed with love for Him.
O G.o.d of mercy and love, I thank Thee from all my heart for the countless graces which Thy infinite love has bestowed on me. By the ardent love which the Holy Helpers had for Thee, I implore Thee to enkindle in my heart the flame of Thy love, so that I may remain in Thee and Thou in me. Amen.
Litany and Prayers (located on the first day of the novena).
The Virtue of Charity
Preparatory Prayer (located at the start of the novena).
CHARITY is one of the fundamental virtues of the Christian religion. The moral doctrine preached by Christ is comprised in the words: "Thou shalt love the Lord thy G.o.d with thy whole heart, and with thy whole soul, and with thy whole mind. This is the greatest and the first commandment. And the second is like to this. Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. On these two commandments dependeth the whole law and the prophets"
(_Matt._ xxii. 37-40).
As in everything else, the Holy Helpers are our exemplars also in charity. Charity consists in wishing well to our fellow-men, rejoicing with the glad and sympathizing with the sad, doing good to all, excusing their faults whenever possible, disclosing them only when necessary, being friendly, indulgent, meek, and helpful toward them. We love our neighbor if we succor the poor and distressed, if we harbor no envy for the rich, if we esteem the just for their virtue, and hate--not the sinner--but sin. We love our neighbor if we are not content with harboring these sentiments in our heart, but show them by our actions.
ENDEAVOR to exercise this charity according to the spirit of Christ. The love of your neighbor must not be a sentimental affection; it must not originate in casual qualities of character or rank, in inclination, etc., but must have the love of G.o.d for its motive. We must exercise charity toward all because G.o.d wills it, and in the manner in which He wills it. "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself."
O G.o.d of charity, who dost will that I love my neighbor for Thy sake, grant me the grace, through the intercession of the Holy Helpers, to be animated with that spirit of charity which embraces all and excludes none, which "is patient, kind, envieth not, dealeth not perversely, is not puffed up, is not ambitious, seeketh not her own, is not provoked to anger, thinketh no evil, rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth with the truth, beareth all things, believeth all things, endureth all things, and never falleth away" (1 _Cor._ xiii. 4-8). Amen.
Litany and Prayers (located on the first day of the novena).
Human Respect
Preparatory Prayer (located at the start of the novena).