1. THE soul must be in the state of grace; for the devotion of a sinful heart pleases neither G.o.d nor the saints.
2. We must persevere, that is, the prayers for each day of the novena must never be omitted.
3. If possible, we should visit a church every day, and there implore the favor we desire.
4. Every day we ought to perform certain specified acts of exterior self-denial and interior mortification, in order to prepare us thereby for the reception of grace.
5. It is most important that we receive holy communion when making a novena. Therefore prepare yourself well for it.
6. After obtaining the desired grace for which the novena was made, do not omit to return thanks to G.o.d and to the saint through whose intercession your prayers were heard.
On the Manner of Reading the Meditations and Observing the Practices
HOLY SCRIPTURE says, "Before prayer prepare thy soul; and be not as a man that tempteth G.o.d" (_Eccles._ xviii. 23). Therefore place yourself in the presence of G.o.d, invoke the a.s.sistance of the Holy Ghost, and make a most sincere act of contrition for your sins. Offer up to G.o.d your will, your intellect, and your memory, so that your prayer may be pleasing to G.o.d and serve to promote your spiritual welfare.
Then read the meditation slowly, reflecting on each point of the thought or mystery treated, and consider what you can learn from it, and for what grace you ought to implore G.o.d. This is the princ.i.p.al object to be attained by mental prayer.
Never rise from your prayer without having formed some special resolution for practical observance. The practices at the end of each consideration in the following novenas will aid you to do so. Finally, ask for grace to carry out effectively your good purposes, and thank G.o.d for enlightening your mind during the meditation.
Mary, the Help of Christians
NO CATHOLIC denies that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator through whose merits we became reconciled to G.o.d. Nevertheless, it is a doctrine of our faith that G.o.d willingly grants us grace if the saints, and especially the Blessed Virgin Mary, the queen of saints, intercede for us. If the saints, during their life on earth, were so potent with G.o.d that through their prayers the blind obtained sight, the deaf hearing, and the dumb speech, that the sick of all conditions were healed, the dead restored to life, and the most obstinate sinners converted; if thousands of other miracles in the order of nature and of grace were performed through their intercession; what, then, will not she obtain for us from G.o.d, whose virtue and merits transcend those of all the saints, and who did more for the greater honor and glory of G.o.d than they all? Mary is the queen of saints not only because she is the Mother of the Most High, but also because her sanct.i.ty is more perfect than theirs, and she therefore thrones above them all in heaven. Hence the favor with which G.o.d regards her, and consequently the power of her intercession with Him is so much the greater.
If Mary's sanct.i.ty thus impressively ill.u.s.trates the potency of her intercession, the contemplation of her dignity as the Mother of G.o.d does still more so. Mary brought forth Him who is the Almighty. She calls Him her Son, who by the word of His omnipotence created from out of nothing the whole world with all its beauties, and who can call into being countless millions of other worlds. She calls Him her Son, whose throne is heaven and whose footstool is the earth, who governs all nature with almighty power and reveals His name to mankind through the most astounding miracles. In a word, Mary calls Him her Son, whose omnipotence fills heaven and earth; and this great, almighty G.o.d, who honors her as His Mother and has wrought in her such great things, will He not heed her word of intercession, and hear her pleading for those who have recourse to her? On earth He was subject to her. Her intercession moved Him to exercise His omnipotent power at the wedding feast at Cana; and now, when He has glorified and raised her up so high He would let her invoke Him in vain? No, it is inconceivable that G.o.d should not hear the prayers of His Mother!
[Ill.u.s.tration: The Blessed Virgin visits St. Elizabeth]
The holy Fathers and Doctors of the Church vie with each other in proclaiming the power of Mary's intercession with the Heart of her divine Son. Some say that having been subject to her on earth, He desires to be so in heaven, inasmuch as to refuse her nothing she asks.
Hence St. Bernard calls her the "Intercessory Omnipotence." Indeed, when all the angels and saints in heaven join in supplication to G.o.d, their prayers are but those of servants; but when Mary prays her intercession is that of His Mother.
Therefore we can not sufficiently thank G.o.d for having given us in Mary so powerful an advocate. St. Bernard aptly says: "The angel announces, 'thou hast found grace before G.o.d.' O supreme happiness! Mary shall always find grace. And what else could we wish? If we seek grace, let us seek it through Mary; for what she seeks, she finds. Never can she plead ineffectually."
G.o.d, then, who in His infinite mercy has been pleased to provide for all our needs, desires through Mary to console us, to comfort us, to remove all distrust, to strengthen our hope. How consoling to him who calls upon G.o.d in sore distress, or implores His pardon for sins committed, is the thought that at the throne of divine Mercy he has in Mary an advocate as mighty as she is gracious, who supplements his great unworthiness by her sublime dignity, and who makes good the defects of his prayer by her intercession! Therefore St. Bonaventure exclaims: "Verily, great is Our Lord's mercy! That we, through fear of our divine Judge, depart not forever from Him, He gave us His own Mother for our advocate and mediatrix of grace."
Novena in Honor of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary
TO ALL the faithful who by themselves or with others, in church or at home, with at least contrite heart and devotion, shall make this novena: (1) 300 days indulgence for each of the nine days; (2) a plenary indulgence on one day of the novena or of the eight days following it.
(Pius IX, January 5, 1849.) Conditions: Confession, communion, and prayer, according to the intentions of the Holy Father.
_Remark._--Whenever, in the following pages, an indulgence is said to be granted "under the usual conditions," these conditions are the same as above.
_Note._--The above indulgences may also be gained for making the novena at any other time of the year, and are not attached to any prescribed formula of prayer. The same applies to all other novenas in honor of the Blessed Virgin.
Predestination of the Blessed Virgin Mary
IN THY conception, O Virgin Mary, thou wast immaculate; pray for us to the Father, whose Son Jesus, conceived in thy womb by the Holy Ghost, thou didst bring forth.
Indulgence. 200 days, every time. (Pius VI, November 21, 1793.)
HOLY Church, our Mother, purposely gathered into the season of Advent everything which might contribute to a.s.sist us in preparing for the coming of the Redeemer. Purity of heart is the most necessary and helpful requirement for receiving G.o.d worthily, and for partic.i.p.ating in the fruits of our Redemption through Christ. To remind us of this, Holy Church celebrates the feast of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, this primary feast of purity, in Advent.
The Church, moreover, intends to remind us that the coming of Christ, our promised Redeemer, depended on the consent of the Blessed Virgin.
The Redeemer could not appear before she was born of whom He was to be born. The aurora must precede the rising sun. Thus also Mary, the spiritual aurora, had to be conceived and born before the appearance of the Sun of Justice in this world.
IN MARY appeared the woman who was to crush the serpent's head, who was to repair by her willing co-operation with G.o.d's designs the damage wrought by the disobedience of our first parents, and who was to become our mother and mighty advocate with G.o.d.
The designs of G.o.d concerning Mary were fully accomplished. G.o.d also has designs concerning us. Our life was planned by Him from all eternity, and we were destined to co-operate with Him harmoniously and conscientiously in working out our salvation. Have we corresponded with G.o.d's designs? Did we not oppose them by yielding to our evil inclinations and pa.s.sions? What a disparity between G.o.d's intentions concerning us and our own co-operation, between His merciful designs and our cowardly resistance to them!
O G.o.d, who through the immaculate conception of the Virgin didst prepare a worthy dwelling-place for Thy divine Son; grant that, as in view of Thy Son Thou didst preserve her from all taint, so Thou wouldst vouchsafe unto us that cleansed from all sin by her intercession we too may arrive at Thine eternal glory. Through the same Christ our Lord.
Litany of Loreto (located in the list of approved litanies).
BEHOLD, Virgin immaculate, at thy sacred feet I bow, while my heart overflows with joy in union with thine own, because from eternity thou wast the Mother-elect of the eternal Word, and was preserved stainless from the taint of Adam's sin. Forever praised, forever blessed be the Most Holy Trinity, who in thy conception poured out upon thy soul the riches of that matchless privilege. I humbly pray thee, most gracious Mother, obtain for me the grace to overcome the bitter results of original sin. Make me victorious over them, that I may never cease to love my G.o.d.
Hail Mary, etc.
_e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.i.o.n_ O Mary, conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee!
Indulgence. 100 days, once a day. (Leo XIII, March 25, 1884.)