Marvel's Hogwarts Wizard - Chapter 867

Chapter 867

"This Dakseid is indeed immune to magic!"

Inside the Temple of Heaven, Jerry suddenly opened his eyes.

Eighteen years have passed since he came to the world of Dragon Ball, and eighteen days have passed since the world of Marvel Master and DC.

At this time, it was the day of the decisive battle between DC World clone and Darkseid.

Under the brilliant attack of his strongest magic goblin, Darkseid was not injured by virtue of the Omega effect.

So he showed his cat body, and after adding all the magic rules that can strengthen the physical body, he started a close hand-to-hand combat with Darkseid.

"A mere cat dares to fight against me!"

Dakseid mobilized his incomparably powerful physical strength, and launched a thunderous attack on Jerry.

As the strongest new god, even before he got the Omega effect, he was already extremely powerful. His body could expand infinitely, and blasting a planet with one punch was like playing.

"It is indeed strong enough!"

As soon as he played against Darkseid, Jerry immediately felt great pressure.

He recovered to the single universe level too fast in this world, which resulted in the physical strength of his cat body, which was only strengthened by the improvement of the realm.

Although it is also very strong, it is still a lot worse than the physical body of the Marvel main world.

Even with the blessing of various magical laws to enhance the physical body, he still lost the wind in the pure physical battle with Darkseid, basically in a state of being completely suppressed and beaten.

Fortunately, he could quickly restore his body with recovery magic, so he was beaten into a pulp without a single hit.

"It's useless, it's useless, with your current strength, you can't be my opponent."

Once again punching Jerry who turned into a giant cat, Darkseid laughed wildly.

Although his strongest omega effect cannot cause damage to the opponent, the strongest magic of the opponent can also not cause damage to him.

Compared with fighting physically, the opponent is obviously not at the same level as himself.

After he kills this magical cat, and then uses the Omega effect to kill those Kryptonians, use their corpses to make a new army, and find the anti-life equation, he will be invincible.

He will be the most powerful overlord in all of the multiverses.

"It seems that it is difficult to fight without using energy!"

Because the avatar on the other side of the Dragon Ball world is already a master of Qi, with the same consciousness, so is his side.

And it just so happens that both sides are already single universe-level flesh bodies, so he can also quickly condense a large amount of Qi on his side.


Jerry shouted loudly in mid-air, and immediately a large amount of air gushed out from the cat's body, wrapping his entire body.

Darkseid, who originally wanted to continue chasing, saw a large amount of special energy that had never been seen suddenly spewing out of Jerry's cat body, and his momentum changed drastically. He immediately stopped and had a bad feeling.

"Now it's my turn!"

Under the powerful blessing, Jerry suddenly felt that his physical strength had been greatly strengthened, and he disappeared in place. When Darkseid had no time to react, he appeared behind him, facing his big head. a tail.

The unexpectedly powerful force caused Darkseid to be sent flying by Jerry's powerful tail flick in an instant, smashing straight into the depths of the extremely hard Apocalypse.

"How is it possible, how did your speed and strength increase so much?"

Darkseid flew out of the deep pit, touched the bruises on his face, and showed a look of disbelief.

He was still beating the opponent just now, and it was very difficult for the opponent to even try to defend. He almost broke his body several times, and he barely maintained it with the healing law.

However, the speed and strength increased greatly in a blink of an eye, and he almost suffered a lot of injuries with one blow.

"Please don't ask such stupid questions in battle."

Jerry sarcastically continued to attack Darkseid.

Who would be so stupid to tell the opponent why he became stronger during the battle, wouldn't it be a loss if he found a loophole and fought back.


The angry Jerry and Darkseid collided again.

This time Dakseid did not take it lightly, and used all his hidden strength, so the two were evenly matched.

Although Jerry is slightly better, it is obviously not enough to subdue Darkseid.

The blessing of qi has greatly enhanced his physical attack power, but this cat body has not been developed through various exercises, so the qi that can be used is still much less than the qi that can be used by the dragon ball world clone.

In essence, they are all the physical bodies of a single universe-level evolution, and there is not much difference in potential, the difference is only in the development of potential.

Because of the time difference, this cat body only had less than twelve days to develop Qi, and it was only because of its good foundation that it could have the current effect.

"Then, One Hundred Times Realm King Fist!"

Although the content of qi is not enough, it doesn't matter, the skills of Kaiwangquan are still there.

In the past few years in the Dragon Ball world, he spent most of his time developing the Dimensional Universe, but he also took time to study the Kaiwangquan. A single universe-level body can already carry a hundred times the Kaiwangquan.

With the eruption of the Hundred Times Realm King Fist, the Qi in Jerry Cat's body instantly soared, and it had completely turned into the unique crimson color of the Realm King Fist, and his physical strength also skyrocketed by one hundred times.

"what happened?"

Watching the energy covering Jerry's body turn red, Darkseid also felt the huge suffocating pressure.

"It's time to end all of this!"

After unleashing the Hundred Times Realm King Fist, Jerry shouted loudly and fought Darkseid again.

However, this time what surprised everyone was that Darkseid had no ability to resist at all, and was directly hit by Jerry's cat claws from all directions.

The whole body is also deformed and twisted countless times under the terrifying force.

If it weren't for the omega effect in the body to help recover, it is estimated that it has become countless pieces of meat and disappeared into the universe.


After hundreds of thousands of critical strikes, Darkseid was slapped by Jerry's claws and flew to Apocalypse, turning into a completely indistinguishable mud-like body.

"You are indeed powerful, but it is impossible to kill me. I don't believe that you can persist in this state. When the effect ends and my body recovers, you will lose!"

Although Dakseid became a puddle of mud, he did not die. While using the Omega effect to restore his body, he yelled at Jerry through spiritual voice transmission.

At this time, Jerry didn't talk nonsense, took out a rice cooker and threw it on the ground.

Dakseid was not afraid when he saw this, but laughed instead.

"Sealing magic? It's useless, no magic can have an effect on the Omega effect, you should be very clear."

"Yeah, so what I'm going to use next is not sealing magic."

Jerry smiled and made the authentic Mo Fengbo's starting gesture.