Martial God Asura - Chapter 5805: Traveling with Top Prodigies

Chapter 5805: Traveling with Top Prodigies

Chapter 5805: Traveling with Top Prodigies

Chapter 5805: Traveling with Top Prodigies

Before parting ways, Master Nine Zenith gifted Chu Feng and the others a gray cloak each.

The gray cloaks boasted exceptional defense. They dampened their presence, allowing them to walk openly in the street without drawing any attention.

Chu Feng and the others chose to put on the cloak even though they would use concealment means to completely hide their presence afterward.

Master Nine Zenith didnt send them off.

Instead, Liu Kuo brought Chu Feng and the others to a teleportation formation and said with a smile, Brother Chu Feng, fellow brothers, as well as fellow misses, Ill see you around.

Brother Liu Kuo, thanks for taking care of us, Chu Feng said.

Dont say that, Brother Chu Feng. Youre making it sound as if I was siding with you. I am fair and impartial. I didnt do anything to help you. You thrived with your own capabilities, Liu Kuo said.

Fair and impartial? Im the first one to disagree! Qin Xuan exclaimed.

You cant blame me, Benefactor Qin Xuan. How am I to know youd switch sides halfway through? Had I known that in advance, Id have let you spend a few less days on the square, Liu Kuo said.

He is n-n-not on the same side. Were just t-t-traveling together! Who knows? H-h-he might rat us out as soon as he leaves this place! w.a.n.g Qiang said with a mischievous smile.

Qin Xuan panicked upon hearing those words. Brother w.a.n.g Qiang, I wouldnt do that!

W-w-who knows? w.a.n.g Qiang shrugged.

I really wont! Qin Xuan exclaimed.

He was the weakest here despite being the number one prodigy of the Heavenly Dome Immortal Sect. He would be dead meat if anyone present wanted to silence him, so he dared not to offend anyone at all.

The others chuckled upon seeing Qin Xuans terrified appearance.

All right, its time to get moving. See you, Brother Liu Kuo, Chu Feng clasped his fist and said.

See you. Liu Kuo reciprocated the gesture.

Chu Feng and the others left the Nine Heavens Zenith via the formation and landed on earth.

Chu Feng raised his head to take a look, but even through Heavens Eyes, he couldnt see the Nine Heavens Zenith anymore. It was as if it wasnt there at all. However, he knew for certain that it was right above them.

Without a doubt, the Nine Heavens Zenith had a formidable formation.

Lets go, Chu Feng said as he led the way.

Just like that, a group filled with the strongest juniors in the present world of cultivation stepped on a journey. Their destination was located in this desert.

Long Chengyu, this is your Totem Dragon Clans territory. Are you familiar with this place? Qin Xuan asked.

The Totem Galaxy is ma.s.sive. How am I to know every single realm? However, this place should be under the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. Those b.a.s.t.a.r.ds better not fall into my hands. Ill kill one if I see one, Long Chengyu sneered.

His anger flared upon mentioning the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. The Totem Dragon Clan had always treated the Pill Dao Immortal Sect kindly, but the latter actually colluded with Long Lin to stage a rebellion.

Ill help you deal with the Pill Dao Immortal Sect after dealing with this, Chu Feng said.

Theres no need for that. Our Totem Dragon Clan can take care of it, Long Chengyu replied.

I have a grudge against the Pill Dao Immortal Sect too, Chu Feng pointed out.

Ah, I nearly forgot. Those people really deserve to die. This kind of lousy power shouldnt be allowed to exist. Long Chengyu remembered what Jia Lingyi did to Chu Fengs grandmother, and that only made him even angrier.

Does Chu Feng have a grudge against the Pill Dao Immortal Sect? Xian Miaomiao asked.

Miss Miaomiao, the Pill Dao Immortal Sect has an old hag named Jia Lingyi. Shes the daughter of the Pill Dao Immortal Sects Sectmaster, and she has been acquainted with Chu Fengs grandmother from a young age. However, out of envy of Chu Fengs grandmothers talent, she colluded with the Situ World Spiritist Clan to ruin Chu Fengs grandmothers clan, Long Chengyu said.

This matter was not a secret anymore. Anyone who wanted to investigate Chu Feng could easily dig up this piece of history.

Is Jia Lingyi still alive? Xian Miaomiao asked with fury in her eyes.

Brother Chu Feng previously crippled her cultivation and robbed her of her origin energies, so shes as good as dead. However, shes indeed still alive. She was previously imprisoned at our Totem Dragon Clan, but I reckon the Pill Dao Immortal Sect should have taken her back, Long Chengyu said.

Chu Feng, do you want her to live in agony? Xian Miaomiao asked.

Miaomiao, Ill deal with it myself. You should focus on your cultivation after this matter is over, Chu Feng said.

Xian Miaomiao caught Chu Fengs drift and didnt say a word.

Meanwhile, Little Fishy and Xianhai Shaoyu didnt say a word, though Little Fishys face visibly turned cold upon the mention of Jia Lingyi. She could tell what thoughts Chu Feng had in mind, which was why she didnt intervene.

While Little Fishy might act like a child, it would be foolish to think that she was truly a child.


Chu Fengs group quickly entered a vast blood-colored desert. A raging sandstorm limited their vision.

Theres something amiss about this desert, Ling Xiao remarked as soon as he saw the desert.

Chu Feng descended to the ground and grabbed a fistful of sand.

Little Fishy and Xian Miaomiao landed as well, and the others had no choice but to follow suit. The group was centered around Chu Feng, after all.

However, Ling Xiao stayed in the sky, and his eyes turned exceptionally bright. He formed a series of hand seals, attempting to observe the desert with his own means.

The place were looking for is in this desert. All I know is that it is a special place that will be of great help to us. It might just be the greatest fortuitous encounter in our lives. We have to find it. Use your own means to look around. Try to find some clues, Chu Feng instructed.