Martial God Asura - Chapter 5764: Divine Body Ranking

Chapter 5764: Divine Body Ranking

Chapter 5764: Divine Body Ranking

A two-meter-tall person was standing in front of w.a.n.g Qiangs residence. He was wearing a cloak that concealed his appearance.

Chu Feng, Master Liu Kuo, a-are you here to look for w.a.n.g Qiang too? that person asked.

Despite his towering height and mysterious appearance, he had a gentle voice. He had clearly heard about Chu Feng and Liu Kuo, or else he wouldnt have recognized them so quickly.

Yes, we are here to look for w.a.n.g Qiang. Are you here to look for him too? Chu Feng asked.

I am here to look for him too, that person replied with a nod.

May I know who you are? Chu Feng asked.

I am Yuwen Yanri. Like w.a.n.g Qiang, I am from the Divine Body Heavenly Mansion too, that person said.

He took off his cloak, revealing a ghastly pale face with sunken cheeks. He was so emaciated that he looked just like a skeleton covered in skin. It wasnt hot, yet he was sweating profusely.

My apologies. My appearance is a little frightening. If you dont mind that person said as he reached for his cloak.

He had taken off his cloak to reveal his true appearance out of respect, and he wanted to put it back on lest it was too jarring for Chu Feng and Liu Kuo. This showed that he was a person with courtesy.

But the weird thing was that he was Yuwen Yanri.

Chu Feng had heard about Yuwen Yanrihe was the grandson of the Divine Body Heavenly Mansions Mansion Master, and his father was a prodigy who once towered above his peers in the world of cultivation.

Yuwen Yanri had always been a secretive figure, such that few in the Divine Body Heavenly Mansion had seen him. Chu Feng didnt think that he would be such a humble person, which gave him a good first impression of the other party.

I personally dont mind your appearance, but please feel free if you mind, Chu Feng said.

Thank you, Yuwen Yanri replied as he put his cloak on.

May I know why youre looking for w.a.n.g Qiang? Chu Feng asked.

Theres something wrong with w.a.n.g Qiangs body. Im worried about him, Yuwen Yanri replied.

Do you know whats wrong with his body? Chu Feng asked.

He was almost certain that w.a.n.g Qiangs problem was related to the Blood-devouring Demon Exalted, but he wanted to see if he could learn more about it from Yuwen Yanri.

Its about his cultivation, but Im not sure about the details, Yuwen Yanri said.

Lets enter together then, Chu Feng said.

Benefactors, I wont be accompanying you. Liu Kuo channeled the formation to open w.a.n.g Qiangs residence before taking his leave.

Chu Feng and Yuwen Yanri entered the residence and found w.a.n.g Qiang cultivating in the cultivation ground. The latter was so focused on his cultivation that he didnt notice Chu Feng and Yuwen Yanris presence.

At first glance, Chu Feng couldnt find anything wrong with w.a.n.g Qiangs body.

Dont worry, hes fine, Chu Feng told Yuwen Yanri.

Thats a relief. Yuwen Yanri breathed a sigh of relief before turning to Chu Feng. Erm Brother Chu Feng, I heard youre Elder Jie Ranqings son? I-I dont mean any disrespect by asking that! Ive heard about Elder Jie Ranqings feat, and I respect her even though we have never met. But as you know, there are many falsehoods going around the world of cultivation, so I wanted to verify it.

He spoke carefully as if fearing that he would unintentionally hurt Chu Feng.

The rumor is true, Chu Feng replied with a smile.

What an honor to be acquainted with Elder Jie Ranqings son, Yuwen Yanri replied as he took a respectful bow to Chu Feng.

Chu Feng quickly returned the bow. Its my honor to be acquainted with Brother Yuwen too.

Brother Chu Feng, you heard about me? Yuwen Yanri was flattered as if it was a huge honor for Chu Feng to have heard about him.

Its a little embarra.s.sing. Im from the Ancestral Martial Galaxy, which has barely any interactions with the other galaxies, so Im not up to date with the latest news. Its only upon arriving at the Nine Heavens Zenith that I heard about you. My friends are all quite curious about you, as you are quite the elusive figure yourself, Chu Feng said with a smile.

Brother Chu Feng, its not that I want to be secretive but that my grandfather doesnt allow me to leave the Divine Body Heavenly Mansion. I had to beg him for a long time before he relented. When I arrived here, I was worried Id scare others with my looks, so Yuwen Yanri explained.

I understand. Brother Yuwen, I noticed that your complexion didnt look good. Are you feeling unwell? I am a world spiritist. If you need help, I can take a look for you, Chu Feng replied.

My condition is similar to that of Brother w.a.n.g Qiang. It isnt an illness but a problem with my cultivation. My body is healthy, Yuwen Yanri replied.

Thats good to hear, Chu Feng replied.

Eh! W-w-w-why are the two of you here? It was then that w.a.n.g Qiang stopped his cultivation, and he immediately noticed the two of them.

Chu Feng quickly filled in the blanks for w.a.n.g Qiang.

Yuwen Yanri chatted with w.a.n.g Qiang for a bit and took his leave. He could tell that Chu Feng and w.a.n.g Qiang were on close terms, so he wanted to give them some private s.p.a.ce.

Yuwen Yanri is different from how I expected him to be, Chu Feng said.

R-r-right! Yuwen Yanri i-i-is an innocent guy. I have n-n-n-never met a young master as innocent a-a-and kind as him. Y-y-you shouldnt underestimate him j-j-just because he looks like a pushover. Hes v-v-very strong! w.a.n.g Qiang said.

How strong is he? Chu Feng asked.

V-v-very strong! S-s-stronger than me! w.a.n.g Qiang said.

Oh? Chu Feng was surprised, as he knew that w.a.n.g Qiang was extremely strong now.

C-C-Chu Feng, do you know the Divine Body R-R-Ranking pa.s.sed down from the A-A-Ancient Era? w.a.n.g Qiang asked.

Im aware of its existence, but I dont know the exact ranking, Chu Feng replied.

Hehe! w.a.n.g Qiang smiled in glee. He stood up and tidied his clothes before placing his hands behind his back and tilting his chin up. T-t-then I should b-b-brag a bit. I know the r-r-ranking.

Oh? Please educate me, Chu Feng said with a smile.

In the t-t-tenth place is m-m-my Four Fiends Divine Body. T-t-that old thing, Blood-devouring Demon Exalted, didnt lie to me about that, w.a.n.g Qiang said.

Chu Feng knew about the Four Fiends Divine Body, as w.a.n.g Qiang had previously told him about it.

What about the ninth place?

In the ninth place is the R-R-Reincarnation Upper Body, w.a.n.g Qiang replied.

Reincarnation Upper Body? Chu Fengs heart skipped a beat.

He knew that Zhao Hong possessed the Reincarnation Upper Body. He had heard that it was a legendary Divine Body, but who could have thought that it was stronger than w.a.n.g Qiangs Four Fiends Divine Body?

Chu Feng only learned about this later on, so w.a.n.g Qiang must still be unaware that his wifes Divine Body was stronger than his.

In the e-e-eighth place is the Brilliant Moon Divine Body.

In the s-s-seventh place is the Blazing Sun Divine Body. T-t-the Blazing Sun Divine Body is the s-s-strongest Divine Body of the Divine Body Heavenly Mansion. I-i-it can be pa.s.sed down from one generation to another, and Yuwen Yanri i-i-is its current inheritor, w.a.n.g Qiang said.