Martial God Asura - Chapter 5562: A Flood of Killing Intent

Chapter 5562: A Flood of Killing Intent

Chapter 5562: A Flood of Killing Intent

A reunion of good friends was bound to bring about a rush of emotions, but it was truly rare for Chu Feng and Eggy to get so excited. In particular, the latter had started prancing and leaping around the World Spirit s.p.a.ce.

They had traveled together for so many years and reunited with so many old friends, but this was the first time she had displayed such joy. It was clear how fond she was of Little Fishy.

In contrast to their excitement, Little Fishy had a cold expression on her face. She couldnt see Chu Feng or Eggy; the only person she saw was Jie Tian. It was obvious that she wasnt fond of Jie Tian.

Old thing, what do you mean by that? 521 is our Yuers engineer. What rights do you have to poach him? the female chief elder berated the emaciated elder.

The emaciated elder proceeded to a.s.sert his stance, whereas Jie Tian kept his silence, but the female chief elder refused to drop the matter. As a result, the emaciated elder began to lose his temper.

Soon, the two of them started arguing.

From their argument, Chu Feng was able to gain a grasp of the current situation. It turned out that Little Fishy and the female chief elder had gone to thank the engineers shortly after he left, and they learned that the recent reinforcement of the formation armor was Chu Fengs credit.

However, Chu Feng was already gone by the time they arrived. That was also the reason the female chief elder was so angry.

In contrast, Little Fishy wasnt interested in arguing her case at all. As the argument between the female chief elder and the emaciated elder intensified, she suddenly spoke up, Lets go in.

Her voice was extremely calm. She began making her way toward the barrier without sparing a glance at Jie Tian.

The female chief elder stepped away from the argument, knowing that it was pointless to argue when Little Fishy herself wasnt bothered by it. In truth, she was aware that she couldnt change anything since this was the primal elders will, but she simply couldnt take it lying.


Jie Tian waved his sleeves, and a formation armor surfaced.

Chu Feng finally got to see Jie Tians formation armor. It was around ten meters in height, but it was extremely exquisite. It was constructed to Jie Tians physique, just that it was larger in size.

Just as I expected, Chu Feng remarked.

As a world spiritist, he could tell that Jie Tians formation armor was formidable. It was nowhere weaker than the formation armor he had modified for Little Fishy. It was no wonder Little Fishy would lose her bet with Jie Tian. The gap between their formation armor was simply too huge!


Little Fishy brought out her formation armor, which, unlike Jie Tians, perfectly fitted her body. This was the new formation armor Chu Feng had constructed for her based on the unique traits of her bloodline power.

Both Jie Tian and the emaciated elder were taken aback.

Lord Xianhai Yuer, where did you obtain the new formation armor from? Why doesnt Lord Jie Tian have one? the emaciated elder asked.

There was simply too huge of a difference between Little Fishys current armor and the one she had before, which led the emaciated old man to think that it was a newly forged one. Needless to say, he wasnt too pleased about the upgrade.

New formation armor? Cant you tell that its the same formation armor as before? the female chief elder scoffed.

Who are you deceiving? How could that be the same one?

The emaciated elder refused to believe those words, which was understandable as it looked completely different from before.

Just then, Jie Tian interjected, Someone modified it for you?

Jie Tians eyes were much sharper than the emaciated elders despite his spirit power being much weaker.

Thats right, Little Fishy replied.

Congratulations, Jie Tian placidly said.

Little Fishy paid no heed to him and entered the barrier.

Jie Tian got into his formation armor and activated it. He was able to pa.s.s through the barrier without a hitch too.

The humongous world inside the barrier was beautiful as well, but there was an extremely old aura lingering in the air even though it was just a formation world. By this point, Chu Feng was already certain that he was in the Star Memorial Domain.

Jie Tian and Little Fishy clearly knew their directions here, as they determinedly advanced in a specific direction. They encountered some formation monsters along the way, but those were quickly eliminated without any issues.

Soon, they arrived at a unique mountain range that restricted ones ability to fly in the vicinity, thus forcing one to venture by foot. To make things worse, the mountain range was humongous, and it was shaped like a labyrinth too.

While Jie Tian and Little Fishy appeared to be running circles around the mountain range, they still advanced unhesitantly as if they were certain of their path. It was clear that both of them had been here before.

Soon, they finally reached the top of the mountain, where a majestic floating palace appeared before their eyes. Half of the floating palace was plain in sight, whereas the other half was embedded in the mountain range. The floating palace had no plaque and its doors were shut, though there were many formation cores on its closed doors.

There was no communication between Jie Tian and Little Fishy along the way. They descended to the ground and infused the formation armors spirit power into the formation cores.

Can those doors be opened only after all of the formation cores light up? Eggy asked.

She was the one who initiated Chu Feng as a world spiritist, but Chu Feng had advanced to a point where his knowledge in the field far surpa.s.sed hers.

Ultimately, she wasnt a world spiritist herself, and her knowledge about formations was limited to hearsay from her elders, whereas Chu Feng had grown a step at a time as a world spiritist.

Yes, but it isnt that easy to open those doors. There must be something extraordinary inside the palace, Chu Feng said.

After some time, Jie Tian and Little Fishy finally managed to fill all of the formation cores with spirit power. From the dimming of their formation armor, it could be seen that they had exerted themselves quite a bit in filling those formation cores.

However, the doors still showed not no signs of opening. Filling the formation cores wasnt enough to open the doors, just as Chu Feng had guessed.

Ill leave the rest to you, Little Fishy said.

All right. You wait here. Ill be right back, Jie Tian said as he got ready to leave.


Little Fishy bolted forth to block Jie Tians path. Cant you directly breach the formation?

I need to make some preparations, Jie Tian replied.

What do you need to prepare? Little Fishy asked.

Materials to breach this door.

Why didnt you say so in advance?

Chu Feng realized that the two of them must have had some kind of prior discussion about what they had to do to open the doors, but Jie Tian was not following their plan, which prompted Little Fishy to stop him.

Its not too late for you to know now, Jie Tian said.

Ill come with you, Little Fishy said.

No need. You stay here.

Why cant I come with you?

You wont be of any help.

Little Fishy frowned. After a brief moment of silence, she stepped aside and said, Fine. Go ahead and do what you need to.

She surprisingly chose to back off.

Jie Tian stepped past Little Fishy and headed off.


All of a sudden, a flood of killing intent rushed at Jie Tian from behind!