Martial God Asura - Chapter 5559: Turning Tables

Chapter 5559: Turning Tables

Chapter 5559: Turning Tables

This is? Chu Feng feigned ignorance.

Take it. Itll alleviate your fatigue, Jie Tian replied.

Thank you. Chu Feng could tell that it was a poison pill, but he knew that he didnt have a choice here. He accepted the pill and swallowed it.

Jie Tians lips curled into a sinister smile. I lied. It isnt a pill to alleviate your fatigue but a poison pill.

He took out a token that emanated the same aura as the poison pill. He formed a hand seal and fused the token into his palm. He gleefully paraded the token imprint on his hand as he said, You should know what this is. From now on, your life is in my hands.

W-why would you? Chu Feng exclaimed with feigned anger and confusion.

Youre different from other formation ent.i.ties. You have your self-will, but Im used to having everything under my control. It gives me peace of mind. You dont need to be too worried. Ill eventually give you the antidote as long as you remain obedient to me. Ill even give you credit where its due. You should take a quick breather. My test isnt finished yet, Jie Tian said.

He tossed another pill onto the ground, right in front of Chu Feng. This pill will really alleviate your exhaustion.

Following that, Jie Tian took his leave.

Chu Feng could tell that this pill would indeed alleviate his exhaustion, but he didnt consume it. Instead, he lay on the ground and pondered about what had just happened.

Chu Feng, was the pill you just swallowed really a poison pill? Eggy asked worriedly.

Its a poison pill, but its forged specifically against formation ent.i.ties. Even though I might look no different from a formation ent.i.ty on the surface, I am only enveloped in a layer of spirit power. That poison pill doesnt work on me at all. Eggy, you dont have to worry about me, Chu Feng said.

Are you certain? Eggy was still worried.

Of course. I knew that it was a poison pill right from the start. I swallowed it because I knew it wouldnt work on me, Chu Feng replied.

Is what he threw on the ground a poison pill too? Eggy asked.

That pill isnt a poison pill. It does alleviate ones exhaustion, but it only works on formation ent.i.ties, Chu Feng said.

No wonder you didnt eat it. Eggy heaved a sigh of relief.

Its not because the pill doesnt work on me that I didnt eat it. I did it intentionally. Since Im going to put on a show, I might as well go all the way. A normal person who just consumed a poison pill wouldnt eat a second one right away, Chu Feng said.

Were you feigning exhaustion when you deciphered the formation earlier too? Eggy asked.

Oh? You could tell? Chu Feng asked.

Of course. Did you think that you could deceive me? That formation was formidable, but it isnt so strong as to be able to exhaust you so much, Eggy said.

Heh! I knew that I wouldnt be able to deceive Milady Queen. Yes, I did it on purpose. Jie Tian likely brought me here because he needs my help, but I dont think hes a very trusting person. Itd be best for me not to stand out too much. I should barely satisfy his requirement so that he doesnt feel threatened by me. He wants a person he can use and control, Chu Feng said.

As expected of you! Jie Tian might be smart, but hes still nowhere on par with you, Eggy exclaimed

Jie Tian is indeed a formidable individual. Hes definitely one of the strongest juniors in the world of cultivation. I can tell that he is a vicious person, so it would be best for me to tread carefully around him. On top of that, the recovery pill and poison pill are not made by Jie Tian but a formation ent.i.ty. Theres likely to be a bigger scheme here, Chu Feng said.

Chu Feng dared not to take Jie Tian lightly despite having outwitted the latter. He had a feeling that there was a mastermind behind Jie Tian.

Two hours later, Jie Tian returned. He looked at the pill that was still lying on the ground and sneered. He was mocking Chu Fengs cowardice, though this was exactly what he wanted too. He was gleeful at having tamed a ferocious beast like Chu Feng.

Follow me, Jie Tian ordered before heading out.

He brought Chu Feng into his residence before heading into an underground palace. This underground palace didnt appear to be a part of the residence, suggesting that Jie Tian had created this s.p.a.ce by himself.

The underground palace had a long corridor filled with all kinds of obstacles. These obstacles were created with the Star Sea Realms treasures, and their defensive prowess far surpa.s.sed Jie Tians current strength.

But most important of all, Chu Feng could feel extremely potent evil power suffusing his body. He had been unable to detect the source of the evil power previously, but he was certain now that the evil power came from this underground palace.

Could it be that Jie Tian has joined the defectors?

Chu Feng was taken aback, but instead of losing his nerves, he trembled with excitement. In truth, he had no intention of helping Jie Tian. It was just that he had no choice but to obey the dispatch due to the primal elders dispatch token.

But if Jie Tian had betrayed the Star Sea Realm, Chu Feng might just be able to gather invaluable information from him by staying with him. He might just be able to turn the tables on Jie Tian.