Martial God Asura - Chapter 5545: Number 521

Chapter 5545: Number 521

Chapter 5545: Number 521

Chu Feng could see formation ent.i.ties wherever he looked inside the city, and each of them was busy accomplis.h.i.+ng the tasks entrusted to them. Perhaps it was because they were manifested from formations, their movements were orderly despite their number.

While it was satisfying to see such orderliness, it lacked the organic bustle of most cities.

Elders in the Star Sea Realm were further cla.s.sified into high, intermediate, and low, and the elder whom Chu Feng was brought to meet was one of the high elders. The high elders were also the highest-ranking formation ent.i.ty whom they could come into contact with.

Upon receiving an audience with the high elder, the leader of the group quickly reported the situation concerning Chu Feng, hoping to see if the high elder could help Chu Feng regain his memories.

You lost your memories and cant remember anything at all? the high elder took a moment to a.s.sess Chu Feng before asking.

Yes, Chu Feng replied with a nod.

You arent sure where you got those clothes from as well? the high elder asked.

He could tell that Chu Fengs clothes were different from the rest of theirs, resembling more like the outside cultivators.

I honestly cant remember anything at all, Chu Feng replied.

The fact that he cant remember anything shows that hes highly damaged. Itll be hard to repair him. Why dont we send him straight to the incineration formation and have him reconstructed? one of the nearby elders remarked.

Chu Feng panicked, knowing that didnt bode well. He didnt know what would happen if an ordinary human like him were chucked inside the incineration formation.

The high elder ignored the suggestion and spent a moment in thought before asking, Are you able to channel your power?

Yes, I believe so, Chu Feng replied.

He figured that the power referred to the spirit power cloaking his body.

Give it a try then. Complete this formation by yourself, the high elder said as he took out a formation blueprint and unfurled it.

Chu Feng took a glance at the formation blueprint and got right to work. His movements drew the attention of everyone in the room, as awed expressions appeared on even the esteemed elders and the high elder.

He had completed the formation in a single breath, a feat that few could achieve.

Youre functioning well despite having lost your memories. Memories arent important to us anyway, so theres no reason for you to be reconstructed. Change into these clothes. The last three digits on the robe will be your name from this day onward, the high elder said as he tossed a robe to Chu Feng.

An identification number was embroidered onto the robe, and its last three numbers were 521. This was going to be Chu Fengs name in the Star Sea Realm from this day onward.

Once Chu Feng was done changing into the robe, the high elder pa.s.sed a token to him. Inscribed on the token were the words intermediate formation master. That was going to be his occupation from this day onward, and the place he would be working was the Formation Hall.

521, you are ent.i.tled to a personal residence and a follower as an intermediate formation master. Ill a.s.sign you a new residence since you have lost your memories. Head to the intermediate formation masters residential area. Youll be able to claim possession of any empty residences with this token in hand, the high elder said as he drew a token inscribed with a house and pa.s.sed it to Chu Feng.

You are also allowed to choose any of the lowest-ranked formation ent.i.ties in the city as your follower, but as an intermediate formation master, you are only permitted to have one follower. Fuse this token into the body of anyone you have set your eyes on, and youll be able to turn them into your follower, the high elder added as he drew another token with a human silhouette and pa.s.sed it over.

May I know what you mean by lowest-ranked formation ent.i.ties? Chu Feng asked.

Milord, servants like me who dont have unique appearances are the lowest-ranked formation ent.i.ties, the leader of the group pointed to himself as he explained with a smile.

High elder, may I choose him? Chu Feng asked.

Of course but are you certain about it? the high elder asked.

Yes, I am, Chu Feng said. He turned to the leader of the group and asked, 399, are you willing to serve me?

399 was the last three digits of the mans identification number, making it his name.

O-of course I am! 399 was so excited that his eyes were practically glowing. He nodded his head non-stop to frantically express his willingness to become Chu Fengs follower.

Chu Feng also noticed the other lowest-ranked formation ent.i.ties in the vicinity directing envious looks at 399. It would appear that becoming a formation masters follower was considered to be a good thing for them.

Chu Feng fused the formation token into 399s body, and the number 521 was quickly imprinted on the latters forehead.

399, bring your master to one of the residences to rest. Bring him to the Formation Hall tomorrow morning to work, the high elder said.

Understood! 399 answered before leading Chu Feng off.

Once Chu Feng and 399 were out of the room, the elders gathered closer to discuss the matter.

High elder, 521s spirit power is only at rank five Dragon Transformation Sensation. Why did you make him an intermediate formation master? the other elders asked in confusion.

What do you know? Even though his spirit power is only at rank five Dragon Transformation Sensation, he isnt a low-ranked formation ent.i.ty. His spirit power can always be augmented. Didnt you see the formation he constructed earlier? Which of you can do the same?

Someone with that kind of potential cant be a formation ent.i.ty from our city. We ought to give him the highest privilege. Who knows? He might just choose to stay in our city if he regains his memories one day, the high elder said.

Wise indeed, high elder. The other elders shot thumbs up at the high elder.

Meanwhile, 399 brought Chu Feng to the intermediate formation masters residential district.

Chu Feng, why didnt you just reveal your ident.i.ty to them? Eggy asked in confusion.

She believed that Chu Feng would be able to clear the trial Little Fishy and Jie Tian were able to surmount, which would have ent.i.tled him to the same privileges as them. There was no need for him to live so humbly amongst the formation ent.i.ties.

I did consider revealing my ident.i.ty, but the spirit power cloaking me has sealed off my cultivation and spirit power. I have no way of proving that Im an outside cultivator. Aside from that, Im also not sure how they would react once they learned that Im an outsider. Itd be safer for me to lie low for now. I can always tell them that I have regained my memories later on to reveal my ident.i.ty, Chu Feng said.

Yes, its always better to tread safely, Eggy concurred with a nod.