Martial God Asura - Chapter 5472 – Resonance of the God Armaments

Chapter 5472 – Resonance of the God Armaments

Chapter 5472 Resonance of the G.o.d Armaments

Chapter 5472: Resonance of the G.o.dArmaments

Over a thousand Totem Dragon Clansmen entered the Armory Hall. Those who were at a similar age as Chu Feng had reached Half-G.o.d level, whereas those who were of a younger age were at least at Martial Exalted level.

These were the most talented prodigies of the Totem Dragon Clan.

These Totem Dragon Clansmen were dressed in the same robes, which made Chu Feng stand out in their midst. They stared at him with hostile eyes that left no doubt that they would have confronted him if not for Long Chengyus earlier warning.

Why is this fellow worthy of entering the Armory Hall together with us?

Forget it. What can we say when even Lord Long Xu has given his approval? At least he wont be walking away with our G.o.dArmament.

Hmph! That fellow must not know that our G.o.dArmaments are soaked in the blood of our predecessors. If even we are unable to tame it, what can an outsider possibly do?

These juniors didnt dare to say those words straight to Chu Fengs face, but they had no qualms about gossiping behind his back.

The group pa.s.sed through a long corridor and arrived in front of a majestic hall. The doors into the hall were wide open, but a transparent barrier kept them from entering.

Inside the hall were over a hundred delicately sculptured chairs placed in a neat formation, reminiscent of an imperial court. The only difference was that the ones sitting on these chairs were not humans but weapons.

To be exact, G.o.dArmaments.

Chu Feng and the others could clearly sense the powerful auras emanated from the G.o.d Armaments.

What I saw that day were indeed G.o.dArmaments.

Chu Feng couldnt help but remember his time at the Darknight Sacred River.

Back then, the Night Monarch had encountered two red-cloak individuals whom it was no match for, so it took out its treasures to bribe them in hopes that they would spare its life. Amidst the treasures were weapons that emanated auras far stronger than Exalted Armaments, which left Chu Feng wondering if they were G.o.d Armaments.

Theft is never good, try looking at [ ].

It was clear to him now that they were indeed G.o.d Armaments, and they were of a much higher quality than the G.o.d Armaments here too. The Night Monarchs G.o.d Armaments had seals placed on them, but their auras were still no weaker than the G.o.d Armaments here.

That G.o.dArmament

Chu Feng set his eyes on the largest chair located in the innermost area of the hall.

If the other G.o.d Armaments seated on the chairs were subordinates, the one on the largest chair would be the emperor. The chair itself gave off the domineering aura of a ruler, and the G.o.d Armaments placed on it was a silver spear that was made of extraordinary material.

Weapons related to dragons would usually have a dragon sculpted on them, but that was not the case for the silver spear.

The bottom of the silver spear was the dragons head, whereas its tip was the dragons tail. Its body was covered in dragon scales. Rather than a weapon shaped in the likeness of a dragon, it felt like a dragon had transformed into this spear.

Each G.o.d Armament had its history and origin inscribed on their respective chairs, and the same went for the silver spear too. The silver spear had a simple name, Silver Dragon Spear, but its history was far from simple.

It was said that the realm shook when it emerged from an ancient remnant, and its aftershocks could be felt throughout the entire starfield. Its master was the strongest man in the history of the Totem Dragon Clan, the first Totem Dragon Clans Clan Chief.

The Silver Dragon Spear accompanied the first Totem Dragon Clans Clan Chief in many of his battles, greatly contributing to the establishment of the Totem Dragon Clan as a powerhouse.

Chu Feng was curious about it because it wasnt emanating the slightest aura despite its striking location and ill.u.s.trious history. Most people would have probably overlooked it if not for those.

You are Chu Feng, right? Why do you keep staring at Lord Silver Dragon Spear? Are you eyeing it? a sharp voice suddenly sounded.

It was a fairly beautiful woman. She made no attempts to hide her cultivation as a rank three Half-G.o.d level cultivation, which signaled that she ranked amongst the top of the Totem Dragon Clans juniors.

Chu Feng learned from the discussions around him that she was Long Zhizhi, and she was the granddaughter of Lord Long Xu.

Long Zhizhi had directed many glances at Chu Feng ever since they entered the Armory Hall, but they were all tinged with animosity. She would have likely confronted him by now if not for Long Chengyus warning.

Or rather, she was already trying to stir trouble now despite Long Chengyus warning.

Am I not allowed to look? Chu Feng replied.

I never said that. Its just a kind reminder for you not to waste your effort. No one other than our first clan chief has been able to earn Lord Silver Dragon Spears acknowledgment. An outsider like you doesnt stand much of a chance, dont you think? Ah! I didnt mean that as an insult. Id appreciate it if you dont report me to young master Chengyu. But again, what I said is true, no? You are an outsider, Long Zhizhi said.

Long Zhizhi, mind your own business.

Someone reb.u.t.ted Long Zhizhi before Chu Feng could speak up. It was Long Yuhong!

Long Yuhong had no choice but to enter the main hall together with Chu Feng and the others. That dampened her mood, as she hardly spoke a word along the way. Who could have thought that she would actually speak up for Chu Feng?

Even though Long Yuhong was stronger, Long Zhizhi wasnt afraid of her at all.

Whats wrong, Long Yuhong? Are you intimidated by young master Chengyu? I heard that you were much braver back at the Myriad Treasures Dragon Exalted, Long Zhizhi sneered.

Long Yuhongs face immediately turned cold.


All of a sudden, the barrier sealing off the main hall vanished. Without any hesitation, the juniors rushed into the hall.


As soon as they stepped in, a powerful force rippled from the hall and pushed them back, toppling them over like dominoes.

Whats going on?

The crowd was baffled as this was the first time the G.o.d Armaments had attacked them. Little did they know that something even more shocking was awaiting them.

Weng weng weng!

A sharp whirring sound echoed from the Armory Hall.

The G.o.dArmaments rose from their seats and released ferocious howls. They began to glow brightly as whiffs of auras seeped out of their bodies and drifted out of the main hall.

The Totem Dragon Clansmen were overjoyed.

They knew from the records that this phenomenon signified that the G.o.d Armaments were about to acknowledge a master. It was what they were hoping for, but they didnt expect all of the hundred or so G.o.dArmaments to do so at the same time!

Resonance of the G.o.dArmaments! What a magnificent sight it was!

Never before had something like this happened in the long history of the Totem Dragon Clan!

The juniors trembled in excitement, knowing that they were going to go down in history as the ones who induced the Resonance of the G.o.dArmaments. They were going to be the stars of this incredible event!

The formation is truly amazing! We are going to become masters of the G.o.dArmaments! Hahaha!

Many people cheered in delight. Even Long Yuhong and Long Zhizhis eyes were glowing.

However, their smiles froze in place right after.

Much to their shock, the auras released by the hundred G.o.dArmaments were floating toward a single person, and that person wasnt even a Totem Dragon ClansmanChu Feng.

Before they could snap out of their shock, an even more shocking event occurred. A powerful aura surged from the innermost depth of the main hall and swept outward.

The Silver Dragon Spear that had laid dormant for many years had finally awakened!