Martial God Asura - Chapter 5422: An Unnerving Piece of News

Chapter 5422: An Unnerving Piece of News

Chapter 5422: An Unnerving Piece of News

The Dao of Absolute Darkness went completely quiet after hearing those words, but it was hard to tell whether it was intimidated or that it was plotting something else.

Chu Feng wasnt too bothered about it since he had already learned the way to curb the Dao of Absolute Darkness. He could suppress it even without relying on the power of the nine-colored lightning. His earlier words werent just for show.

Chu Feng, youre able to benefit from the Dao of Absolute Darkness retaliation? Eggy asked curiously.

If that were the case, the Dao of Absolute Darkness could become a way for Chu Feng to quickly raise his cultivation.

I did, but I have already grasped whatever I could from it. Theres nothing else for me to comprehend even if it continues retaliating, Chu Feng replied.

I see. What a pity. Eggy also knew that it was infeasible to rely on something like that, but it didnt stop her from harboring expectations.

Big brother Chu Feng! Bai Yunqing suddenly appeared out of nowhere. You made a breakthrough in your cultivation?

He had been waiting for Chu Feng when he saw the nine-colored lightning, so he quickly rushed over to take a look.

Yes, I made a breakthrough, Chu Feng replied with a chuckle.

Big brother Chu Feng sure is formidable. Youre able to make a breakthrough as and when you like, Bai Yunqing said.

It was sudden for me too, Chu Feng replied.

Its a good thing. Big brother Chu Feng, did you leave earlier because you sensed that you were going to make a breakthrough? For a moment there, I thought that you were chasing after Miss Li Wu because there was something wrong with the item she gave you, Bai Yunqing said with a chuckle.

I think that I should be honest with you on this.

Chu Feng then proceeded to tell Bai Yunqing his deduction.

Big brother Chu Feng, are you certain about it? Bai Yunqing asked.

Im not certain. Its just a guess, Chu Feng replied.

But I dont think Miss Li Wu is the kind to murder the innocent, Bai Yunqing replied.

He wasnt too surprised even though he was perplexed. He didnt seem to mind the fact that Li Wu was the Black-feathered

I wouldnt say that the Black-feathered Specter is an evil person since her actions are understandable. I only chased after Miss Li Wu because there are some matters I wanted to ask her. Would you still like Miss Li Wu even if she turns out to be the Black-feathered Specter? Chu Feng asked.

I would. Why not? Shes the person I like. Even if she isnt the Black-feathered Specter but the Black-p.o.o.p Specter, Id still continue liking her! Bai Yunqing said.

Chu Feng laughed. I understand what you mean, but Miss Li Wu might smack the living daylights out of you if she hears the example you just listed.

He respected Bai Yunqing for his decision because that was what he would do if he was in the latters place.

I have some use for the item inside the box, but you can keep the box, Chu Feng said.

The item in the box was the key to removing Bai Liluos curse, which was why Li Wu gave him it in the first place.

Big brother Chu Feng, you should just take everything. Theres no need for me to keep it for commemoration, Bai Yunqing replied.

I really dont need the box. Just the item inside will do, Chu Feng replied as he took out another box to collect the black aura inside.

Since thats the case, Ill keep the box then, Bai Yunqing said with a chuckle.

He actually wanted the box despite having turned it down earlier. It was nothing but a box, but he liked it nevertheless because it came from Li Wu.

Love. Haa. Seeing how much Bai Yunqing was fond of the box, Chu Feng shook his head with a helpless smile.

You shouldnt criticize others. Youre the same as well, Eggy remarked.

Am I that foolish too? Chu Feng asked.

Are you really asking that? Eggy snorted.

Chu Feng was rendered speechless, for he knew that he had no right to say something like that too.

Big brother Chu Feng, where are you planning to head next? Bai Yunqing asked.

Im intending to return to Totem Galaxy, Chu Feng replied.

Big brother Chu Feng, are you really going to challenge the Pill Dao Immortal Sect? Bai Yunqing asked.

I dont have anything else to do anyway. The least I can do is cause them some trouble, Chu Feng replied.

Big brother Chu Feng, if you arent in a rush, why dont you come with me? I dont think its anything serious, but my master told me to return for a short while. Ill help you deal with the Pill Dao Immortal Sect with you once Im done with my business, Bai Yunqing said.

You should head back since your master is calling you. Itll be best for you not to get involved in my grudge with the Pill Dao Immortal Sect. Chu Feng didnt want to implicate Bai Yunqing.

Bai Yunqing saw through Chu Fengs intention. Big brother Chu Feng, dont you think youre being too distant? Your enemy is my enemy. I wont let the Pill Dao Immortal Sect off even if you arent intending to deal with them, especially that Jia Lingyi!

Bai Yunqing grabbed Chu Fengs arm and said, Big brother Chu Feng, I wont let go unless you promise to come with me.

Chu Feng was left with no choice but to go with Bai Yunqing. The two of them returned to the Totem Galaxy and made their way to the Ordinary Realm where Bai Yunqings master resided. As soon as they stepped out of the teleportation formation, they overheard a conversation that unnerved Chu Feng.