Martial Peak - Chapter 5964: The Second World

Chapter 5964: The Second World

Chapter 5964: The Second World

Mus house was located on the periphery of Dawn City.

When the World started repelling Yang Kai and the Worlds Will formed a destructive storm, Mu detected something and looked in the Black Ink Abyss direction.

[Has he succeeded?]

It was quicker than she had expected. It seemed that her several million years of waiting were worth it, for Yang Kai might be able to achieve the goal she had left behind.

Presently, Little Eleventh was asleep on her lap. As though having a nightmare, he had been trembling for a while as a myriad of expressions came over him. Sometimes, he was full of murderous intent, and sometimes, he appeared furious. His figure was already soaked in sweat.

Just then, a clap of thunder sounded.

Little Eleventh awakened in shock and looked dazedly at Mu; then, he pouted and started crying.

Did you have a nightmare? Mu asked softly.

Little Eleventh nodded repeatedly, In the dream, I saw you abandoning me, and you were getting further away from me.

Mu placated him with a smile, Its just a dream.

Little Eleventh sniffled and snuggled up to Mu. He held the womans thighs tightly and said childishly, You mustnt abandon me, Sixth Sister. Ill have no one I can call family anymore.

Mu patted his back, Dont worry. Ill never abandon you, and Ill always keep you company. Of course, when you become an adult one day, perhaps youll find me annoying and run away.

That will never happen! Little Eleventh frowned as he realised something was off. He then said, I think Ive fallen ill, Sixth Sister. Im feeling unwell.

Youll feel better after some sleep.

En, Little Eleventh replied and found a comfortable position before dozing off.


As Yang Kai traversed the Void, he could feel a drawing force pointing out the direction for him. The drawing force wasnt the repulsive force from the Primordial World; instead, it was a force that came from the s.p.a.ce-Time River itself.

He instantly realised that it was something left behind by Mu.

After he refined the Profound Source Gate in the Primordial World and sealed one piece of Mos Source, he had to leave for the next world.

He was in a hurry. Undoubtedly, Mus s.p.a.ce-Time River was powerful, and the flow of time in these Universe Worlds was different from that of the outside world; however, the longer he stayed here, the more likely an accident would happen outside.

[It seems I have to hurry up.]

Then, he emptied his mind and soon found a closed door in his Knowledge Sea. It was the Profound Source Gate that he had refined at the bottom of the Black Ink Abyss.

He didnt expect the gate to enter his Knowledge Sea after he refined it; however, after giving it some thought, he realised it wasnt surprising that he could keep it in his Knowledge Sea. The Profound Source Gate was a treasure born alongside the Heavens and Earth, after all.

It would be awkward if he had to carry the gate and move around.

He already had the Soul Warming Lotus in his Knowledge Sea, and now there was the Profound Source Gate. The sight was somewhat awkward.

On the seven-coloured island, Fang Tian Ci and Thunder Shadow exchanged glances with helpless expressions.

This couldnt be helped. The moment the Profound Source Gate abruptly appeared in the Knowledge Sea, Yan Peng became agitated. As his entire figure was engulfed in a cold aura, he soon went mad.

The eerie gate seemed able to elicit the darkness in Human nature.

Yan Peng originally came from the Black Ink Cult, so he couldnt be considered a good and kind person. Since he had done so many terrible things in life, it was only natural that he had a vast dark side in his heart.

After his body was destroyed by Yang Kai, his Soul Avatar was trapped in the latters Knowledge Sea. He had been cooperative and provided a lot of useful information, and Yang Kai didnt intend to kill him anyway, so letting him stay in the Knowledge Sea was just a minor matter.

Nevertheless, after his dark side was amplified by the Profound Source Gate, he lost his sanity.

Left with no choice, Fang Tian Ci and Thunder Shadow could only destroy his Soul Avatar.

Certainly, they werent feeling good about the whole affair. They finally had a new neighbour to talk to, but they hadnt lived long. That was why they felt helpless.

At that moment, Fang Tian Ci and Thunder Shadow stood on the seven-coloured island in silence and refrained from looking at the Profound Source Gate. After they took a look at the gate earlier, they realised some horrible memories from the past sprang back into their minds, but the effect could be negated by ignoring the Gate.

Meanwhile, once Yang Kai left the Primordial World, he glanced back and realised it was nowhere to be seen. He only saw some grains of sand that moved with the flow of the river.

This reminded him of what he saw in the depths of the Infinite River inside the Universe Furnace back then.

There were similar grains of sand at the bottom of the Infinite River as well; however, that wasnt sand. Each grain was a Universe World. After the grains of sand were spurted from the Universe Furnace, they would reveal their true form.

Every grain of sand was equivalent to a Universe World. That was the wonder of Chaos evolving into the 10,000 Grand Daos.

The drawing force intensified as Yang Kai traversed the s.p.a.ce-Time River and soon approached another grain of sand.

That was the second world he had to enter. Without hesitation, Yang Kai adjusted his direction and plunged straight into the world.

Soon, the aura of a Universe World came right at his face. Just like what happened when he entered the Primordial World previously, he abruptly appeared in a Universe World, after which his figure plummeted.

Since he had some experience now, he immediately examined his cultivation.

He was relieved that even though his cultivation had been suppressed greatly, he was still in the Immortal Ascension Boundary.

Hurriedly, he circulated his power and stabilised himself mid-air.

As he looked around, he realised it was a barren land with no one around; moreover, he found the world strange as it was filled with a primitive aura. He felt as if he had barged into the river of time and returned to an ancient era.

Wu Kuang, can you detect Mus whereabouts? Yang Kai asked.

Previously in the Primordial World, it was thanks to Wu Kuang that they managed to find Mu. Although he was only a thread of consciousness, Wu Kuang was still connected to his true body.

Furthermore, he was in charge of the Primordial Heavens Source Grand Restriction where the s.p.a.ce-Time River was hidden; therefore, if Mu wanted to give them any directives, she had to do it through Wu Kuang.

However, the moment Yang Kai finished his words, he arched his brow, for he had already detected something.

He turned to look in a particular direction and put on a helpless smile, I guess Ive been overly worried.

Since Mu wanted Yang Kai to move around different Universe Worlds to suppress and seal Mos Source pieces, she was naturally well-prepared.

In the Primordial World, Mu mustve left a mark on him; therefore, the moment he arrived in this World, he immediately detected something in a particular direction.

[It must be over there.] He then charged towards that place.

In the meantime, a figure was seated with her legs crossed in the wilderness. She had been waiting there for countless years, and she had no idea how much longer she would have to wait. She wasnt even certain if all the waiting would matter.

All the same, even though innumerable years had pa.s.sed, she had never forgotten about her goal.

She was located in a mountain valley that was surrounded by eight mountains. All these mountains were magnificent and connected.

In the mountain valley, there was an abstruse Grand Array. In the middle of the Grand Array, there was a dark rock that exuded an evil aura.

The Grand Array, and even the mountains themselves seemed to be suppressing the dark rock. With the help of the mountain range and the Grand Array, this place was where the entire Universe Worlds power was gathered.

Unlike Mu in Dawn City, this woman was undoubtedly more haggard, as though she hadnt gotten any rest for a very long time.

The moment Yang Kai barged into this independent World, she opened her eyes and lifted her sword from her lap. The weapon then turned into a ray of light and shot off into the distance.

Following that, a beastly growl was heard from behind her. A huge ancient beast collapsed to the ground, and its blood dyed the ground red.

The mountain valley was covered with huge skeletons, and every one of them belonged to an ancient beast. After so many years, she had lost count of how many ancient beasts she had killed.

The sword returned and quietly landed in front of her without a drop of blood on it; then, she slowly turned to look in a different direction. Her figure was stiff, as though she hadnt moved like this for a long time.

This simple movement represented several hundred thousand years of waiting.

She put on a smile, for she could feel that all the waiting was finally worth it.

In the distance, a figure was rus.h.i.+ng towards her. The figure had a bit of her aura on him. It was thanks to the resonance between the shadows which allowed the newcomer to identify the direction he should head towards.

He landed on the ground and exchanged glances with the woman.

As Yang Kai looked at how haggard the shadow appeared, he couldnt help feeling heartbroken. Feeling a lump in his throat, he was unable to speak for a moment.

A while later, he saluted the woman and said, Junior Yang Kai greets Senior.

Mu replied with a smile, No need for formalities. You mustve met me before.

In response, Yang Kai nodded.

Mu went on to say, Then, you should know why youre here.

While Yang Kai looked at the dark rock, Mu continued, There are no Humans in this world, only some ancient beasts that roam around. As such, you dont have to deal with any schemes or plots. Just move the dark rock away and use the Profound Source Gate to suppress it.

In the Primordial World, it took Yang Kai a lot of effort to refine the Profound Source Gate and suppress Mos Source piece, so much to his surprise, his task in this independent World was rather simple.

As though seeing through his thoughts, Mu explained with a smile, Every Universe World is different. Perhaps youll come across similar situations again, but there will also be times when you have to work hard to achieve your goals. Go ahead, Ive been waiting for far too long.

Yes, Yang Kai replied respectfully. He knew that the task was simple because of Mus efforts.

He walked up to the dark rock and pushed it away. There was a dark pit on the ground, and the howls of wind could be heard coming from it.

Following that, a cold aura was approaching rapidly, as though it was coming from the depths beneath the ground.

Yang Kai raised his hands before pressing them down at the pit and shouting, Open!

A mysterious gate appeared above the pit, and with an injection of Yang Kais strength, a portal opened up.