Martial Peak - Chapter 5821: Complete Defeat

Chapter 5821: Complete Defeat

Chapter 5821: Complete Defeat

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In just a short moment, the Pseudo-Royal Lord trapped in the Yin-Yang Fish lost all vitality and died on the spot.

As the attention of the Black Ink Clans many Masters was drawn over, Wu Qings figure appeared like a ghost on the other side of the battlefield. With World Force surging, he aimed his halberd at a chosen target.

The Pseudo-Royal Lord he selected had an unstable aura and was clearly injured. Having barely escaped from the attack of the Giant Spirit G.o.d, this Pseudo-Royal Lord didnt even sense this silent ambush.

It wasnt until the danger was upon him that he noticed, but it was already too late.

Unable to mount a proper defence, he presented an opportunity that Wu Qing seized, and with a single strike, the halberd split him in half.

Black blood gushed out, and Black Ink Strength dissipated.

The two Ninth-Order Masters who just escaped were like tigers in a flock of sheep, seeking out targets to slaughter. The powers of Yin and Yang surged, and the long halberd swept out endless sharp edges.

Mo Na Ye was furious as he had brought a considerable number of Pseudo-Royal Lords, but he had already lost six, with four killed by the Giant Spirit G.o.d earlier while two more were brought down by Xiao Xiao and Wu Qing in such a short time.

These Pseudo-Royal Lords were the backbone of the Black Ink Clans forces against the Humans, and though they had not suffered significant losses on the real battlefield, significant casualties had been taken here, causing Mo Na Ye great distress.

This operation was supposed to be foolproof. If they had succeeded, not only would they have killed two Ninth-Order Masters, but they would also have a.s.sisted the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d in breaking free from its bindings, killing two birds with one stone.

Unfortunately, this seemingly perfect plan had been blown apart after Yang Kais hidden hand was revealed.

Mo Na Ye roared in anger and charged towards Wu Qing.

After the initial panic, the Pseudo-Royal Lords hastily formed Battle Formations against the two Ninth-Order Masters and barely managed to hold their ground.

Upon noticing Mo Na Yes movements, Wu Qing immediately flew towards Xiao Xiaos position, ignoring Mo Na Yes attack from behind. With a fierce blow, he pierced through another Pseudo-Royal Lord who was suppressed by Xiao Xiao.

Xiao Xiao understood Wu Qings intention and fully cooperated. Grand Dao Strength surged, suppressing the Pseudo-Royal Lord and rendering him immobile.

With two Ninth-Order Masters joining forces, the lone Pseudo-Royal Lord was no match at all. In a state of extreme shock, he could only watch as Wu Qing pierced him with a single strike.

At the same time, Wu Qings figure shook as he spurted fresh blood. It was a result of Mo Na Yes attack.

The Pseudo-Royal Lords, who had just regained their footing, gathered together in their Battle Formations from all directions while Mo Na Ye also charged over with haste.

On the other hand, Xiao Xiao grabbed Wu Qings shoulder as the Yin-Yang Fish rolled back, wrapping around them while they withstood the relentless attacks of their enemies as they carved a b.l.o.o.d.y path out.

Powerful Secret Techniques bombarded them, but they were all dissolved by the Yin-Yang Fish. The s.h.i.+eld Xiao Xiao was manipulating trembled, costing her a great deal of energy to maintain.

After a moment, the chaotic battle suddenly calmed down as the two sides stood across from each other in the void, facing off from afar. In the eerie and quiet stalemate, only the fierce residual waves of the two Giant Spirit G.o.ds battling each other in the distance could be felt.

Xiao Xiaos chest heaved, and Wu Qings face was pale with a hint of fresh blood at the corner of his mouth. On the opposite side, Mo Na Ye and the Pseudo-Royal Lords looked at them coldly with eyes full of resentment and anger.

However, even with all the rage they felt, it was useless in this situation.

Their plan had completely failed!

Although the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d had managed to escape, the Humans gained another Giant Spirit G.o.d to a.s.sist them. These two were now mutually restraining each other, making the Black Ink Clans plan to use the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d to sweep away the Human Race completely useless.

In addition, the two Ninth-Order Masters were also not dead and could escape at any time because their location was right at the entrance to the Wind Mist Territory pa.s.sage.

In the end, the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d was still contained, while the two Ninth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters were now free!

Mo Na Ye clenched his fists tightly as his heart bled.

Originally, in terms of Royal Lords and Ninth-Order Masters, the Black Ink Clan was inferior to the Human Race. The Black Ink Clan only had two Royal Lords left, while the Humans had four available in the 3,000 Worlds.

The advantage that the Black Ink Clan could occupy was mainly due to the many Pseudo-Royal Lords on their side.

Xiao Xiao and Wu Qing had been trapped in Wind Mist Territory for so many years, so though they could restrain the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d, they were of no use on the battlefield.

But now, they were freed

On the main battlefield, there would be two more Human Armies led by veteran Ninth-Order Masters. This was a disaster for the Black Ink Clan.

And the reason for this outcome was a hidden hand left behind by Yang Kai millennia ago!

Mo Na Ye could not understand why Yang Kai had kept such a hidden hand until now instead of using it earlier.

Regardless, the Black Ink Clan had lost this battle. They thought that Yang Kai, who was trapped in the Universe Furnace, would no longer cause them any trouble, and that they could completely rid themselves of this heart demon. But who would have thought that they were still shrouded in his shadow

Mo Na Ye, before reaching the entrance to the pa.s.sage, Xiao Xiao smiled coldly and said, When I see you on the battlefield, Ill be sure to take your head!

Standing beside her, Wu Qing gestured threateningly with a fierce look on his face.

Then, the two turned around simultaneously and leapt towards the pa.s.sage that was connected to Wind Mist Territory, disappearing in an instant.

Mo Na Ye simply watched without trying to stop them.

In fact, he couldnt stop them. The two had already planned their escape. Even if Mo Na Ye had set up an ambush on the other side of the pa.s.sage in advance, that might not be enough to contain them.

In the previous situation, he believed that victory was already a.s.sured and thus there was no need to waste troops by setting up ambushes. But after Xiao Xiao summoned the World Bead that sealed the Giant Spirit G.o.d, chaos ensued. Under the frenzied attack of the Giant Spirit G.o.d, he had no choice but to react in the moment.

Now, pursuing the enemy was meaningless as they could potentially be ambushed by them.

It was a complete and utter defeat, with heavy casualties.

Seven Pseudo-Royal Lords died while all the others were injured. Mo Na Ye didnt know how to explain this to Mo Yu when he returned.

Throughout the years, Mo Yu had trusted him a lot; otherwise, he would not have granted him so much control. But looking back on the various plans he had presided over through the years, it seemed that none had progressed as he had envisioned

In a previous action against Yang Kai before the appearance of the Universe Furnace, many Innate Territory Lords died. But, due to the sudden appearance of the Universe Furnace, Mo Na Ye had ultimately failed and allowed Yang Kai to escape. During the battle between the Human Race and Black Ink Clan inside the Universe Furnace, the Black Ink Clan suffered the loss of a new Royal Lord and several Pseudo-Royal Lords. If Mo Na Ye hadnt quickly escaped in the end, he might have also been killed.

Initially, he thought he had successfully prevented Xiang Shan from advancing to the Ninth-Order, which was a small consolation, but in the end, Xiang Shan still succeeded. This time, the plan that was thought to be foolproof resulted in the loss of seven Pseudo-Royal Lords from the Black Ink Clan and allowed the two strongest living Ninth-Order Masters to break free.

Mo Na Ye felt discouraged all of a sudden.

[In the end, the Human Race is still favoured by Heaven.]

Hou! Suddenly, a roar shook the void from deep within, and Mo Na Ye snapped back to attention. He turned his head in the direction of the commotion and saw a ma.s.sive figure floating in the distance.

He understood immediately that it was coming from the two Giant Spirit G.o.ds that had been entangled for many years.

These two Giant Spirit G.o.ds had been locked in combat for almost a millennium, their limbs intertwined like children in a playground scuffle. For years, they remained stuck in this stalemate.

Suddenly, there was a commotion, indicating that the fighting had drawn attention.

Soon, clashes could be heard from the depths of the void.

Mo Na Yes expression changed as he quickly regained his composure and shouted, Lets go!

The Barren Territory was vast enough to accommodate two Giant Spirit G.o.ds as they wreaked havoc on the battlefield, but if all four were to start an all-out fight, there would be no safe place in this entire Great Territory left.

A battle of this level was beyond the ability of mere Pseudo-Royal Lords to interfere with. Even Mo Na Ye himself didnt want to get involved; therefore, as soon as he realised what was about to happen, he decisively led the Pseudo-Royal Lords to retreat.

Shortly after they returned to the No-Return Pa.s.s through the Territory Gate, two huge figures finally appeared in the void. They were entangled with each other as they approached that from the side and soon arrived near Ah Das battlefield with his opponent.

Brother! Ah Das eyes lit up when he saw Ah Ers figure while engaged in a fierce battle with his opponent.

The Giant Spirit G.o.ds, a unique Race, had always been rare, and due to their innate behaviour, they spend most of their time either traveling or hibernating, so they rarely cross paths.

Ah Da had clearly not met his clansmen in years, so seeing one now was quite exciting.

Soon after though, he became enraged and shouted, How dare you hit my Brother? Ill kill you!

With those words, he disregarded his own opponent and charged straight towards Ah Er.

The Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d, who had been entangled with Ah Er, was slightly stunned, but quickly gave chase. Though their movements seemed clumsy, every strike shook the Heavens and the Earth.

Meanwhile, Ah Er faced off against the opponent who had originally belonged to Ah Da. When Ah Da threw his opponent aside, the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d naturally pursued and joined the chaotic fray.

In an instant, the four Giant Spirit G.o.ds began wreaking havoc in the Great Territory, causing chaos and destruction. With each clash, the Great Territory was like a pond that had boulders tossed into it, sending ripples outwards in all directions.

Wherever the ripples were, s.p.a.ce became unstable and countless Void Cracks tore open. It was as if the entire Barren Territory was on the verge of collapsing.

Several months later, a notice was sent from the Supreme Headquarters to the various front-line battlefields. Xiao Xiao and Wu Qing, who had both been stationed in Wind Mist Territory for thousands of years, had returned. The Humans gained two more Ninth-Order Masters with Xiao Xiao a.s.suming command of the Soaring Cloud Army, while Wu Qing led the Purple Feather Army.

Furthermore, the Humans had an additional Giant Spirit G.o.d as an ally, which restrained the Black Ink Giant Spirit G.o.d that was trapped for many years.

The news spread and the morale of the Humans soared. The boost in momentum allowed them to easily seize several Great Territories on various fronts.

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