Martial Peak - Chapter 5805: Projection Reappears

Chapter 5805: Projection Reappears

Chapter 5805: Projection Reappears

Hearing Blood Crows words, the veteran Eighth-Order Masters were puzzled, Didnt you say that well still have some time after the ninth evolution?

Blood Crow shook his head, It was like that last time, but its a little different this time. Perhaps it is different every time.

He had partic.i.p.ated in the appearance of the Universe Furnace only once, so how could he know if there was any kind of pattern? Judging by the current situation, the Universe Furnace would indeed be closing very soon.

At that time, all the outsiders would be expelled from this independent world and returned to their respective entrance points.

When that time came, another war would break out, and this time, the Human Race had already made preparations. They would definitely inflict heavy losses on the Black Ink Clan!

After the last battle, once the group of six had finished recuperating, they started hunting around in a Battle Formation. During this time, they had some modest gains.

Originally, they thought that there was still some time before the Universe Furnace closed, and that they would be able to make more progress, but at this moment, they decided not to ruminate too much on it.

The six Eighth-Order Masters came from the various entrances of the Universe Furnace, so once the Universe Furnace was closed, they would be forced to return to different places. Immediately, each of them cupped their fists and bid their farewells before settling down to adjust their breathing and recover their strength.

Not only them, but all of the Human Race Masters who were still active appeared to have noticed it. Everyone immediately stopped what they were doing and started getting ready for the imminent battle.

In comparison, the Black Ink Clansmen who were relatively well-informed were a little uneasy and restless. Although they knew that this day would eventually come, when it really did, they discovered that they had not been prepared.

The news they had received from the Black Ink Disciples had left them deeply concerned. They didnt know what kind of terrible situation they would face after the Universe Furnace closed.

In the end, they had to return to various Great Territory Battlefields. After the Universe Furnace closed down, whether they lived or died would all depend on the outside battle situation between the Black Ink Clan Army and the Human Race Army.

Moreover, many of the Black Ink Clansmen were oblivious to this truth

While the undercurrents were surging, Yang Kai, protected by his s.p.a.ce-Time River, followed along the flow of the Infinite River tributary. He had no idea where he was going or whether his actions had any meaning, but now that things had reached this point, he had no choice but to follow through.

This stream was filled with an extremely rich and pure Dao Strength, so pure that it had condensed into a liquid form that was flowing in the tributary.

Yang Kai couldnt help but fall into deep thought. Previously, his actions had given birth to a strange change in the Universe Furnace; spiderweb-like tributaries had filled the entire Universe Furnace World in the blink of an eye. This scene had not gone unnoticed by him.

The reason he was able to enter the tributary was because he had used his own comprehension of the evolution of Grand Daos, and used Dao Strengths to stimulate the 10,000 Grand Daos to revert back to Chaos. If the tributary was a locked door, then his method was the key to opening it.

Even if others had seen these tributaries, they could forget about entering them without the corresponding means.

Although Yang Kai had used this opportunity to escape the pursuit of the Chaos Spirit King, he had no idea what would transpire next. Left with no other options, all he could do was focus on sensing the changes in his surroundings with rapt attention.

The flow of Dao Strengths was extremely fast, but when it came to the tributary, its flow was billowing and the currents violent.

Being in such a tributary, whether it was Time or s.p.a.ce, everything had become extremely chaotic. Although the surroundings were filled with extremely rich Dao Strengths, ones vision was filled with impossible sights.

Yang Kai instantly understood that the Universe Furnace was about to close!

[According to Blood Crow, the Universe Furnace would close soon after the ninth evolution, but this period seems to be a lot shorter. Could it be because of me?]

At this moment, Yang Kai couldnt be bothered to think about these things. All he wanted to know was where he would eventually end up if he allowed himself to drift like this!

Perhaps the end of this tributary would allow him to discover some unknown truths!

Time and s.p.a.ce became even more chaotic. Yang Kai found it difficult to even calculate how long he had been inside this stream. At some point, the s.p.a.ce-Time River around him seemed to have suffered a huge impact, instantly shaking it and destabilizing his body. The impact was so huge that it sent his World Force and blood into turmoil.

Yang Kais face turned pale.

For him to suffer such an impact with his current cultivation realm meant that it was comparable to an all-out attack from a Royal Lord.

Sensing the source of the impact, Yang Kai instinctively reached out towards it. When he closed his fist, there was something in his hand.

It was a very small object, but when he opened his fist and took a close look at it, a strange expression appeared on his face.

Much to his surprise, it was a grain of sand!

Moreover, he had seen this kind of grain of sand before

He had seen them at the bottom of Infinite River, countless of them at that, which had gathered at the riverbed.

These grains of sand were not some simple sand particles, but rather some kind of embryonic Universe World; however, because of the ma.s.sive pressure and rich Dao Strength in the Infinite River, these Universe Worlds were only in their nascent form and looked like sand in a river bed.

Surprisingly, such a thing had actually appeared in this tributary

The Infinite River that ran through the entire Universe Furnace World was the main river, and all the tributaries were part of it. Now that the grain of sand that should have existed in the depths of the main river had appeared, didnt that mean that something inside the main river had been forced out?

Realizing this, Yang Kais expression changed slightly. The tributary he was in was probably not as safe as he had imagined.

He clearly remembered that a large number of mystical Celestial Phenomena were forming inside the Infinite River. These Celestial Phenomena may have looked small and unimposing inside the Infinite River, but they were actually filled with all kinds of strange and dangerous anomalies.

[It was just a grain of sand that hit me this time, but what if it was a Celestial Phenomenon] Yang Kais head immediately started spinning.

Although he was in a crisis, he was still extremely excited. The fact that things had been pushed out of the main river and into the tributary meant that the Dao Strength turbulence had swept through the entire Universe Furnace, even the Infinite River was unable to avoid it. He could not help but be excited about what astonis.h.i.+ng discovery he would find at the end of this tributary.

Realizing that the environment he was in was not that safe though, Yang Kai became more cautious as he meticulously scanned his surroundings, lest he get pulled into some strange Celestial Phenomenon.

Fortunately, nothing of that sort happened, though quite a bit of sand was indeed flowing towards him along with the current. Yang Kai, who was already prepared for this, easily resolved the issue.

While Yang Kai was moving along the tributary towards an unknown future, the Universe Furnace World closed down amidst violently shaking, the survivors disappearing under the great repulsive force one after another.

Azure Sun Territory was a frontline battlefield where the Humans fought against the Black Ink Clan. Countless from both sides had sacrificed their lives here over the past thousands of years. There was not a single corner in this place where the blood had not been spilled and someone had not lost their lives.

But despite the numerous battles fought on this Great Territory Battlefield over thousands of years, it was still orderly and controllable.

However, a few decades ago, when the Universe Furnace suddenly appeared, a true war broke out!

No battle of that scale and intensity had been fought for thousands of years.

Countless Black Ink Clansmen fought in that battle, including a few Pseudo-Royal Lords. While on the Human Races side, Ninth-Order Masters, who had long been in hiding, personally stepped forward to meet the enemy.

Both sides suffered heavy casualties, but things had slowly stabilized after a large number of Masters from both sides entered the Universe Furnace.

More than half of the Pseudo-Royal Lords had entered, but the Human Races Ninth-Order Master had not. As such, how could the Black Ink Clan be their opponents now?

Over the next 20 years, the Human Race swept through the entire Azure Sun Territory under Luo Ting Hes leaders.h.i.+p, setting off a one-sided ma.s.sacre of the Black Ink Clan until they were completely helpless.

At present, Azure Sun Territory was basically under the Human Races control. Although the Black Ink Clan was still launching ambushes in some places, they were no longer a threat and would be wiped out sooner or later.

These Black Ink Clan forces also wanted to escape from Azure Sun Territory, but the various Territory Gates had already been occupied by the Humans, leaving them nowhere to run.

Originally, the Black Ink Clan believed that the Humans would launch a ma.s.sive counterattack after capturing Azure Sun Territory, so ma.s.sive Black Ink Clan Armies had already deployed across the nearby Great Territories, preparing for battle.

But to the Black Ink Clans surprise, the Human Race Army in Azure Sun Territory did not continue the triumphant march. Even the Ninth-Order Master, Luo Ting He, showed no intention of leaving Azure Sun Territory. She simply stood guard there, her thoughts a mystery.

Unable to guess the enemys intentions, the Black Ink Clan became a little ill at ease.

Not only was Azure Sun Territory like this, but most of the other Great Territory Battlefields were in similar situations. In Wolf Fang Territory, Wei Jun Yang, leading the Human Race Army, basically purged the Black Ink Clan before stopping.

When the news reached the No-Return Pa.s.s, Mo Yu, who was overseeing the general situation, felt both uneasy and puzzled, wondering what these two Ninth-Order Human Race Masters were up to.

At that moment he really missed Mo Na Ye. Had Mo Na Ye been here, he might have been able to see through the Humans actions. Unfortunately, Mo Na Ye had entered the Universe Furnace World, and Mo Yu did not have any other useful subordinates under him.

Except for the Great Territory Battlefields that had the two Ninth-Order Masters, where the battle already settled, war was still raging on the rest of the Great Territory Battlefields. Both the Human Race and Black Ink Clan kept investing their troops there, and large and small battles would break out almost every few days.

The Black Ink Clan had suffered ma.s.sive casualties, but the Human Races casualties werent small either.

Among the many pieces of information relayed back to the No-Return Pa.s.s, there was one that Mo Yu was extremely concerned about.

And that was that no matter which Great Territory Battlefield it was, the Human Race seemed to care a great deal about the location where the Universe Furnace projection had appeared. Even if they had advantages in battle, they maintained a heavy deployment at the location of the projection s.p.a.ce, strictly guarding it and preventing the Black Ink Clan from approaching.

[Whats so special about those locations? Why are they specifically guarding them?]

The Human Races movements gave Mo Yu a bad feeling. If his hunch came to be true, then all the Black Ink Clansmen who had entered the Universe Furnace might have a disastrous end waiting for them!

Because of his hunch, he issued several orders to all the Black Ink Clansmen deployed on the various Great Territory Battlefields to pay close attention to the locations where these projections had appeared.

When the Universe Furnaces ninth Grand Dao evolution was taking place and the Universe Furnace World started shaking, the very same scene that had occurred several decades ago reappeared. The s.p.a.ce that was heavily guarded by the Humans suddenly became distorted and chaotic before a ma.s.sive illusory phantom of the Universe Furnace manifested!

The projection of the Universe Furnace had appeared once more!