Martial King's Retired Life - Volume 1 Chapter 29

Volume 1 Chapter 29

The Orange Prince is Difficult to Deal With, But You Can Always Hand Ball Him to Someone Else

The atmosphere in the guest hall became strange as soon as the Orange Prince arrived, but Shen Yiren remained very calm.

She looked at Su Xiao and asked: "Su Han, what do you suggest we do now that the Orange Prince is here to find faults with us?"

Pretty boy Su answered as though he was ready to chomp his head off: "Good timing! Let's arrest him and bring him before the emperor." Little Su Xiao was very excited. But isn't this a good opportunity for you to see the emperor?! Are you expected him to greet you cheerfully when you bring his son to him in hand cuffs?

Shen Yiren didn't give any input, but according to my eyes that see all, she resisted the urge to cut Su Xiao up for his impulsiveness three times.

Shen Yiren then turned to look at Tang Ye and said: "Yang Ling, you're a better thinker, I want to hear your opinion."

Tang Ye also seemed to be aware that our superior was testing our analytical abilities as well as our ability to respond to such situations. Tang Ye took a moment to think and then softly said: "The Orange Prince is definitely here for no good. He's after the records. We should hide the records and Mr Cha, and then stall for time."

"That's an average strategy."

The look on Shen Yiren's face didn't change. Her usual cussing temperament didn't surface and she replied in an orderly fashion: "You can use that strategy to deal with a normal person, but it's not enough to deal with the Orange Prince."

It looks like she didn't get to her position by luck. I'm not sure about her martial arts skills, but her thinking is well-thought out and her ability to lead leaves Su Xiao and Tang Ye in the dirt.

Shen Yiren looked at me and said; "Feizhen, you've been involved in the pugilistic world for a while, what do you think?" Bloody hell, she really treats me like a veteran of the pugilistic world… Jeez, I just did some reading, and my reading materials were gossip magazines no less…

"Since the Orange Prince is here, we can't just ignore him