Martial King's Retired Life - Volume 5 Chapter 23

Volume 5 Chapter 23

Life is Always Comprised of Too Many Things to Hate on Just as the River Endlessly Flowing Eastward with No End in Sight (Part 3)

"All right, all right, I'll tell you!"

Su Xiao caught us red-handed. Unlucky me, therefore, had no choice but to tell him what made Heavenly Fragrance Garden a noble place.

"You two don't realise that this place is immeasurably special. This place is…" I suppressed my volume, "The largest brothel in the capital!"

Tang Ye just stayed silent, as he was speechless. Meanwhile, Su Xiao almost leapt up.

"You heartless crook!"

Su Xiao smacked me in the head with his sabre scabbard!

"You're all that now, are you? Right after you go to Apricot Flower Brothel, you go to Heavenly Fragrance Garden. The girls at these two places are the most expensive! I'm absolutely certain that you embezzled public funds to eat, drink and play again. I'm going to beat you to death today!"

Su Xiao's voice sounds childish to begin with, so when he spoke hastily, it sounded even more childish. It sounded even weaker than a girl's voice.

'I never went to Apricot Flower Brothel, though! I just made that up in the spur of the moment!'

"Have I told you before or not? I said that the girls at brothels are pitiful. Not only are you not helping them, but even trampling on them! Don't forget that you're also our head constable and a Seventh Rank Warrior! How unbecoming for someone with such status to be going to brothels! Plus, you're so ugly; how harsh is it on the girls to have to serve you."

'Hey, hey, hey! That's too mean, don't you think?! What exactly are you trying to do, care for me, scold me, put me own or correct me?!! Also, how in the world do you know that Apricot Flower Brothel is as expensive as Heavenly Fragrance Garden?!'

"Hmph! The female constables at the office are responsible for dealing with cases involving the female and male relationship cases in the city. They specifically arrest heartless and corrupt men, like you. I heard them talk about it."

Tang Ye, however, stopped Su Xiao's rage, "Big Brother, if you have something to say, finish it up."

"Okay, okay. I originally wanted to find a quiet place to talk about it. Lean in, you two."

In order to avoid others hearing us, I used Voice Transmission. Tang Ye knew that I was capable of using it. Su Xiao's a dunce, so he was unlikely to notice.

"This place is the largest brothel in the capital, as the backer holds so much authority and power beyond your imagination."

"Didn't you say that already, albeit not finishing, Big Bro? Does the owner of this place have a very intimate relationship with the Imperial Court?'

"Not just intimate…" I checked to ensure that nobody noticed us then vigilantly finished, "The backer of this place is the Imperial Court, itself!"

"What? It's the Imperial Court's privately operated brothel?"

"Eek!" Su Xiao reacted with shock, "How disgusting of the Imperial Court. Which department runs it? I'm reporting them to shut the place down!"

I hopelessly replied, "The truth is… it's our Liu Shan Men."

Su Xiao and Tang Ye exchanged eye contact. They both revealed looks indicating that they couldn't wait to get out of this questionable place.

"Sh! Sh! Don't be hasty!" I glanced at Heavenly Fragrance Garden's plaque and whispered, "Many years ago, a high ranking member of Liu Shan Men opened it, but he's no longer instated. The owner of the place has changed. I don't know the details of who's currently running it nowadays, but I do know who the big boss backing it is."

I started to become even more cautious, especially since Her Highness was keeping tabs on me from behind; thus, I couldn't let her hear what I was about to say.

"The big boss backing Heavenly Fragrance Flower… is His Majesty." I ignored their astonished expressions and added, "Back then, the scale of this place wasn't as grand as this. After the high-ranking official at Liu Shan Men left, His Majesty collected the place under his wing and turned it into an entity that served as his eyes and ears. You must realise that this is where the most money is spent in the capital. It isn't just a brothel, but also a gambling house, a place for entertainment, a theatre, eatery, accessory shop and so forth. Countless people from the martial world and wealthy officials come here daily. When they do come, they provide an infinite wealth information. Furthermore, the place does, indeed, make a lot of money. There are also plenty of girls there. You can discuss chess, music, flowers…"

Su Xiao glared at me, so I quickly ended my digression, "That's why I want Tang Ye to pose as a wealthy young master, spend lavishly and pass on information to the Imperial Court that I want the Emperor to hear about."

The two of them nodded as though they understood then revealed expressions that supposedly suggested so, albeit also suggesting that they didn't.

"All right, I'm done with explaining things. Handsome Tang Ye, it's show time for you now. You need to pose as a wealthy young master. I even paid for your clothes; don't embarrass me, now."

I pushed Tang Ye toward Heavenly Fragrance Garden. Nevertheless, he stood his ground and refused to budge. He faintly said, "Big Brother, it's not that I don't want to help you, but… spending lavishly? Do we have money?"

He has a point, but it's not a problem.

"Rest assured. I have a financial backer. We'll have as much as we want."

I'm working for Princess Hongzhuang, here. Therefore, it's working for the imperial family. I can just ask her to foot the bill when the time comes. Tang Ye still refused to move, though.

"Big Brother, it's not that I don't want to help you, but when it comes to wealthy young masters, they would be familiar with all of the rich young masters in the capital, as it's the largest brothel. Being wealthy doesn't just mean being financially wealthy, but also being famous. I'm afraid that we can't play the part."

"I took that into consideration already. We're posing as a young master from another city, so there's no need to fear them not recognising you."

'What's the matter with Tang Ye today? Why is he so wishy washy about entering a brothel?'

"Oh, right, Su Xiao, the two of us need to take on fake identities, as well. Fortunately, you're not in your constable uniform today. Just pose as an attendant."

Su Xiao nodded, "Oh, oh, I'll just keep quiet and obediently follow your lead."

I pushed Tang Ye again, but he didn't budge… I gave him the boot this time, causing him to stumble.

"Now what?!"

"Big Brother, it's not that I don't want to help you, b-"

"Can you stop initiating everything with that phrase? Why can't I help but feel that you don't want to help me?! If you have something to say, then come out with it. What exactly is the matter with you?"

"Mm… All right." Tang Ye cleared his throat, "Truthfully, neither money nor identity is the issue. I did pick up some money from His Majesty a few days ago, after all. I wouldn't mind giving you all of it."

'Oi! Don't show off! I'm still broke! Making those clothes for you has left my wallet lighter! Seeing as how you have money, get it made yourself!'

"It's just that I'm afraid that I'll embarrass you at a brothel, Big Brother."

"Huh? How so? It's not as if I've never been to one, ahem, just rest assured and go."

"It's not your problem, but mine."

"What's the matter?"

Tang Ye raised his head and puffed his chest. With the proud tone of a big man, he exclaimed, "I've never court a girl before; I'm still a virgin!"

"A virgin?"

'So what if you're a virgin?! Back then, my shifu was locked up at Mount Daluo to train, so he was still a virgin at thirty! That never prevented him from roaming the streets to pick up women every day!'

I fumed, "Just grab their butt and done!"

Tang Ye shook his head and shrugged, "But I can't."

'Damn virgin! How have you not learnt any of my strong qualities despite being with