Martial King's Retired Life - Volume 11.5 Chapter 05

Volume 11.5 Chapter 05

Volume 11.5 Chapter 05

Thought so. Hua Qing needed to simplify his story. Being as quick-witted as he was, he shouldve been able to get his point across easily; however, the things he had yet to solve rendered it difficult to explain when he couldnt understand them.

I dont blame you. Ive been mulling over everything Master Xu told me for a year, yet I still cant figure out where it went wrong. Why would several adepts in the pugilistic world suddenly target him when hes just a business man? Why would Shaolins monks suddenly die? Ever since they framed me for Xu Clans extermination, theyve continued to commit big crimes, all of which I am to be held accountable for. If they just wanted to force me out of hiding, it feels like they went to too much effort. I assume the people out for my life are the monks henchmen. As for who he is and why he wants the item, I dont have the foggiest idea.

Its called wealth brings trouble. Ming Feizhen twirled the red pouch. This isnt something for ordinary folk to keep. Xu Clan mustve sealed this away when they decided to hang up their swords, but thats not enough; they shouldve entrusted it to a sect capable of safeguarding it, such as the ones just below Shaolin and Wudang. Had they done so, misfortune wouldnt have visited their descendants. Ming Feizhen licked his oily fingers. In the Central Plain, we call it Repository Jade. In Western Regions, they call it glaze ?arra or just ?arra, which just means Buddhist relic.

?arra? Is it a weapon?

On its own, its nothing special. Its about as useful as a brick in combat. Utilise its special feature appropriately, however, and itll be a treasure to martial artists. It possesses the ability to subsume ones essence until it is full, regardless of nature and potency.

If it can just absorb energy like that that, doesnt that mean whoever possesses it will be invincible?

Oh yeah, because people will just go, Want to suck my energy out of me? Ill wait for you. Its not very solid in the first place, which makes it vulnerable to breaking in combat. It supposedly drains energy slowly, and you can only absorb a certain amount at once, or itll become useless. Thats why draining energy and storing it is a challenge. Once it is done storing energy, the energy can be consumed. Apparently, a full glaze ?arra is worth a hundred and twenty years of training. Can you imagine how stupidly strong Xu Clans ancestors were when they had this cheat item?

A hundred and twenty years? What celestial-divine-heavenly realm would that be? Surely humans cant possibly reach that level.

Ming Feizhen muttered under his breath, My grandmaster has probably lived for that long.


Ahem, as for the monk from the Western Regions, its understandable for you to not recognise him. Hes called Lord Miguo, one of the three lords of the Western Regions Lotus Sacred Sect.

Say what?! You know him?!

The Western Regions consists of seven autonomous municipalities, each with its own unique customs. I visited the area twice in my childhood with my shifu. The monk covered in tattoos must be Lord Miguo. Lotus Sacred Sect have the three lords directly under their head, better known as Pure Lands Three Lords, have their own posts and skills. The fatso I killed in one punch mustve learnt an inkling of Lord Miguos Impregnable Golden Body skill.

I suspected he was connected from the moment I saw the skill. Besides, Lord Miguos portrait is found in every major shrine. His shirtless, tattooed body and ugly bald head matches your depiction, so Im confident in my speculation.

He makes the monk sound like some thug off the street? Did I really describe him like that?

So, why did this Lord Miguo or whatever monk come to the Central Plain. Is he trying to start trouble in our martial world?

Nope. Lotus Sacred Sect is second only to Divine Moon Cult in the Western Regions, making it the second biggest religion there. Their leader, Autarch Lotus, is respected even by the leaders of the seven regions. Stirring the pot in our martial world would just be deigning. Im sure they wouldnt do that. According to what I know, he fought some other lord bloke from Divine Moon Cult and got whooped embarrassingly. I think he got injured, got bashed by his aunt or something and then went missing.

He has an aunt now?

How should I know what they train when Im not part of their cult? Look, the translation from their language to Mandarin is something like that, okay?

Okay, why does he have enmity with Master Xu, then?

Lord Miguos discipline focuses on cultivating ?arra, too, which explains why hed target Xu Clan. For all we know, ?arra might be the cornerstone to his recovery or level up. You think hed let something so important go?

Frankly, Hua Qing started to feel uneasy about the fact that Ming Feizhen knew so much. H-how come you said you dont understand when you know so much?

I dont. I dont understand why you would involve yourself in something so dangerous? Life too tiring or something?

I didnt say all that just for you. Some things are better off not being repeated.

Wh-what do you mean?

This. Ming Feizhen looked over to Su Li. Hey, lass, if you keep lying there, Im going to lift your skirt. Im notorious for my quick hands. He threw a chicken bone right at Su Lis buttock.

Ow! Su Li sprung to her feet, hands on her buttocks. Face red, Su Li yelled, You runt!