Martial King's Retired Life - Book 11: Chapter 138

Book 11: Chapter 138

Book 11: Chapter 138

Sir Tianhu, why did you run of before you were finished speaking. Dugu and Long Zaitian filed in.

I just felt there was someone interesting here, so I came over first. Tianhus visual appraisal of me gave me goose bumps.

Using Voice Transmission, Shen Yiren conveyed, Hes not friendly. Dont panic. Just be your usual self.

Roger that, over. I stuffed a green foxtail in mouth, slouched into my chair, crossed my legs and loudly rambled, Sup, bro?

Boss Shen: Dont overdo it, either

Tianhu cracked a smile. You dont seem to have any manners, he said as he shifted his inquisitive gaze from me to Boss Shen. If you dont know how to keep your subordinates in line, how about I lend you a hand?

The pressure that Tianhus eyes emitted was closer to a ravenous beast than the mental cultivation of an orthodox sect. The way he looked at you created the impression that he could smell how unsettled you were.

What manners? You know whose turf you are on? You know who runs this place? You know who I am? I questioned.

I have heard. I know who you are, and the same goes for the identities youre trying to cover. Tianhu spared no effort to hide his hostility toward me.

I squinted. And?

Get out of your chair.

Beg me.

Haha, you may not be aware, but I am one of the three strongest individuals in this nation.

I rolled my eyes back into my head. So what type of dog does that make you?

Long Zaitian tugged my shirt. Oi, Ming Feizhen, stop embarrassing yourself. The Ultimate Three are held in the same regard as Princes and marquises. Youre nobody to him. He then whispered, His Majesty thinks well of you right now. As long as you dont respond to his provocations, he cant do anything to you.

I could understand Long Zaitian not getting along with Tianhu when they belonged to different camps. If I were Long Zaitian, Id also be more concerned about Emperors Entourages best fighter than weak Liu Shan Men. That being said, my gut told me Long Zaitian was actually just jealous I was more handsome than him.

Yeah, I dont like this moocher at all.

Told you. Long Zaitian showing concern for me would make him not Long Zaitian.

Wait, why is Long Zaitian siding with me?

Dugu urged, Brother Ming has always been the kind to speak his mind. Please do not mind it

Its fine. Im an affable man. Tianhu advanced toward me, still grinning. Youre the mentally demented dog.

Dugus knees buckled. Why are you getting into a verbal fight with him?!

I simpered. Nah, youre the dog.

You are.

You are.

Piss off.

Piss off.

You piss off.

Eat a dick.

Youre a dog.

Youre the dog.

Shut up! Both of you! Boss Shen blustered. How childish can you be?

He started it, I replied.

True. What are we arguing for? I am here for something else today. As Tianhu came closer to me, he performed a divinisation on his fingers, disguising his preparation to grab me.

Shen Yiren stepped in front of me, prompting the surprised Tianhu to stop.

Long-time no see, Shen Yiren, said Tianhu.

Long-time no see, Sir Tianhu. The last time we met was when you fought Yi Ya according to memory.

Oh, when I stomped the pitiful qilin? That has been quite some time ago, indeed. Two years, I believe?

You sure love to exaggerate, Sir. Yi Ya only lost to you in one exchange. If you were to spar again now, it would be hard to predict who would win.

Tianhu licked his lips. Isnt that what makes it more interesting?

What are you doing now? Flouting your duty? Although she didnt speak in her vintage booming voice, Shen Yiren didnt buckle under the pressure. What part of this is for His Majestys sake?

Who can stop me?

I taunted, Whod care to stop you, tard?

Tianhu looked back my way, wearing his bloodlust on his sleeve. Youre the tard, braindead fly.

Okay, punching bag.

Youre the punching bag.

Piss off.

Piss off.

You piss off.

Whats with all the noise? Emperor Yuansheng opened his door to see us all outside. Tianhu, why are you arguing with Earl Ming?

Tianhu started with a palm-fist salute. Your Majesty, your subject found something very interesting. Therefore, he had to rush off before he could report to you. He has now confirmed his suspicions and was on his way to share with you.

And that is? questioned Emperor Yuansheng.

Tianhu stole a gander my way, then took out a jar of something that freaked out only me. Your subject has confirmed this product comes from an old store in the capital. It is a product that can stand the test of time without changing whatsoever.

Emperor Yuansheng: Oh? Is it gems or love?

Hair dye.

Emperor Yuansheng, brows locked, took the hair dye off Tianhu. Why didnt you save this for when were in private? Look how many people are around Tell me quietly: where do I need to apply this?

Your Majesty, it is not for you


Tianhu raised his voice. It belongs to Earl Ming. I found it in his luggage, which is strange. That is why I took it for validation.

Emperor Yuanshengs face read, So what if its his? Whats so exciting about it?

During my time out, my luggage was thrown wherever, and I had no clue if there were any items in there that could expose me. I never noticed Tianhu took my hair dye.

So, Earl Ming, what do you have to say?

Well, ahem it is not mine, I responded.

Tianhu took out a sheet of paper. This is the testimony and invoice from the capital.

Okay, it is mine.

No excuses now, huh? Tianhu triumphantly grinned.

Not even Boss Shen could follow, let alone the others. Emperor Yuansheng queried, Even if it is Earl Mings Just give it back to the man. Young people are prone to having grey hairs if they stress a lot. Its nothing to be embarrassed about. If anyone should be reprimanded here, it is you for you violated his privacy.

Your Majesty, your subject investigated suspicious things about him on your orders. He is probably connected to Demon Sects Lord San Shen and Night Fortress Master Ming. Although their appearances are a mystery, people can testify one of them has all white hair, while the other has all black hair. Ming Feizhens black hair is obviously dyed using this product. What is he hiding? You can tell without thinking.

Hmm You make good points.

Ming Feizhen, I suspect you are colluding with Demon Sect. To prove your innocence, will you allow me to wash your hair?