Marry A Sweetheart And Get Another Free: President, Please Sign This! - Chapter 2272 - 2272 face slapping again!

Chapter 2272 - 2272 face slapping again!

Chapter 2272 - 2272 face slapping again!

2272 face slapping again!

fortunately, the big show has ended. during the curtain call, you made a few mistakes, so no one noticed. otherwise, you would have made a big mistake today and might have made the headlines. miss annet, youre the number one supermodel. how could you make such a low-level mistake? can you explain? fang ziqian said.

i this of course i was, of course i was distracted. your last set of clothes was too beautiful. i looked at it a few more times and forgot that it was time for me to go on stage annet knew that something was wrong and quickly found an excuse to defend herself.

fang ziqian glanced at her and said with a faint smile,oh, really? wasnt it because you knew that i would definitely fall and felt that the scene would definitely be a mess later, so you didnt go on stage? in the end, i completed the entire process perfectly, and you didnt react in time, so you were a few beats slower?

the dressing room fell into a dead silence.

outside the curtain door, mu yiling was also dumbfounded.

he turned to look at luo chenxi and asked softly, sister-in-law, what are they talking about? what curtain call? what big mistake? i dont understand what youre saying.

luo chenxi explained casually without turning her head, just now, after little qianqian finished her closed-door training, didnt all the models line up to go back on stage to thank the audience? finally, bruno also went on stage.

uh, right so? mu yiling was even more confused.

it was only then that luo chenxi took the time to glance at him and cast him a disdainful look.

annet was the first to go on stage for the curtain call, but when she walked out, it was a few seconds later than the time set by the director during the rehearsal. the models behind her were also affected. dont you think they walked out in a mess during the curtain call? a lot of people arent on the beat because they were disrupted by her!

ha? is it like this? mu yiling tried hard to recall the plot at that time.

unfortunately, no matter how much he thought about it, he could only remember that the group of young ladies on stage were all fair-skinned, beautiful, and had long legs. they were so beautiful that they could make people dizzy, especially fang ziqian.

as for the rest

uh, i didnt notice at all.

what late to the stage, what messed up timing, would it affect him looking at long legs? he wouldnt.

therefore, he really did not feel anything at all!

luo chenxi understood the situation the moment she saw his expression. she could not help but pat his dog head. sigh, youre really a landlords silly goose! alright, theres nothing for you to do here. you can continue to post on your moments.

while they were talking, the models and staff in the dressing room had recovered from the shock.

there was an immediate uproar.

if fang ziqian didnt mention it, i wouldve forgotten about it. thats right, when annette went on stage to thank the audience, she was indeed a few seconds late. annet has never made such a mistake before.

yes, yes, yes. she only realized it after the stage supervisor reminded her a few times.

so, why is annet in a daze? is it really like what fang ziqian said? is he really waiting for her to fall?

thats impossible, right? if thats the case, annet is too scheming!

but, other than this, i really cant think of any other reason that can explain annets mistake.

the staff and neutral models at the scene didnt know who to believe, but after hearing fang ziqians words, they all understood.