Maou Gakuin No Futekigousha - Chapter 233.2

Chapter 233.2

Chapter 233.2

As I said this, Eldmed pointed at the blackboard with his cane.

Using magic, he drew a cross-section of the world.

It showed the surface world, where we were, and the Underground World beneath it.

Just recently, we confirmed the existence of an underground world beneath the surface. Its as vast as the surface world, and is inhabited by draconids, whose ancestry traces back to the dragons. They have built a unique culture that includes wors.h.i.+ping G.o.ds, making pacts with them, and summoning them. (Anos)

The students earnestly listened to my explanation.

You may recall the recent attacks on Azesion and Dilhade by swarms of dragons. It appears that the draconids were behind those attacks. For this training session, we will be heading to their country in the Underground World. (Anos)

The students eyes widened in surprise.

Um, Anos-sama, are we really going to the country that tried to invade Dilhade? (Ellen)

Ellen raised her hand and asked nervously.

Thats right. However, we still dont know whether all the draconids are hostile to Dilhade. Just as there are good and bad individuals among demons and humans, the same applies to draconids. You will go to that unknown country and make your own opinion about its inhabitants, and I will observe how you handle it. (Anos)

I decided to further worsen the anxiety of the already uneasy students.

There will be a risk of death. You may perish and never come back to life. But thats precisely what makes it worth learning more about. (Anos)

B-But, Anos-sama, since youll be there, surely itll be saf (Ellen)

Ill have other matters I must attend to in the meantime. I cant guarantee that Ill be able to watch over you constantly. You must rely on your fellow cla.s.smates and survive on your own. (Anos)

Of course, I would make appropriate preparations for them.

However, if they always expected me to save them, they wouldnt make any progress.

Scaring them a little would be good for them.

Looking at the students, they all seemed very reluctant to go.

Well, Im not forcing you to go if you lack confidence. Its an unknown world, an unknown country. There will undoubtedly be many dangers. But its also crucial that you be aware of your own strength. If you dont wish to go, you may request to be excused. (Anos)

The Fan Union girls exchanged glances and started whispering among themselves.

W-What should we do? (Fangirl A)

Honestly, we cant even defeat a dragon yet, so its going to be tough, right? (Fangirl B)

Should we ask to be excused? (Fangirl C)

Yeah, youre right. We might end up causing trouble for everyone else. (Fangirl D)

Wait a minute! I think Ive figured something out! (Fangirl E)

You have? You know what Anos-samas intention is? (Fangirl F)

Hes testing us, right? (Fangirl G)

Nah, thats not it. Its more like, since its an unknown country, Anos-sama hasnt been there either, right? (Fangirl H)

Y-Yeah, I think thats right. (Fangirl A)

So, if we go together, itll be like an indirect first-time experience trip, wont it?! (Fangirl B)

Ohh , youre right! A-And also, if we were to die there, it would be like dying at Anos-samas will! (Fangirl C)

A-An indirect first-time trip that ends with destruction?! (Fangirl D)

I I want to be destroyed!! (All 8 of them)

The Fan Union girls were chattering excitedly as if any thought of the Underground World had completely slipped their minds.

As always, their fearlessness was truly remarkable.

By seeking their own destruction, they were relieved of their fear, which would help them avert it.

Upon hearing them declare that they would go despite being the weaker group in the cla.s.s, the other students refrained from requesting to be excused.

Well, aside from Naya, who clearly had more difficulty with magic than even the Fan Union, it would be difficult for anyone else to voice a complaint if they had an ounce of pride.

Hmm. Well, if you ever change your mind, feel free to let us know. Its not like were leaving right away. Departure is set for tomorrow. (Anos)

The students seemed relieved to know that they had some time to decide.

Now then. Have any of you heard this tale before? (Anos)

I began to address the students with a question.

There was once a certain demon castle surrounded by elite humans and spirits, facing a dire situation. Scouting revealed that the human army would attack the next day with 2,000 soldiers against the demons 500 soldiers. Moreover, they were made up of nothing but new recruits. They had no reinforcements and no trump cards. Despite this, the demons emerged victorious. Only a single man led them to victory. What do you think he did to achieve this? (Anos)

Looking at Ellen, who seemed to rack her brain, she answered.

Did he come up with some really clever strategy to defeat them? (Ellen)

It was indeed a strategy, but think a little further. (Anos)

Ellen seemed stumped.

And she was unable to come up with an answer.

What about the rest of you? (Anos)

At that moment, Misa raised her hand.

Im not sure about the specifics, but did he perhaps use the terrain to his advantage? (Misa)

No, the terrain didnt play any role in this. (Anos) ?????????.???

Okie-dokie, its my turn to answer! (Eleonore)

Eleonore raised her hand repeatedly.

Tell us. (Anos)

I think he just worked really, really hard. (Eleonore)

Obviously, he had to work hard to succeed. (Anos)

As if to imitate Eleonore, Zes.h.i.+a then raised her hand.

Alright. Zes.h.i.+a. (Anos)

Zes.h.i.+a thinks he worked even harder a lot harder! she exclaimed in confidence, squeezing her hands tightly.

Lets say thats correct. (Anos)

Correct Zes.h.i.+a echoed softly.

Ahh, Anos, youre being too soft on Zes.h.i.+a. Eleonore pouted.

Since no one else raised their hand, I directed my gaze to a certain young man who listened to the cla.s.s with a smile as if it had nothing to do with him.

Now, Lay. Give us the right answer. (Anos)

Lay answered without hesitation.

In one day, he trained the demon soldiers so intensively that each of them was able to do the work of four men. Thats how they repelled the human and spirit army, Id say. (Lay)

Wait, Lay, are you serious with that answer? (Sasha)

Sasha glared at Lay in disbelief.

Thats correct. (Anos)

No way Are you serious?! Sasha exclaimed in shock.

I guess I wouldve been skeptical too if I hadnt retreated back then. he said with a wry smile.

Thats just not fair Sasha muttered, slumping onto her desk.

At that time, the one who defended the castle was a demon that was hastily dispatched there. And none other than your homeroom teacher, the Conflagration King Eldmed. (Anos)

The latter chuckled.

Telling old stories, arent we? Although, the castle was eventually conquered by that man over there. (Eldmed)

Eldmed looked at Lay, who smiled with delight.

While Eldmed trained his soldiers in a day, Lay grew during the fight, allowing him to defeat them.

The reason he retreated once was to allow the other soldiers, who were feeling restless, to regroup.

If you hadnt opted to retreat and abandoned the castle, then I wouldnt have known. (Eldmed)

The Conflagration King grinned back.

The students watched the two men with their faces half-frozen in shock.

An overwhelmingly powerful enemy might attack as soon as tomorrow. When that time comes, will you think you


have one day left, or will you think you


have one day left? The outcome of the battle can change significantly depending on your mindset. If you dont have reinforcements, you just need to increase your strength. That way, even if youre outnumbered, you can surpa.s.s the enemy in terms of fighting prowess. This is the siege strategy from two thousand years agoNo, the siege strategy of the Conflagration King Eldmed. (Anos)

The students wore expressions that seemed to say, Thats ridiculous!

Actions speak louder than words. The training youre about to undertake will be somewhat more dangerous than what the Conflagration King faced back then. If things go well, your abilities will improve drastically. However, if you let your guard down, you could easily be wiped out in an instant. Approach this challenge with caution. (Anos)