Chapter 34
The next day at the 2nd training ground classroom .
Emilia enters along with the bell signalling the start of class .
Behind her is a male student in black clothes .
Good morning . Before we start Im going to introduce a new transfer student .
Emilia writes a name on the blackboard .
Ray Grandori .
The black-clothed student steps forward .
Nice to meet you all . Im Ray Grandori . Actually, I was supposed to be here for the first day but due to certain circumstances, Im starting late . Theres lots of things I dont know so I would appreciate it if people could help me when Im stuck . Thank you .
He had a transparent like voice with light blue eyes, white hair and a beautiful androgynous face that gave off a cool impression .
. Oi, oi . . hes a 7 sided star . .
Idiot . Of course he is . Hes Ray Grandori, one of the chaos generation . The tempering demon sword saint . Hes a monster who can use any sword . Forget about demon swords, he can even use spirit swords and sacred swords that mazoku shouldnt be able to use . (1)
Id heard hed enrolled but since he hadnt come to school yet I thought it was just a made-up story .
One of the chaos generation huh . Like Sasha, he seems very famous .
Ray-kun . Because you can use Demon King Army <Guys> you are eligible to run as a group leader . What do you want to do?
Is that so? What should I do? he says in a refreshing tone .
He doesnt seem a warlike type .
The groups have already been decided but Ill postpone the matches to give you time to prepare some members for the group opposition test . Of course, you can enter someone elses group this time if you want but next time you will be participating as a leader . A group with you as a leader with your ability . .
Apparently, Emilia really wants to make Ray a group leader for some reason .
I havent made friends with anyone yet so Im happy being in someone elses group .
Eh . . ?
Emilia raises a puzzled voice .
Was it an unexpected remark from a member of the chaos generation?
II understand . You wont find members for your group so soon, so you are temporarily entering someone elses group . I think there will be a number of students who want to join Ray-kuns group when you become a leader though .
Being a leader is too much for me . Ray says frankly .
Even if you say such a thing, Im sure that those that enter your group will disagree .
Fumu . Emilia seems to be pushing Ray quite a bit . I wonder why?
Well then . Since you need to choose a group, will the group leaders please stand up .
Its fine . Theres no need .
Emilia looks curiously at Ray
Do you already know the group leaders names and faces?
Nope . Not at all .
Emilia starts looking at Ray suspiciously now .
But I know the one .
Ray finishes talking and starts walking .
The classrooms gaze was fixed on him and whispered voices started leaking out .
. . Whos group is he entering . . ?
Hes the tempering demon sword saint . Did we have someone capable of controlling him in our class?
Maybe he thinks Sasha-sama is a leader?
I see . Thats true . Theres no way youd think the witch of ruin was a member of a white clothes group .
Ray walks straight to Sashas seat, walks past and stops in front of my seat .
Yo . Nice to meet you . Im Ray Grandori . Ray says while having a refreshing smile Whats your name?
Its Arnos Voldigod .
Well, Arnos-kun will you let me join your group? Im pretty good at handling swords . Im sure Ill be of help to you .
Fumu . This is an unexpected offer .
How do you know I was a leader?
Ray answered immediately .
Because your magic is the strongest in this class .
He can sense my magic and remain unafraid?
In other words, he has considerable magic power himself .
Even though Im in white clothes?
Ray looks at my clothes and an expression that says hes just noticed appears on his face .
Oh yeah . I only saw your magic power .
Ray laughs at his own mistake .
Even so, Arnos-kun is great . Normally white clothes couldnt be leaders .
If theres rules, they can be broken .
Ray laughs .
As I thought, I want to join your group . Youre interesting .
Ray offers me a handshake . Hes a very refreshing man .
RaRay-kun . You may join any group but Arnos-kuns mark is a stigma . .
Stigma . . ?
Ray looks at the brand of the inept on my uniform .
Aah, so youre the rumoured one . The first person to be branded inept in the whole schools history .
So it seems .
I see . So even with your strong magic, you are still branded inept? Whats the aptitude test for then?
Emilia seems to be surprised at Rays simple question .
RaRay-kun . It that statement a royal critique?
Aah, sorry . Lets pretend you didnt hear that .
I didnt hear .
I couldnt help laughing at Rays attitude towards royalty .
Youre a pretty interesting guy .
Really? Is that okay? Ive often been told I cant read the air very well .
Thats amusing .
Ray lets out another refreshing smile .
Thats the first time Ive been praised for that .
Ray turns towards Emilia .
Can I join the group of an inept person?
Thats . its allowed . but as one of the chaos generation that regarded as a potential reincarnation of the founder you should make a more suitable judgement regarding your position .
Emilia presses her view on Ray forcefully .
Understood . A suitable judgement .
Ray tightness his expression and turns back to me .
Well then, Can I join Arnos-kuns group?
Fumu . Did he think as long as he makes a face befitting a member of royalty he would be fine?
He really cant read the air at all .
Emilia seems to have had too many surprises for one day . Her eyes are wide open and her mouth is hanging open but she doesnt seem to have noticed at all .
Actually, this is a masterpiece .
. Whats going on? Why is the tempering demon sword saint going to the inept persons camp all of a sudden?
. Even if its temporary its too much . .
Now that Ray Grandori had arrived I thought that finally, that inept person and his arrogance would be finished
The ruthless voices of the royal students leak out .
As expected of Arnos-sama! He showed himself to be better without any fighting . How cool!
Yes! Arnos-samas charm is so great even the tempering demon sword saint has fallen to it!
Wait! I noticed something enormous!
If he fell to Arnos-samas charm then isnt this love at first sight!?
Eeeeh . Then isnt Ray-kun our rival?
BuBut hes a man . !!
Thats powerless before love!!
The voices of the strange Arnos Fan Union ring out .
Is that fine? It seems like there will be some disappointed people .
I hint about his royal colleagues .
Yeah, hes thinking deeply over it now .
If Im honest, I was wondering what I would do if there were no good leaders but isnt Arnos-kun absolutely stronger than me? Ray says in a down-to-earth tone of voice .
It seems he doesnt care that Im an inept person .
I dont know if its his true intention but I dont hear any lies either .
I guess .
Then please let me . It matches my nature to serve under a talented leader .
This freedom of not being bound to royalty is like the mazoku of 2000 years ago .
That is my reason . Is it okay?
Fumu . In that case, I decline .
Rays expression turns blank .
If you just want to blindly follow orders then join any group here . If you want to be one of my subordinates then, by all means, show me the corresponding power .
Arnos-kun .
Suddenly a striking expression floats on Rays face and he says in a theatrical tone of voice .
Even though I said I wanted to follow orders Im not that carefree to blindly follow them . I have something I must do at any cost . Yes, a mission . In order to do that Ill become your hands and feet and climb to the top of this academy . I want to be put in your group at any cost!!
Is that so? Then show me suitable power .
Ray returned to a refreshing smile again .
. Thats strange . I thought that performance was pretty good . .
I cant get a grasp on this man . It feels like hes air .
Eh? Did he just turn down the tempering demon sword saint!?
As expected of Arnos-sama! Haughty! Hes so haughty!
Wait! Ive noticed enormous!
What now?
. Ray -kun said he wanted to put it in
What about receiving!?
The Arnos Fan Union were having an incomprehensible conversation .
Ah, thats right Misa . You can enter Rays group .
Eh? Errm . . yes . If you say so Arnos-sama then I will . Misa says in a puzzled voice .
Combine your strengths and challenge me in the test . If you do well Ill add you to my subordinates .
. . Understood .
I watched Ray .
Is that okay?
A leader is too out of character for me . .
Fumu . He said that a while ago but I thought he was being modest but he doesnt seem to be .
Being a leader is essential to becoming a demon emperor along with power . He has the power but doesnt seem interested in positions or politics .
Youre very interesting . I only wanted to play a little but if you arent motivated I wont force you .
No, its fine . Im interested in you too .
Ray states his opinion and smiles his refreshing smile .
Be gentle .
Nah . Im going to smash you with my full power .
Ray had a strange expression on his face before correcting himself .
As a matter of fact, I have a one-year-old daughter waiting for my return .
My my . Then you will have to fight with your full power so you can return alive to her .
I laughed at Ray . That has to be a lie . Hes an irresponsible man .
Whats that for?
No, it doesnt matter . I feel like I can get along with Arnos-kun very well .
Fumu . Thats strange . Even though this was a chance meeting I just had the same thought myself .
Even though Im just being whimsical my words seemed to fall into place and in my gut, I knew them to be right .
(1) Im having trouble with his nickname/title . The author used . is sword saint, is demon and is tempering, refine, drill, train, polish . I couldnt think of anything that sounded good in English so if anyone has a better suggestion Im all ears . Im starting to wonder if the author was playing around with the alchemist kanji and was going for something like demon alchemist sword saint?