_Jewish Farmer_, 174 Second Ave., New York.
_Kennel Advocate_, 636 Market St., Sierra Madre, Cal.
_The Milk Magazine_, Waterloo, Iowa.
_National Alfalfa Journal_, Otis Building, Chicago.
_Orchard and Farm_, 1111 So. Broadway, Los Angeles, Cal.
_Potato Magazine_, Room 605, 139 No. Clark St., Chicago.
_Power Farming_, St. Joseph, Mich.
_Rabbitcraft and Small Stock Journal_, Lamoni, Iowa.
_Southern Agriculturist_, Nashville, Tenn.
_Wallace's Farmer_, Des Moines, Iowa.
Almost every magazine uses juvenile material, and there are many that specialize in it. The following markets use the well-known type of photograph and ill.u.s.trated article which are of interest--travel, how-to-make-it, etc. A great field is open here to picturized activities of boys.
_The American Boy_, 142 Lafayette Blvd., Detroit, Mich.
_Boy's Magazine_, Scarsdale, N.Y.
_Cla.s.smate_, 420 Plum St., Cincinnati, Ohio.
_Forward_, Witherspoon Bldg., Philadelphia.
_Girl's World_, 1701 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
_Junior Christian Endeavor World_, 31 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Ma.s.s.
_Kind Words_, Nashville, Tenn.
_Open Road_, 248 Boylston St., Boston.
_St. Nicholas Magazine_, 353 Fourth Ave., New York.
_Youth's Companion_, 881 Commonwealth Ave., Boston, Ma.s.s.
Religious publications are not given to printing many photographs, although there is a market of appreciable size here. This field is a difficult one to generalize upon, but the following may be taken as such a list:
_Adult Student_, Nashville, Tenn.
_American Messenger_, 101 Park Avenue, New York, New York.
_Christian Advocate_, 810 Broadway, Nashville, Tenn.
_Christian Endeavor World_, 31 Mt. Vernon St., Boston, Ma.s.s., uses photographic covers.
David C. Cook Company, Elgin, Illinois, publishes about forty magazines, which use a great amount of photographs and ill.u.s.trated material.
_Epworth Herald_, 740 Rush St., Chicago.
_Front Rank_, 2710 Pine St., St. Louis, Mo.
_Lookout_, Cincinnati, Ohio, uses photographs for covers.
_The Missionary_, Apostolic Mission House, Brookland, Washington, D.C.
_Sunday School World_, 1816 Chestnut St., Philadelphia.
_The Watchword_, Otterbein Press, Dayton, Ohio.
Here is a group of magazines which is deeply interested in unusual fishing-trips, hunts, and such excursions--it wants material on the animals in water or air or on land, that its readers may bag them the more easily; it desires material on bird-dogs, on outdoor devices and tricks, on tennis, motoring, baseball, cats, dogs, golf, horses, yachting, and on every phase of outdoor and sport life. Photographs of men prominent in each line are wanted; prints of hunting, fishing, camping, canoeing, sailing, and everything connected with the big outdoors. Here is a large and remunerative market for open-air photographs and sport prints.
_Aerial Age_, 280 Madison Ave., New York, wants material on aviation.
_All Outdoors_, _Outing_, _Forest and Stream_, _Field and Stream_, etc., want the wide variety of outdoor material that appeals to any sort of sportsman. These magazines circulate widely, and a study of them will disclose their needs.
Dogs are the subjects of such magazines as _American Beagle_, 639 West Federal St., Youngstown, Ohio; _Dogdom_, Battle Creek, Michigan; _Dog Fancier_, Battle Creek, Michigan; _Dog World_, 1333 So. California Ave., Chicago.
Material about cats is welcomed by such as _Cat Review_, 196 Centre St., Orange, New Jersey.
Fishing material appeals to the general run of outdoor magazines, including _American Angler_, 1400 Broadway, New York.
Tennis appeals to _American Lawn Tennis_, 120 Broadway, New York, and the _Tennis Review_, California Bldg., Los Angeles, Cal.
Golf material is used by _American Golfer_, 49 Liberty St., New York, and _Golfer's Magazine_, 1355 Monadnock Block, Chicago.
Motoring appeals to a long list of such publications as:
_American Motorist_, Riggs Building, Washington, D.C.
_Mileage_, 4415 No. Racine Ave., Chicago.
_Motor_, 119 West 40th St., New York.
_Motordom_, 110 State St., Chicago.