Makikomarete Isekai Teni Suru Yatsu Wa - Chapter 40

Chapter 40

“Zero, do you know where the demon king is?”

A few days after Luna and the heroes broke up, Kyousai suddenly asked Zero.

The other slaves are not here.

“All of a sudden. What's wrong?”

“Well, I think I'll go to Makai soon. And I want new ingredients.”

“In short, you got bored?”

” I'm not denying it.”

“Hmm… Shujin, don't fret.”

” So, where is the Demon King staying?”

“What is the Demon King?”



The two people were puzzled at the same time. It was Kyousai that began to talk first.

“Where … Isn't the Demon King one person?”

Then, Zero answered with a slightly disgusted face.

“It's not natural. Like this human world, there are a few kingdoms in the devil world as well.”

Hearing the words, Kyousai was convinced that there was something off.

(… After all, was it a lie that it would be possible to return after defeating the devil… Well, it was quite a lie.) [TN in previous chapters the author always named the enemy as 'Majin', which I translated as ‘devil', but now he uses 'Maou' that is translated as demon king or demon lord.]

Then something broke out in Kyousai.


The subtle changes in Kyousai seem to have been noticed by Zero. He laughed a little to answer the question.


“I will talk about some important things. I will call Misha and the other, Zero will be waiting here.”

Kyousai made up his mind to confide to his subordinates.



“Are we finally leaving?”

Misha asks Kyousai that gathered the girls in a few seconds.

“Oh, we are leaving today. But that's not what I'm going to do right now.”

Kyousai said in a more serious tone than ever, so the subordinates hold their breath. And then Kyousai continued talking.

“-About my true ident.i.ty”

For a moment, the time stopped, but it also starts to move immediately.

“The true ident.i.ty of Nus.h.i.+sama…………”

Luna said so.

“Yes, about my ident.i.ty. First of all, let's apologize to everyone. I haven't amnesia. I am —”

“You are not a human of this world, right?”

Zero interrupted Kyousai's words and said so.

“… Did you notice?”

Then, Zero giggles.

“What now? We all know that.”

When Kyousai looked around, everyone nodded.

(No way, they were really aware…)

He recalled that he had such a conversation with Zero before.

“… How long have you been aware?”

After all, that's what bothers him.

Everyone nodded with conviction, so there was supposed to be a good reason.

The first to answer was Misha.

“I noticed when Kyousai was having a nightmare. Because he used words that are not from this world.”

“Same as the former”

Leia seemed to have the same reason as Misha.

“What about Luna?”

He asked Luna because she was a little embarra.s.sed to be poked at what she was doing.

“I am a little like Misha and Leia. It was from nus.h.i.+sama's word, not from a nightmare.

“… what did I say?”

“Before we met Zero, I could hear the word “Stun gun”… It was clearly not the language of this world if you were listening to the continuation.”

(Oh … that time … …)

Kyousai had no choice but to laugh hard.

Luna was able to use summoning magic normally, and it was the beginning of things that I thought about Luna's close combat.

(After all, I was not able to complete a satisfactory stun gun …)

Even now, he thought a little about trying to make it through trial and error.

However, the idea was shaken off, and he finally asked Zero.

“… How was it Zero? You have less time with us.”

He asked her lightly, but the answer that came back was a tremendous and destructive answer.

“Eh, because I have been in another world before”

“… Waa?”

Kyousai couldn't move for a few seconds. But a few seconds later, Kyousai squeezed his voice and tried again.

“Zero … what the h.e.l.l did you say?”

“So, I've been to a world that's not this world. It's a different world.”

Then, Zero looks at something far away. However, Kyousai doesn't care about that and keeps asking questions to Zero.

“Do you know what the world was called?”

“I'm sorry. I don't know.”

“Okay……. no. Then, how did you come back from that world to this world?”

“I don't remember that well……. no. It's as if the event was a dream. Well, it's a long time ago, and maybe it's just forgotten.”

Zero laughs so nostalgically. However, this was enough for Kyousai.

(Maybe I should have told them about it from the beginning……)

Yes, the fact that there is a way out of this world was enough. However, at the same time, Kyousai had a heartache.

(Yes … yeah. I'm going to say goodbye to these guys …)

In spite of being a little happy to be able to get out of this world, his heart hurts.


It seems strange to Misha.

“… I don't know.”

Kyousai muttered bit by bit. The words were guessed by everyone.

Yes, that means-.

“Why don't you ask me if I'm going back to the Old world?”

That's right. It was zero that answered the question.

“It doesn't make sense to ask for an answer… Because the master decides it in the end. And —”

Zero glanced at everyone and said:

“Sometimes I don't want to hear the answer.”

At first, Kyousai did not understand the meaning of those words.

After seeing this Zero continues talking.

“… You are loved by us, that's all.”

Zero's smile at that time was a few steps more beautiful than usual.



“Well, before we leave, we need to check our status.”

The previous topic was closed, and they decided to check the status that they had not done in the last few months.

“Speaking of which, I have never seen Shujin's status.”

Zero says so and saw Kyousai.

“Oh … that's right. Well, this is an opportunity. Check the status of everyone.”

“I understand. Shujin will do it last”


“Isn't the pleasure what you keep last?”

“Hey, I do not know what you mean”

“It doesn't matter, let us see Misha first”




HP 12000596/12000596

MP 12000361/12000361

STR 900196

DEX 1000233

VIT 900140

INT 900136

AGI 1200255

MND 900131

LUK 20


Taijutsu LV78

Swordsmans.h.i.+p LV 79

Dagger LV 92

Throwing LV 89

Archery LV77

Cooking LV23

Intimidation LV86

Hide LV65

a.n.a.lysis LV42

s.p.a.ce grasp LV 58

Crisis Alert LV53

Abnormal condition tolerance LV80

Fire attribute LV89

Water attribute LV86

Earth attribute LV96

Wind attribute LV94

Light attribute LV81

Darkness attribute LV88

HP automatic recovery speed rise LV71

MP automatic recovery speed rise LV70

Super concealment

Item box


Fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness



Leia Angelique


HP 15002012/15002012

MP 10000301/0000301

STR 1703590

DEX 900141

VIT 900202

INT 900092

AGI 1000709

MND 900191

LUK 30


Attack power rise

Swordsmans.h.i.+p LV85

Great Luck LV90

Taijutsu LV88

Archery LV70

Cooking LV12

Intimidation LV 87

Hide LV65

a.n.a.lysis LV40

s.p.a.ce grasp LV 52

Crisis Alert LV60

Abnormal condition tolerance LV81

Fire attribute LV88

Water attribute LV87

Earth attribute LV90

Wind attribute LV85

Dark attribute LV86

Light attribute LV80

HP automatic recovery speed rise LV74

MP automatic recovery speed rise LV69

Breakthrough limit

Super concealment

Item box


Fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness

Complete attack type (unique)




Number of subordinates 157


HP 80000481/8000481

MP 18002402/18002402

STR 700132

DEX 700147

VIT 700196

INT 700214

AGI 700153

MND 700231

LUK 40


Taijutsu LV74

Staff LV77

Swordsmans.h.i.+p LV72

Archery LV80

Cooking LV15

Tamer LV 86

Intimidation LV 82

Hide LV 63

a.n.a.lysis LV38

s.p.a.ce grasp LV50

Crisis Alert LV 52

Abnormal condition tolerance LV 82

Fire attribute LV82

Water attribute LV83

Earth attribute LV82

Wind attribute LV80

Light attribute LV78

Dark attribute LV84

HP recovery speed rise LV80

MP recovery speed rise LV 83

Super concealment

Item box

Summon a monster



Fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness

Summon magic (unique)



Zero Vanitas

LV 35000000

HP 4.32991E + 34 / 4.32991E + 34

MP 7.10526E + 36 / 710526E + 36

STR 5.46208E + 30

DEX 4.94052E + 30

VIT 5.57430E + 30

INT 2.78821E + 32

AGI 5.10284E + 30

MND 3.72448 E + 31

LUK 150


Swordsmans.h.i.+p LV70

Staff LV70

Archery LV70

Cooking LV20

Training LV85

Hide LV 50

a.n.a.lysis LV50

s.p.a.ce grasp LV60

Crisis Alert LV60

Abnormal State invalidation

Curse invalidation

Fire attribute LV90

Water attribute LV90

Earth attribute LV90

Wind attribute LV90

Light attribute LV90

Dark attribute LV90

Void attribute LV 99

HP automatic recovery speed rise LV90

MP automatic recovery speed rise LV90

Magic attack power increase LV90

Magical Defense Increase LV 90

Physical attack power increase LV90

Physical Defense Increase LV 90

Recovery System Magic IX

Breakthrough limit

Transcendental person


Super concealment

Intimidation wave of spirits IV

Item box


Fire, water, earth, wind, light, darkness, emptiness (All attributes)

G.o.d's Recovery Magic (SP Unique)

The emperor king of emptiness (???)

The person who destroys the world (???)


“Zero is really strong.”

Looking at Zero's status, Misha could not hide her surprise.

“You guys are pretty strong too, aren't you? You can play 5 to 1 with the Demon Kings as far as I know, and …”

Zero s.h.i.+fts his point of view to Kyousai.

Then, all eyes were naturally gathered at Kyousai. And Zero opened her mouth.

“If you look at Shujin's status, you won't be able to say anything like that, right?

“Don't compare with Kyousai-sama.”

Misha says bitterly. Leia and Luna were also strong.

“I am looking forward to what kind of status you have.”

Zero smiles a little and looks at Kyousai.


However, he had no reaction.

First of all, after saying to confirm, he was so stiff that they felt like he was not moving.


When zero slightly shook Kyousai's body, he pulled together.

“Huh … …!”

“It's not “Huh …!” What happened?”

“No, I didn't check the status until now, it was pathetic.”

“Hey, Shujin, what did you really do?”

“Oh, look at my status.”

The status that Kyousai showed, it was ridiculous.


Kyousai Takanas.h.i.+

Number of subordinates 99999+


HP 4.39397E + 60 / 4.39397E + 60 (-35000000)

MP 1.82035 E + 61 / 1.8035 E + 61 (-40000000)

STR 5.02168E + 59 (-3300000)

DEX 5.64939E + 59 (-2600000)

VIT 4.39397E + 59 (-2500000)

INT 5.64939E + 59 (-2500000)

AGI 5.02168E + 59 (-2900000)

MND 3.70349E + 60 (-2500000)

LUK 500


Language understanding

Hypera.n.a.lysis IV

Swordsmans.h.i.+p LV90

Katana LV 99

Two swords LV 99

Thin sword technique LV 99

Throwing LV 50

Great Luck LV50

Staff LV50

Taijutsu LV90

Spear LV 97

Archery LV50

s.h.i.+eld LV96

Large s.h.i.+eld LV93

Training LV 99

a.n.a.lysis LV12

s.p.a.ce grasp LV 80

Crisis Alert LV 92

Cooking LV94

Diving LV 82

Blood feeding LV50

Drug production LV33

Weapon generation LV42

Life magic

Burning Breath

Frigid Breath

Lightning Control

The trigger of a catastrophe


Summon a monster


Command undead

Fire attribute LV80

Water attribute LV80

Earth attribute LV80

Wind attribute LV80

Dark attribute LV80

Light attribute LV80

Void attribute LV60

HP recovery speed increase LV 75

MP recovery speed increase LV 75

Item box

Super concealment II

Abnormal State invalidation

Curse invalidation

Intimidation beyond all

Limit Breakthrough

Transcendental person


Holy Knight

All-purpose knight

Dragon killer

G.o.d Killer

Skill stealing

Level up status double

Kin status distribution

Kin Skill Distribution II.

Required Experience 1/100


Fire, water, earth, wind, darkness, light, Void (All attributes)

Imagination magic (SP unique)

King of Dragons (unique)

Summon magic (unique)

Dead spirit magic (unique)

Being on a dragon (???)

The person who destroys the world (???)

A person beyond G.o.d (???)

The person who killed G.o.d (???)

Strongest fate (???)


“””” ………… “”””

――― No words.

The subordinates who should have already got used to it had become silent without saying anything.

All of the members should have accepted it firmly. However, they are putting a stop to not accept somewhere.

Even Kyousai is puzzled.

It is impossible to say that you should accept this status immediately.

They were silent for many minutes. Finally, Misha opened her mouth.

“… Kyousai. When did you kill G.o.d?”

Misha had eyes somewhere far away. In response to that question, he said:

“……I do not remember”

Thus, one G.o.d has disappeared from this world.