"in scales, meat, bones, we detected an excess of the maximum permissible concentration of hazardous substances 40 times" !!!!
"So we are forced to do laboratories research!"
"But if everything is clean, then you will be able to get $ 1 20 cents for 1 kg!"
"Beauty, and only"!
"Well, what do you say grandfather"?
- HHM, HHM, "Well, what can I do with you, let's decide on this, but let the price be 4 dollars 50 cents"!
"Her grandfather, it will not work like that, we still have to bring your goods to the city, pay taxes, sort them by boxes ...".
- "Howl, howl, I myself can arrange the boxes"!
"Look, grandfather you said yourself, do not fool"!
"If you pay a fine, for deception, a penalty!"
The old man remarked - "well, well, son, let's do everything according to the mind, so that you throw 30 cents on top and agree"?
Dara, slyly smiled "Well, grandfather, if you give me that old motorcycle, then we will agree on the price of 4 dollars 30 cents"!
- "Why did you think that, d.a.m.ned"?
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"This motorcycle, my father brought back from the war with the Germans, is the memory of him!"
- "But I agree to exchange it for something necessary in the household and if you raise the price to 4 dollars 45 cents"!
"Oh, old man, you are all about s.h.i.+t, who will buy from you at that price?"
- "Hey, where are you, young yet, this is the East, we just say, do not take money for the demand"!
- "hot you, impatient ..,"!
"I have money, old man!"
- "Hoi, hoi, ok, what are your conditions?"
Dara smiled: "Dear, and how do you look at what we exchanged, I will give you a new motorcycle, three-wheeled with a trailer, it is Iranian good, better than the Chinese!"
"Put 12 cents on top"?
- "Hey, boy, motorcycle, German, old, it costs a lot of money, and you give me an Iranian three-wheeled, unknown firm"?
Dara, hemmed ... "but your motorcycle is in the barn, it gets wet, it rusts, its restoration will be very expensive. And in Iran you will be able to earn money"!
- "but this is the memory of the father"!
"Well, memory, of course, is not for sale ...".
"Then we agreed, we will buy goods from you for 4 dollars 12 cents ...".
- Ahem, ahem ... "but on the other hand, it will disappear from me, and you will have it in safety ... let me give you a moped to the Iranian motorcycle" ?!
"agreed, dear grandfather, I will also give five cans of gasoline!"
- "Good, good, and what is the price of my dried fruit"?
Dara, smiling said: "If the quality is good, then we'll get together for 4 dollars 25 cents"!
- "Eh, they ruined the old man, but oh well, it will come down and so ... do it yourself then make sure that my products are excellent, raise it yourself"
- "Aah"?
"Look at the old man, first check, and then talk about the future ...".
After talking with the old man, Dara exchanged part of her goods and partly bought dry fruits and nuts from the old man. He bought a total of 800 kg ...
Two trucks, damask went further to the mountains "Pistachio" ...