It would be interesting to hear them!
"Yes, please!"
- Who do not know, do not like.
-No one realizes his lack.
- True bends, but does not break. For truth, there is no death.
- If you are right, then the conviction will end with an excuse.
- Do not touch the tired, do not touch the exhausted. Because in such a state people are angry.
- When there is gold in the hand, there is no price for it (i.e., it doesn't appreciate good when it owns it).
- Hit yourself, if it doesn't hurt - then hit the other.
- For a good cause there is no word late!
- I did it once - help, I did it twice - it became a habit.
- Drunk sour milk got rid of, and licked a bucket (in which there was milk) caught.
- If there is no time to put up with you, then put up with time.
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- Drop by drop - the lake will be.
- On the words of another, speak - well, but do not lag behind your business.
- If you consider yourself a man, then consider another as a lion (that is, consider the dignity of others).
- I saw it once - knowledge, I saw it twice - acquaintance.
- Without labor, the craft does not happen.
- To bend an oak means to break it.
Among the barley comes across weeds.
- Is the soul sweeter? Is halva sweeter?
- New jug and water is clean.
- Do not sing someone else's song, sing your song.
- And a little stone will break your head.
- The gra.s.s does not grow on the salt marsh.
- For the payer and five a lot, but for the recipient and six a little.
- Flour worm and from under the millstone comes out whole.
- If you find the money count, if you meet a man try.
"Be a companion to a blind man, but be not a heartless companion."
- Hidden blind, will not find the sighted.
- Do not help the unworthy person.
- Speak a word to that, understands.
"Ask for advice from someone who has worn your s.h.i.+rt."
- A good word is food for the soul, a bad word is a stake for the head.
- Talking as a joke, tells what's on his mind.
- Whoever regrets himself, he will regret the other.
- Each satellite has an intention.
- I uksus darovoy slashche moda.
- Kogda nepriyatel'skoye voysko udalitsya, chislo khrabretsov uvelichitsya.
- Pust' budet staraya odezhda, lish' by gryaznoy ne byla.
- Bespoleznykh slov ne govori, ot proizneseniya slov poleznykh ne otkazyvaysya.
- Mnogo slov - klad dlya osla.
- Rana ot sabli zazhivayet, rana ot yazyka net.
- Iz kolyuchi roza vykhodit, iz rozy - kolyuchka.
- Yesli idesh' na pir - idi ran'she. Pridya ran'she - vybiray khorosheye mesto.
- Idushchiy po pryamoy doroge natknetsya na kaznu, idushchiy po krivoy na bedu.
- Gde mnogo pastukhov, tam mnogo ovets propadayet.
- Sobaka brosayetsya na pobezhdennogo.
- Sobake, laskayushcheysya k khozyainu, brosayut kost'.
- Noch' bez vora ne byvayet, gora bez volka ne byvayet.
- I lyagushka kvaknet yesli na neyo nastupit'!
- Kuritse, kotoraya bez vremeni krichit, otrezayut golovu.
- Khitrost' odnoy zhenshchiny poklazha dlya 40 oslov.
- Muzh i zhena - para soyedinennykh yarmom volov.
- Mezhdu muzhem i zhenoy stanovit'sya lish' suma.s.sheds.h.i.+y.
- Khoroshaya zhena - blagopoluchiye doma.
- Vybiray nevestu glyadya na yeyo mat'.
- Staryy khlopok ne idet na kholst, zakorenelyy vrag ne budet drugom.
- Druzey i tysyachi malo, vragov i odin mnogo.
- Glupyy druzhit s vragom i ssorit'sya s drugom.
- Ot khoroshego cheloveka ostanetsya imya ot durnogo klyauza.
- Yesli u tebya sosed krivoy i ty prishchur' glaz.
- Yesli prodayesh' kover. proday sosedu, posidish' na konchike togo kovra i sam.
- Yesli ty spokoyen, to i sosed spokoyen.
- Umnyy vrag luchshe glupogo druga.
«Chto skazat', nas.h.i.+ predki byli mudry! Vremya bylo drugoye, srazu vidno po slovam o chem lyudi dumali»!
«A seychas interesno kakiye aforizmy yest'»? Skazal zadumchivo Arash.
Legko tebe ikh seychas ya ra.s.skazhu. Ty vse na taksi yezdish', a nado v ocheredyakh stoyat', na gorodskom transporte yezdit' togda budesh' v kurse sovremennykh problem gorozhan!
Net, ya na taksi ne yezzhu, ya yezzhu na svoyom skutere… dlya nego ne nuzhno dazhe poluchat' prava, ne nuzhny znaki registratsii…
Eto vot ya uslyshal na rynke:
«Khamero mor megazat Moro kharchasonak» - Vsekh kusayet zmeya, a nas vonyuchiy zhuk.
- "On nish be in nish nimi arzat" - Tot mod ne stoit tekh zhal.
- "Sir askholi gurestne khabar nadorat" - Sytyy golodnogo ne razumeyet.
- And free vinegar is sweeter than honey.
- When the enemy army withdraws, the number of brave men will increase.
- Let it be old clothes, if only it was not dirty.
- Do not say useless words, do not refuse to p.r.o.nounce useful words.
- A lot of words - a treasure for an a.s.s.
- The wound from the saber heals, there is no wound from the tongue.
- From a p.r.i.c.kly rose comes out, from a rose - a thorn.
- If you go to a feast - go before. Coming early - choose a good place.
- Going on a straight road stumbles upon the treasury, going along a curve for trouble.
- Where there are many shepherds, there are a lot of sheep disappears.
- The dog rushes to the vanquished.
- A dog caressing the owner is thrown a bone.
"There is no night without a thief; there is no mountain without a wolf."
- And the frog croaks if you step on it!
- The hen that shouts without time is cut off the head.
- The trick of a woman luggage for 40 donkeys.
"Husband and wife are a pair of oxen joined in a yoke."
- Between a husband and wife, only the madman becomes.
- A good wife - well-being at home.
- Choose a bride looking at her mother.
- Old cotton does not go to the canvas, a hardened enemy will not be a friend.
- There are few friends and thousands, and one and many enemies.
- Silly friends with the enemy and quarrel with a friend.
- From a good person will remain the name of the evil slander.
- If you have a neighbor curve and you squint eyes.
- If you sell a carpet. sell to your neighbor, sit on the tip of that carpet yourself.
- If you are calm, then the neighbor is calm.
"A clever foe is better than a foolish friend."
"What can I say, our ancestors were wise! The time was different, immediately visible from the words of what people thought "!
"And now I wonder what aphorisms are"? Arash said thoughtfully.
Easy for you to tell them now. You are all in a taxi ride, but you have to stand in lines, on public transport you will then be aware of the current problems of the townspeople!
No, I do not take a taxi, I ride my scooter ... you don't even need to get rights, you don't need registration signs ...
This is what I heard on the market:
- "Hamero mor Megazat Moro Harcasonak" - A serpent bites everyone, and a stinky bug bites us.
- "On nish be in nish nimi arzzat" - That honey is not worth those stings.
- "Sir asholi to gurestne, habar nadorat" - Fed hunger does not understand.