The second method of applying fat, the frozen melted part, is drowned again and rubbed into the back, thereby warming it, and so they used to treat pneumonia.
The third method, ghee, was used as a modern ointment "long", which is needed to anesthetize inflamed joints.
The fourth way to use melted fat is to interfere with it in honey. In the modern version, the addition of cocoa. It turns out chocolate b.u.t.ter, which seizes the decoction of southern moss, Parmelia. It is boiled, the moss is filtered, it turns out - an orange liquid. It is slightly cooled and drunk in small sips 1-2 times a day. In 10 days. The taste of the broth is tart, slightly bitterness, it is difficult to drink. But it heals the lungs, pneumonia, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. And b.u.t.ter from ghee, seize this broth. 1 tablespoon per 300 ml. So did the nomads in the south, and their neighbors in the north used Icelandic Moss. It treats dry cough and even tuberculosis. A melted fat of deer, gives this broth an opportunity to work better.
Nomads of the south, ate boiled lamb, and then used a decoction of blue hyperic.u.m or simpler chicory. He was repairing damaged lungs from tuberculosis, along with mare's milk. The fresh air of the steppe. It had an amazing, sometimes just magical healing effect. Those who in cities were almost on the verge between this world and those in the steppe with this treatment became strong and strong, healthy people.
Internal fat, itself gives the dish a taste, it becomes juicier, it contains a useful complex along with sheep's meat, vitamins, and minerals. There are vitamins of group B.
Those who ate sheep's meat, their tendons didn't suffer from anemia, they had no problems with joints, arthritis, bones were strong.
A piece of lamb was saturated with magical juice and magical water, thereby activating the energy that was inherent in the meat. In the usual mode of cooking meat, these healing powers were not activated, since there was no key that would include the beginning of the reaction mechanism of the healing properties of meat.
Dara, himself was struck by the transformation of a piece of lamb, he glowed with internal energy, spiritual plants, activated a small fraction of the internal energy of lamb. Now this piece of meat, if cooked correctly, could increase the defenses of the human body from colds by 70 percent. If a ram ate plants from a magic farm, drank water from a magical artesian spring, then the healing properties could manifest by 700-900 percent. That is, to completely rid a person of the flu, SARS, and MERS. An ordinary person, creating him a powerful immunity for 1 year. That is, the two main seasons of the disease with these viruses are autumn and spring. And it was a tasty, healthy, pleasant medicine. This was an ancient method used in Persian healing culinary known since the time of the Avesta. That is, the 8th century BC.
Dara, I decided to try, can this Arabian soup really turn out?
Dara, boiled water on the wood of a cherry tree. He could have used an electric kettle, but that was not an authentic method. It would affect the taste, aroma, texture of this soup and naturally would change its healing properties.
Ancient recipes, there is no place for the experiment in them. since all the weight parameters, all the components of the products and cooking methods make up the now-lost secret art of Tao.
This is the DAO of the enlightened path, the DAO of spiritual healing cooking. The ancient recipes encrypted methods of cultivating the mind and body, healing culinary alchemy.
Only in the 11th century did the famous scientist and researcher Abu Ali Husayn ibn Abdullah ibn al-Hasan ibn Ali ibn Sin managed to solve this mystery. He encrypted it in his Canon on Medical Medicine, and the keys to the secret were in his other books Al-Adviyat al-kalbiya (Medicines), Urjus fit-tib (Poem on Medicine), Phi tadbir al-musofirin (Events for travelers).
His books contained knowledge of chemistry, astronomy, mechanics, geology, music, and philosophy.
After in the 20th century, when his work "The Canon of Medical Science" was translated, many bibliophiles and scientists could not decipher his prescriptions. They could not find those plants or alchemical substances. There were names, but what they meant was unknown. Of the 3,700 recipes, only 540 were able to be decrypted. But they did not understand the underlying internal information. Just read the outer sh.e.l.l of the alchemical recipe.
Since readers could not use the book keys, they were not translated, they were in handwritten form. And when they were translated into the language of the second empire, part of the untranslated information was omitted in the first edition. And in the second they were translated, but part of the chapters was reduced.
To understand the essence, it was necessary to read two books.
and still be overlaid with guides on medicinal plants, pharmaceutical guides, the Arabic dictionary of ancient interpretations. For over 10 centuries, the Arabic language itself has changed somewhat.
And not all readers had knowledge of mechanics, philosophy, medicine, astronomy, geology, mineralogy, and alchemy of that time. And modern knowledge has already gone far ahead. To understand the encrypted code, one had to possess ancient knowledge, some of which were lost.
In fact, everything was simple ... that ancient explorer found another place, a meteorite fall, there were many of them. But not all places have been discovered. As usual in our world. There are many more secrets, the world has hidden from people, they are still not ready to perceive them and use them for constructive rather than destructive purposes.
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He knew the power of alien microbes, viruses, he gained access to the knowledge base, he understood how to activate spiritual energy inside plants and minerals. How to use it to treat people, he recreated the lost information from the time of Sir Pay, Greeks, Romans, Arabs, Chinese. He was able to decipher the Silk Road healing culinary book.
Centuries pa.s.sed, one stubborn mountaineer was able to understand the cipher of that ancient scientist of the 11th century. His name was Amirdovlat Amasiatsi the great scientist. He was able to convey part of his knowledge in his work "Unnecessary for the Uneducated". It was the 15th century.
No one else ... could figure out that cipher ...